A workload is an application running on Kubernetes.
Whether your workload is a single component or several that work together, on Kubernetes you run
it inside a set of pods.
In Kubernetes, a Pod represents a set of running
containers on your cluster.
Kubernetes pods have a defined lifecycle.
For example, once a pod is running in your cluster then a critical fault on the
node where that pod is running means that
all the pods on that node fail. Kubernetes treats that level of failure as final: you
would need to create a new Pod to recover, even if the node later becomes healthy.
However, to make life considerably easier, you don't need to manage each Pod directly.
Instead, you can use workload resources that manage a set of pods on your behalf.
These resources configure controllers
that make sure the right number of the right kind of pod are running, to match the state
you specified.
Kubernetes provides several built-in workload resources:
Deployment and ReplicaSet
(replacing the legacy resource
Deployment is a good fit for managing a stateless application workload on your cluster,
where any Pod in the Deployment is interchangeable and can be replaced if needed.
StatefulSet lets you
run one or more related Pods that do track state somehow. For example, if your workload
records data persistently, you can run a StatefulSet that matches each Pod with a
PersistentVolume. Your code, running in the
Pods for that StatefulSet, can replicate data to other Pods in the same StatefulSet
to improve overall resilience.
DaemonSet defines Pods that provide
facilities that are local to nodes.
Every time you add a node to your cluster that matches the specification in a DaemonSet,
the control plane schedules a Pod for that DaemonSet onto the new node.
Each pod in a DaemonSet performs a job similar to a system daemon on a classic Unix / POSIX
server. A DaemonSet might be fundamental to the operation of your cluster, such as
a plugin to run cluster networking,
it might help you to manage the node,
or it could provide optional behavior that enhances the container platform you are running.
Job and
CronJob provide different ways to
define tasks that run to completion and then stop.
You can use a Job to
define a task that runs to completion, just once. You can use a
CronJob to run
the same Job multiple times according a schedule.
In the wider Kubernetes ecosystem, you can find third-party workload resources that provide
additional behaviors. Using a
custom resource definition,
you can add in a third-party workload resource if you want a specific behavior that's not part
of Kubernetes' core. For example, if you wanted to run a group of Pods for your application but
stop work unless all the Pods are available (perhaps for some high-throughput distributed task),
then you can implement or install an extension that does provide that feature.
What's next
As well as reading about each API kind for workload management, you can read how to
do specific tasks:
Once your application is running, you might want to make it available on the internet as
a Service or, for web application only,
using an Ingress.
1 - Pods
Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes.
A Pod (as in a pod of whales or pea pod) is a group of one or more
containers, with shared storage and network resources, and a specification for how to run the containers. A Pod's contents are always co-located and
co-scheduled, and run in a shared context. A Pod models an
application-specific "logical host": it contains one or more application
containers which are relatively tightly coupled.
In non-cloud contexts, applications executed on the same physical or virtual machine are analogous to cloud applications executed on the same logical host.
As well as application containers, a Pod can contain
init containers that run
during Pod startup. You can also inject
ephemeral containers
for debugging a running Pod.
What is a Pod?
You need to install a container runtime
into each node in the cluster so that Pods can run there.
The shared context of a Pod is a set of Linux namespaces, cgroups, and
potentially other facets of isolation - the same things that isolate a container. Within a Pod's context, the individual applications may have
further sub-isolations applied.
A Pod is similar to a set of containers with shared namespaces and shared filesystem volumes.
Pods in a Kubernetes cluster are used in two main ways:
Pods that run a single container. The "one-container-per-Pod" model is the
most common Kubernetes use case; in this case, you can think of a Pod as a
wrapper around a single container; Kubernetes manages Pods rather than managing
the containers directly.
Pods that run multiple containers that need to work together. A Pod can
encapsulate an application composed of
multiple co-located containers that are
tightly coupled and need to share resources. These co-located containers
form a single cohesive unit.
Grouping multiple co-located and co-managed containers in a single Pod is a
relatively advanced use case. You should use this pattern only in specific
instances in which your containers are tightly coupled.
You don't need to run multiple containers to provide replication (for resilience
or capacity); if you need multiple replicas, see
Workload management.
Using Pods
The following is an example of a Pod which consists of a container running the image nginx:1.14.2.
Pods are generally not created directly and are created using workload resources.
See Working with Pods for more information on how Pods are used
with workload resources.
Workload resources for managing pods
Usually you don't need to create Pods directly, even singleton Pods. Instead, create them using workload resources such as Deployment or Job.
If your Pods need to track state, consider the
StatefulSet resource.
Each Pod is meant to run a single instance of a given application. If you want to
scale your application horizontally (to provide more overall resources by running
more instances), you should use multiple Pods, one for each instance. In
Kubernetes, this is typically referred to as replication.
Replicated Pods are usually created and managed as a group by a workload resource
and its controller.
See Pods and controllers for more information on how
Kubernetes uses workload resources, and their controllers, to implement application
scaling and auto-healing.
Pods natively provide two kinds of shared resources for their constituent containers:
networking and storage.
Working with Pods
You'll rarely create individual Pods directly in Kubernetes—even singleton Pods. This
is because Pods are designed as relatively ephemeral, disposable entities. When
a Pod gets created (directly by you, or indirectly by a
controller), the new Pod is
scheduled to run on a Node in your cluster.
The Pod remains on that node until the Pod finishes execution, the Pod object is deleted,
the Pod is evicted for lack of resources, or the node fails.
Restarting a container in a Pod should not be confused with restarting a Pod. A Pod
is not a process, but an environment for running container(s). A Pod persists until
it is deleted.
The name of a Pod must be a valid
DNS subdomain
value, but this can produce unexpected results for the Pod hostname. For best compatibility,
the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a
DNS label.
Pod OS
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.25 [stable]
You should set the .spec.os.name field to either windows or linux to indicate the OS on
which you want the pod to run. These two are the only operating systems supported for now by
Kubernetes. In the future, this list may be expanded.
In Kubernetes v1.32, the value of .spec.os.name does not affect
how the kube-scheduler
picks a node for the Pod to run on. In any cluster where there is more than one operating system for
running nodes, you should set the
label correctly on each node, and define pods with a nodeSelector based on the operating system
label. The kube-scheduler assigns your pod to a node based on other criteria and may or may not
succeed in picking a suitable node placement where the node OS is right for the containers in that Pod.
The Pod security standards also use this
field to avoid enforcing policies that aren't relevant to the operating system.
Pods and controllers
You can use workload resources to create and manage multiple Pods for you. A controller
for the resource handles replication and rollout and automatic healing in case of
Pod failure. For example, if a Node fails, a controller notices that Pods on that
Node have stopped working and creates a replacement Pod. The scheduler places the
replacement Pod onto a healthy Node.
Here are some examples of workload resources that manage one or more Pods:
Controllers for workload resources create Pods
from a pod template and manage those Pods on your behalf.
PodTemplates are specifications for creating Pods, and are included in workload resources such as
Jobs, and
Each controller for a workload resource uses the PodTemplate inside the workload
object to make actual Pods. The PodTemplate is part of the desired state of whatever
workload resource you used to run your app.
When you create a Pod, you can include
environment variables
in the Pod template for the containers that run in the Pod.
The sample below is a manifest for a simple Job with a template that starts one
container. The container in that Pod prints a message then pauses.
apiVersion:batch/v1kind:Jobmetadata:name:hellospec:template:# This is the pod templatespec:containers:- name:helloimage:busybox:1.28command:['sh','-c','echo "Hello, Kubernetes!" && sleep 3600']restartPolicy:OnFailure# The pod template ends here
Modifying the pod template or switching to a new pod template has no direct effect
on the Pods that already exist. If you change the pod template for a workload
resource, that resource needs to create replacement Pods that use the updated template.
For example, the StatefulSet controller ensures that the running Pods match the current
pod template for each StatefulSet object. If you edit the StatefulSet to change its pod
template, the StatefulSet starts to create new Pods based on the updated template.
Eventually, all of the old Pods are replaced with new Pods, and the update is complete.
Each workload resource implements its own rules for handling changes to the Pod template.
If you want to read more about StatefulSet specifically, read
Update strategy in the StatefulSet Basics tutorial.
On Nodes, the kubelet does not
directly observe or manage any of the details around pod templates and updates; those
details are abstracted away. That abstraction and separation of concerns simplifies
system semantics, and makes it feasible to extend the cluster's behavior without
changing existing code.
Pod update and replacement
As mentioned in the previous section, when the Pod template for a workload
resource is changed, the controller creates new Pods based on the updated
template instead of updating or patching the existing Pods.
Kubernetes doesn't prevent you from managing Pods directly. It is possible to
update some fields of a running Pod, in place. However, Pod update operations
patch, and
have some limitations:
Most of the metadata about a Pod is immutable. For example, you cannot
change the namespace, name, uid, or creationTimestamp fields;
the generation field is unique. It only accepts updates that increment the
field's current value.
If the metadata.deletionTimestamp is set, no new entry can be added to the
metadata.finalizers list.
Pod updates may not change fields other than spec.containers[*].image,
spec.initContainers[*].image, spec.activeDeadlineSeconds or
spec.tolerations. For spec.tolerations, you can only add new entries.
When updating the spec.activeDeadlineSeconds field, two types of updates
are allowed:
setting the unassigned field to a positive number;
updating the field from a positive number to a smaller, non-negative
Resource sharing and communication
Pods enable data sharing and communication among their constituent
Storage in Pods
A Pod can specify a set of shared storage
volumes. All containers
in the Pod can access the shared volumes, allowing those containers to
share data. Volumes also allow persistent data in a Pod to survive
in case one of the containers within needs to be restarted. See
Storage for more information on how
Kubernetes implements shared storage and makes it available to Pods.
Pod networking
Each Pod is assigned a unique IP address for each address family. Every
container in a Pod shares the network namespace, including the IP address and
network ports. Inside a Pod (and only then), the containers that belong to the Pod
can communicate with one another using localhost. When containers in a Pod communicate
with entities outside the Pod,
they must coordinate how they use the shared network resources (such as ports).
Within a Pod, containers share an IP address and port space, and
can find each other via localhost. The containers in a Pod can also communicate
with each other using standard inter-process communications like SystemV semaphores
or POSIX shared memory. Containers in different Pods have distinct IP addresses
and can not communicate by OS-level IPC without special configuration.
Containers that want to interact with a container running in a different Pod can
use IP networking to communicate.
Containers within the Pod see the system hostname as being the same as the configured
name for the Pod. There's more about this in the networking
Pod security settings
To set security constraints on Pods and containers, you use the
securityContext field in the Pod specification. This field gives you
granular control over what a Pod or individual containers can do. For example:
Drop specific Linux capabilities to avoid the impact of a CVE.
Force all processes in the Pod to run as a non-root user or as a specific
user or group ID.
Set a specific seccomp profile.
Set Windows security options, such as whether containers run as HostProcess.
You can also use the Pod securityContext to enable
privileged mode
in Linux containers. Privileged mode overrides many of the other security
settings in the securityContext. Avoid using this setting unless you can't grant
the equivalent permissions by using other fields in the securityContext.
In Kubernetes 1.26 and later, you can run Windows containers in a similarly
privileged mode by setting the windowsOptions.hostProcess flag on the
security context of the Pod spec. For details and instructions, see
Create a Windows HostProcess Pod.
Static Pods are managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node,
without the API server
observing them.
Whereas most Pods are managed by the control plane (for example, a
Deployment), for static
Pods, the kubelet directly supervises each static Pod (and restarts it if it fails).
Static Pods are always bound to one Kubelet on a specific node.
The main use for static Pods is to run a self-hosted control plane: in other words,
using the kubelet to supervise the individual control plane components.
The kubelet automatically tries to create a mirror Pod
on the Kubernetes API server for each static Pod.
This means that the Pods running on a node are visible on the API server,
but cannot be controlled from there. See the guide Create static Pods for more information.
Pods are designed to support multiple cooperating processes (as containers) that form
a cohesive unit of service. The containers in a Pod are automatically co-located and
co-scheduled on the same physical or virtual machine in the cluster. The containers
can share resources and dependencies, communicate with one another, and coordinate
when and how they are terminated.
Pods in a Kubernetes cluster are used in two main ways:
Pods that run a single container. The "one-container-per-Pod" model is the
most common Kubernetes use case; in this case, you can think of a Pod as a
wrapper around a single container; Kubernetes manages Pods rather than managing
the containers directly.
Pods that run multiple containers that need to work together. A Pod can
encapsulate an application composed of
multiple co-located containers that are
tightly coupled and need to share resources. These co-located containers
form a single cohesive unit of service—for example, one container serving data
stored in a shared volume to the public, while a separate
sidecar container
refreshes or updates those files.
The Pod wraps these containers, storage resources, and an ephemeral network
identity together as a single unit.
For example, you might have a container that
acts as a web server for files in a shared volume, and a separate
sidecar container
that updates those files from a remote source, as in the following diagram:
Some Pods have init containers
as well as app containers.
By default, init containers run and complete before the app containers are started.
You can also have sidecar containers
that provide auxiliary services to the main application Pod (for example: a service mesh).
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.29 [beta]
Enabled by default, the SidecarContainersfeature gate
allows you to specify restartPolicy: Always for init containers.
Setting the Always restart policy ensures that the containers where you set it are
treated as sidecars that are kept running during the entire lifetime of the Pod.
Containers that you explicitly define as sidecar containers
start up before the main application Pod and remain running until the Pod is
shut down.
Container probes
A probe is a diagnostic performed periodically by the kubelet on a container. To perform a diagnostic, the kubelet can invoke different actions:
ExecAction (performed with the help of the container runtime)
TCPSocketAction (checked directly by the kubelet)
HTTPGetAction (checked directly by the kubelet)
You can read more about probes
in the Pod Lifecycle documentation.
To understand the context for why Kubernetes wraps a common Pod API in other resources (such as StatefulSets or Deployments), you can read about the prior art, including:
This page describes the lifecycle of a Pod. Pods follow a defined lifecycle, starting
in the Pendingphase, moving through Running if at least one
of its primary containers starts OK, and then through either the Succeeded or
Failed phases depending on whether any container in the Pod terminated in failure.
Like individual application containers, Pods are considered to be relatively
ephemeral (rather than durable) entities. Pods are created, assigned a unique
ID (UID), and scheduled
to run on nodes where they remain until termination (according to restart policy) or
If a Node dies, the Pods running on (or scheduled
to run on) that node are marked for deletion. The control
plane marks the Pods for removal after a timeout period.
Pod lifetime
Whilst a Pod is running, the kubelet is able to restart containers to handle some
kind of faults. Within a Pod, Kubernetes tracks different container
states and determines what action to take to make the Pod
healthy again.
In the Kubernetes API, Pods have both a specification and an actual status. The
status for a Pod object consists of a set of Pod conditions.
You can also inject custom readiness information into the
condition data for a Pod, if that is useful to your application.
Pods are only scheduled once in their lifetime;
assigning a Pod to a specific node is called binding, and the process of selecting
which node to use is called scheduling.
Once a Pod has been scheduled and is bound to a node, Kubernetes tries
to run that Pod on the node. The Pod runs on that node until it stops, or until the Pod
is terminated; if Kubernetes isn't able to start the Pod on the selected
node (for example, if the node crashes before the Pod starts), then that particular Pod
never starts.
You can use Pod Scheduling Readiness
to delay scheduling for a Pod until all its scheduling gates are removed. For example,
you might want to define a set of Pods but only trigger scheduling once all the Pods
have been created.
Pods and fault recovery
If one of the containers in the Pod fails, then Kubernetes may try to restart that
specific container.
Read How Pods handle problems with containers to learn more.
Pods can however fail in a way that the cluster cannot recover from, and in that case
Kubernetes does not attempt to heal the Pod further; instead, Kubernetes deletes the
Pod and relies on other components to provide automatic healing.
If a Pod is scheduled to a node and that
node then fails, the Pod is treated as unhealthy and Kubernetes eventually deletes the Pod.
A Pod won't survive an eviction due to
a lack of resources or Node maintenance.
Kubernetes uses a higher-level abstraction, called a
controller, that handles the work of
managing the relatively disposable Pod instances.
A given Pod (as defined by a UID) is never "rescheduled" to a different node; instead,
that Pod can be replaced by a new, near-identical Pod. If you make a replacement Pod, it can
even have same name (as in .metadata.name) that the old Pod had, but the replacement
would have a different .metadata.uid from the old Pod.
Kubernetes does not guarantee that a replacement for an existing Pod would be scheduled to
the same node as the old Pod that was being replaced.
Associated lifetimes
When something is said to have the same lifetime as a Pod, such as a
that means that the thing exists as long as that specific Pod (with that exact UID)
exists. If that Pod is deleted for any reason, and even if an identical replacement
is created, the related thing (a volume, in this example) is also destroyed and
created anew.
Figure 1.
A multi-container Pod that contains a file puller sidecar and a web server. The Pod uses an ephemeral emptyDir volume for shared storage between the containers.
Pod phase
A Pod's status field is a
object, which has a phase field.
The phase of a Pod is a simple, high-level summary of where the Pod is in its
lifecycle. The phase is not intended to be a comprehensive rollup of observations
of container or Pod state, nor is it intended to be a comprehensive state machine.
The number and meanings of Pod phase values are tightly guarded.
Other than what is documented here, nothing should be assumed about Pods that
have a given phase value.
Here are the possible values for phase:
The Pod has been accepted by the Kubernetes cluster, but one or more of the containers has not been set up and made ready to run. This includes time a Pod spends waiting to be scheduled as well as the time spent downloading container images over the network.
The Pod has been bound to a node, and all of the containers have been created. At least one container is still running, or is in the process of starting or restarting.
All containers in the Pod have terminated in success, and will not be restarted.
All containers in the Pod have terminated, and at least one container has terminated in failure. That is, the container either exited with non-zero status or was terminated by the system, and is not set for automatic restarting.
For some reason the state of the Pod could not be obtained. This phase typically occurs due to an error in communicating with the node where the Pod should be running.
When a pod is failing to start repeatedly, CrashLoopBackOff may appear in the Status field of some kubectl commands. Similarly, when a pod is being deleted, Terminating may appear in the Status field of some kubectl commands.
Make sure not to confuse Status, a kubectl display field for user intuition, with the pod's phase.
Pod phase is an explicit part of the Kubernetes data model and of the
Pod API.
alessandras-namespace alessandras-pod 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 200 2d9h
A Pod is granted a term to terminate gracefully, which defaults to 30 seconds.
You can use the flag --force to terminate a Pod by force.
Since Kubernetes 1.27, the kubelet transitions deleted Pods, except for
static Pods and
force-deleted Pods
without a finalizer, to a terminal phase (Failed or Succeeded depending on
the exit statuses of the pod containers) before their deletion from the API server.
If a node dies or is disconnected from the rest of the cluster, Kubernetes
applies a policy for setting the phase of all Pods on the lost node to Failed.
Container states
As well as the phase of the Pod overall, Kubernetes tracks the state of
each container inside a Pod. You can use
container lifecycle hooks to
trigger events to run at certain points in a container's lifecycle.
Once the scheduler
assigns a Pod to a Node, the kubelet starts creating containers for that Pod
using a container runtime.
There are three possible container states: Waiting, Running, and Terminated.
To check the state of a Pod's containers, you can use
kubectl describe pod <name-of-pod>. The output shows the state for each container
within that Pod.
Each state has a specific meaning:
If a container is not in either the Running or Terminated state, it is Waiting.
A container in the Waiting state is still running the operations it requires in
order to complete start up: for example, pulling the container image from a container
image registry, or applying Secret
When you use kubectl to query a Pod with a container that is Waiting, you also see
a Reason field to summarize why the container is in that state.
The Running status indicates that a container is executing without issues. If there
was a postStart hook configured, it has already executed and finished. When you use
kubectl to query a Pod with a container that is Running, you also see information
about when the container entered the Running state.
A container in the Terminated state began execution and then either ran to
completion or failed for some reason. When you use kubectl to query a Pod with
a container that is Terminated, you see a reason, an exit code, and the start and
finish time for that container's period of execution.
If a container has a preStop hook configured, this hook runs before the container enters
the Terminated state.
How Pods handle problems with containers
Kubernetes manages container failures within Pods using a restartPolicy defined in the Pod spec. This policy determines how Kubernetes reacts to containers exiting due to errors or other reasons, which falls in the following sequence:
Initial crash: Kubernetes attempts an immediate restart based on the Pod restartPolicy.
Repeated crashes: After the initial crash Kubernetes applies an exponential
backoff delay for subsequent restarts, described in restartPolicy.
This prevents rapid, repeated restart attempts from overloading the system.
CrashLoopBackOff state: This indicates that the backoff delay mechanism is currently
in effect for a given container that is in a crash loop, failing and restarting repeatedly.
Backoff reset: If a container runs successfully for a certain duration
(e.g., 10 minutes), Kubernetes resets the backoff delay, treating any new crash
as the first one.
In practice, a CrashLoopBackOff is a condition or event that might be seen as output
from the kubectl command, while describing or listing Pods, when a container in the Pod
fails to start properly and then continually tries and fails in a loop.
In other words, when a container enters the crash loop, Kubernetes applies the
exponential backoff delay mentioned in the Container restart policy.
This mechanism prevents a faulty container from overwhelming the system with continuous
failed start attempts.
The CrashLoopBackOff can be caused by issues like the following:
Application errors that cause the container to exit.
Configuration errors, such as incorrect environment variables or missing
configuration files.
Resource constraints, where the container might not have enough memory or CPU
to start properly.
Health checks failing if the application doesn't start serving within the
expected time.
Container liveness probes or startup probes returning a Failure result
as mentioned in the probes section.
To investigate the root cause of a CrashLoopBackOff issue, a user can:
Check logs: Use kubectl logs <name-of-pod> to check the logs of the container.
This is often the most direct way to diagnose the issue causing the crashes.
Inspect events: Use kubectl describe pod <name-of-pod> to see events
for the Pod, which can provide hints about configuration or resource issues.
Review configuration: Ensure that the Pod configuration, including
environment variables and mounted volumes, is correct and that all required
external resources are available.
Check resource limits: Make sure that the container has enough CPU
and memory allocated. Sometimes, increasing the resources in the Pod definition
can resolve the issue.
Debug application: There might exist bugs or misconfigurations in the
application code. Running this container image locally or in a development
environment can help diagnose application specific issues.
Container restart policy
The spec of a Pod has a restartPolicy field with possible values Always, OnFailure,
and Never. The default value is Always.
The restartPolicy for a Pod applies to app containers
in the Pod and to regular init containers.
Sidecar containers
ignore the Pod-level restartPolicy field: in Kubernetes, a sidecar is defined as an
entry inside initContainers that has its container-level restartPolicy set to Always.
For init containers that exit with an error, the kubelet restarts the init container if
the Pod level restartPolicy is either OnFailure or Always:
Always: Automatically restarts the container after any termination.
OnFailure: Only restarts the container if it exits with an error (non-zero exit status).
Never: Does not automatically restart the terminated container.
When the kubelet is handling container restarts according to the configured restart
policy, that only applies to restarts that make replacement containers inside the
same Pod and running on the same node. After containers in a Pod exit, the kubelet
restarts them with an exponential backoff delay (10s, 20s, 40s, …), that is capped at
300 seconds (5 minutes). Once a container has executed for 10 minutes without any
problems, the kubelet resets the restart backoff timer for that container.
Sidecar containers and Pod lifecycle
explains the behaviour of init containers when specify restartpolicy field on it.
Configurable container restart delay
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.32 [alpha] (enabled by default: false)
With the alpha feature gate KubeletCrashLoopBackOffMax enabled, you can
reconfigure the maximum delay between container start retries from the default
of 300s (5 minutes). This configuration is set per node using kubelet
configuration. In your kubelet configuration,
under crashLoopBackOff set the maxContainerRestartPeriod field between
"1s" and "300s". As described above in Container restart
policy, delays on that node will still start at 10s and
increase exponentially by 2x each restart, but will now be capped at your
configured maximum. If the maxContainerRestartPeriod you configure is less
than the default initial value of 10s, the initial delay will instead be set to
the configured maximum.
See the following kubelet configuration examples:
# container restart delays will start at 10s, increasing# 2x each time they are restarted, to a maximum of 100skind:KubeletConfigurationcrashLoopBackOff:maxContainerRestartPeriod:"100s"
# delays between container restarts will always be 2skind:KubeletConfigurationcrashLoopBackOff:maxContainerRestartPeriod:"2s"
Pod conditions
A Pod has a PodStatus, which has an array of
through which the Pod has or has not passed. Kubelet manages the following
PodScheduled: the Pod has been scheduled to a node.
PodReadyToStartContainers: (beta feature; enabled by default) the
Pod sandbox has been successfully created and networking configured.
ContainersReady: all containers in the Pod are ready.
Initialized: all init containers
have completed successfully.
Ready: the Pod is able to serve requests and should be added to the load
balancing pools of all matching Services.
Field name
Name of this Pod condition.
Indicates whether that condition is applicable, with possible values "True", "False", or "Unknown".
Timestamp of when the Pod condition was last probed.
Timestamp for when the Pod last transitioned from one status to another.
Machine-readable, UpperCamelCase text indicating the reason for the condition's last transition.
Human-readable message indicating details about the last status transition.
Pod readiness
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.14 [stable]
Your application can inject extra feedback or signals into PodStatus:
Pod readiness. To use this, set readinessGates in the Pod's spec to
specify a list of additional conditions that the kubelet evaluates for Pod readiness.
Readiness gates are determined by the current state of status.condition
fields for the Pod. If Kubernetes cannot find such a condition in the
status.conditions field of a Pod, the status of the condition
is defaulted to "False".
Here is an example:
kind:Pod...spec:readinessGates:- conditionType:"www.example.com/feature-1"status:conditions:- type:Ready # a built in PodConditionstatus:"False"lastProbeTime:nulllastTransitionTime:2018-01-01T00:00:00Z- type:"www.example.com/feature-1"# an extra PodConditionstatus:"False"lastProbeTime:nulllastTransitionTime:2018-01-01T00:00:00ZcontainerStatuses:- containerID:docker://abcd...ready:true...
The Pod conditions you add must have names that meet the Kubernetes
label key format.
Status for Pod readiness
The kubectl patch command does not support patching object status.
To set these status.conditions for the Pod, applications and
operators should use
the PATCH action.
You can use a Kubernetes client library to
write code that sets custom Pod conditions for Pod readiness.
For a Pod that uses custom conditions, that Pod is evaluated to be ready only
when both the following statements apply:
All containers in the Pod are ready.
All conditions specified in readinessGates are True.
When a Pod's containers are Ready but at least one custom condition is missing or
False, the kubelet sets the Pod's condition to ContainersReady.
Pod network readiness
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.29 [beta]
During its early development, this condition was named PodHasNetwork.
After a Pod gets scheduled on a node, it needs to be admitted by the kubelet and
to have any required storage volumes mounted. Once these phases are complete,
the kubelet works with
a container runtime (using Container Runtime Interface (CRI)) to set up a
runtime sandbox and configure networking for the Pod. If the
PodReadyToStartContainersConditionfeature gate is enabled
(it is enabled by default for Kubernetes 1.32), the
PodReadyToStartContainers condition will be added to the status.conditions field of a Pod.
The PodReadyToStartContainers condition is set to False by the Kubelet when it detects a
Pod does not have a runtime sandbox with networking configured. This occurs in
the following scenarios:
Early in the lifecycle of the Pod, when the kubelet has not yet begun to set up a sandbox for
the Pod using the container runtime.
Later in the lifecycle of the Pod, when the Pod sandbox has been destroyed due to either:
the node rebooting, without the Pod getting evicted
for container runtimes that use virtual machines for isolation, the Pod
sandbox virtual machine rebooting, which then requires creating a new sandbox and
fresh container network configuration.
The PodReadyToStartContainers condition is set to True by the kubelet after the
successful completion of sandbox creation and network configuration for the Pod
by the runtime plugin. The kubelet can start pulling container images and create
containers after PodReadyToStartContainers condition has been set to True.
For a Pod with init containers, the kubelet sets the Initialized condition to
True after the init containers have successfully completed (which happens
after successful sandbox creation and network configuration by the runtime
plugin). For a Pod without init containers, the kubelet sets the Initialized
condition to True before sandbox creation and network configuration starts.
Container probes
A probe is a diagnostic performed periodically by the kubelet
on a container. To perform a diagnostic, the kubelet either executes code within the container,
or makes a network request.
Check mechanisms
There are four different ways to check a container using a probe.
Each probe must define exactly one of these four mechanisms:
Executes a specified command inside the container. The diagnostic
is considered successful if the command exits with a status code of 0.
Performs a remote procedure call using gRPC.
The target should implement
gRPC health checks.
The diagnostic is considered successful if the status
of the response is SERVING.
Performs an HTTP GET request against the Pod's IP
address on a specified port and path. The diagnostic is
considered successful if the response has a status code
greater than or equal to 200 and less than 400.
Performs a TCP check against the Pod's IP address on
a specified port. The diagnostic is considered successful if
the port is open. If the remote system (the container) closes
the connection immediately after it opens, this counts as healthy.
Unlike the other mechanisms, exec probe's implementation involves the creation/forking of multiple processes each time when executed.
As a result, in case of the clusters having higher pod densities, lower intervals of initialDelaySeconds, periodSeconds, configuring any probe with exec mechanism might introduce an overhead on the cpu usage of the node.
In such scenarios, consider using the alternative probe mechanisms to avoid the overhead.
Probe outcome
Each probe has one of three results:
The container passed the diagnostic.
The container failed the diagnostic.
The diagnostic failed (no action should be taken, and the kubelet
will make further checks).
Types of probe
The kubelet can optionally perform and react to three kinds of probes on running
Indicates whether the container is running. If
the liveness probe fails, the kubelet kills the container, and the container
is subjected to its restart policy. If a container does not
provide a liveness probe, the default state is Success.
Indicates whether the container is ready to respond to requests.
If the readiness probe fails, the endpoints controller removes the Pod's IP
address from the endpoints of all Services that match the Pod. The default
state of readiness before the initial delay is Failure. If a container does
not provide a readiness probe, the default state is Success.
Indicates whether the application within the container is started.
All other probes are disabled if a startup probe is provided, until it succeeds.
If the startup probe fails, the kubelet kills the container, and the container
is subjected to its restart policy. If a container does not
provide a startup probe, the default state is Success.
If the process in your container is able to crash on its own whenever it
encounters an issue or becomes unhealthy, you do not necessarily need a liveness
probe; the kubelet will automatically perform the correct action in accordance
with the Pod's restartPolicy.
If you'd like your container to be killed and restarted if a probe fails, then
specify a liveness probe, and specify a restartPolicy of Always or OnFailure.
When should you use a readiness probe?
If you'd like to start sending traffic to a Pod only when a probe succeeds,
specify a readiness probe. In this case, the readiness probe might be the same
as the liveness probe, but the existence of the readiness probe in the spec means
that the Pod will start without receiving any traffic and only start receiving
traffic after the probe starts succeeding.
If you want your container to be able to take itself down for maintenance, you
can specify a readiness probe that checks an endpoint specific to readiness that
is different from the liveness probe.
If your app has a strict dependency on back-end services, you can implement both
a liveness and a readiness probe. The liveness probe passes when the app itself
is healthy, but the readiness probe additionally checks that each required
back-end service is available. This helps you avoid directing traffic to Pods
that can only respond with error messages.
If your container needs to work on loading large data, configuration files, or
migrations during startup, you can use a
startup probe. However, if you want to
detect the difference between an app that has failed and an app that is still
processing its startup data, you might prefer a readiness probe.
If you want to be able to drain requests when the Pod is deleted, you do not
necessarily need a readiness probe; on deletion, the Pod automatically puts itself
into an unready state regardless of whether the readiness probe exists.
The Pod remains in the unready state while it waits for the containers in the Pod
to stop.
When should you use a startup probe?
Startup probes are useful for Pods that have containers that take a long time to
come into service. Rather than set a long liveness interval, you can configure
a separate configuration for probing the container as it starts up, allowing
a time longer than the liveness interval would allow.
If your container usually starts in more than
\( initialDelaySeconds + failureThreshold \times periodSeconds \), you should specify a
startup probe that checks the same endpoint as the liveness probe. The default for
periodSeconds is 10s. You should then set its failureThreshold high enough to
allow the container to start, without changing the default values of the liveness
probe. This helps to protect against deadlocks.
Termination of Pods
Because Pods represent processes running on nodes in the cluster, it is important to
allow those processes to gracefully terminate when they are no longer needed (rather
than being abruptly stopped with a KILL signal and having no chance to clean up).
The design aim is for you to be able to request deletion and know when processes
terminate, but also be able to ensure that deletes eventually complete.
When you request deletion of a Pod, the cluster records and tracks the intended grace period
before the Pod is allowed to be forcefully killed. With that forceful shutdown tracking in
place, the kubelet attempts graceful
Typically, with this graceful termination of the pod, kubelet makes requests to the container runtime to attempt to stop the containers in the pod by first sending a TERM (aka. SIGTERM) signal, with a grace period timeout, to the main process in each container. The requests to stop the containers are processed by the container runtime asynchronously. There is no guarantee to the order of processing for these requests. Many container runtimes respect the STOPSIGNAL value defined in the container image and, if different, send the container image configured STOPSIGNAL instead of TERM.
Once the grace period has expired, the KILL signal is sent to any remaining
processes, and the Pod is then deleted from the
API Server. If the kubelet or the
container runtime's management service is restarted while waiting for processes to terminate, the
cluster retries from the start including the full original grace period.
Pod termination flow, illustrated with an example:
You use the kubectl tool to manually delete a specific Pod, with the default grace period
(30 seconds).
The Pod in the API server is updated with the time beyond which the Pod is considered "dead"
along with the grace period.
If you use kubectl describe to check the Pod you're deleting, that Pod shows up as "Terminating".
On the node where the Pod is running: as soon as the kubelet sees that a Pod has been marked
as terminating (a graceful shutdown duration has been set), the kubelet begins the local Pod
shutdown process.
If one of the Pod's containers has defined a preStophook and the terminationGracePeriodSeconds
in the Pod spec is not set to 0, the kubelet runs that hook inside of the container.
The default terminationGracePeriodSeconds setting is 30 seconds.
If the preStop hook is still running after the grace period expires, the kubelet requests
a small, one-off grace period extension of 2 seconds.
If the preStop hook needs longer to complete than the default grace period allows,
you must modify terminationGracePeriodSeconds to suit this.
The kubelet triggers the container runtime to send a TERM signal to process 1 inside each
There is special ordering if the Pod has any
sidecar containers defined.
Otherwise, the containers in the Pod receive the TERM signal at different times and in
an arbitrary order. If the order of shutdowns matters, consider using a preStop hook
to synchronize (or switch to using sidecar containers).
At the same time as the kubelet is starting graceful shutdown of the Pod, the control plane
evaluates whether to remove that shutting-down Pod from EndpointSlice (and Endpoints) objects,
where those objects represent a Service
with a configured selector.
ReplicaSets and other workload resources
no longer treat the shutting-down Pod as a valid, in-service replica.
Pods that shut down slowly should not continue to serve regular traffic and should start
terminating and finish processing open connections. Some applications need to go beyond
finishing open connections and need more graceful termination, for example, session draining
and completion.
Any endpoints that represent the terminating Pods are not immediately removed from
EndpointSlices, and a status indicating terminating state
is exposed from the EndpointSlice API (and the legacy Endpoints API).
Terminating endpoints always have their ready status as false (for backward compatibility
with versions before 1.26), so load balancers will not use it for regular traffic.
If traffic draining on terminating Pod is needed, the actual readiness can be checked as a
condition serving. You can find more details on how to implement connections draining in the
tutorial Pods And Endpoints Termination Flow
The kubelet ensures the Pod is shut down and terminated
When the grace period expires, if there is still any container running in the Pod, the
kubelet triggers forcible shutdown.
The container runtime sends SIGKILL to any processes still running in any container in the Pod.
The kubelet also cleans up a hidden pause container if that container runtime uses one.
The kubelet transitions the Pod into a terminal phase (Failed or Succeeded depending on
the end state of its containers).
The kubelet triggers forcible removal of the Pod object from the API server, by setting grace period
to 0 (immediate deletion).
The API server deletes the Pod's API object, which is then no longer visible from any client.
Forced Pod termination
Forced deletions can be potentially disruptive for some workloads and their Pods.
By default, all deletes are graceful within 30 seconds. The kubectl delete command supports
the --grace-period=<seconds> option which allows you to override the default and specify your
own value.
Setting the grace period to 0 forcibly and immediately deletes the Pod from the API
server. If the Pod was still running on a node, that forcible deletion triggers the kubelet to
begin immediate cleanup.
Using kubectl, You must specify an additional flag --force along with --grace-period=0
in order to perform force deletions.
When a force deletion is performed, the API server does not wait for confirmation
from the kubelet that the Pod has been terminated on the node it was running on. It
removes the Pod in the API immediately so a new Pod can be created with the same
name. On the node, Pods that are set to terminate immediately will still be given
a small grace period before being force killed.
Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated.
The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.
If you need to force-delete Pods that are part of a StatefulSet, refer to the task
documentation for
deleting Pods from a StatefulSet.
Pod shutdown and sidecar containers
If your Pod includes one or more
sidecar containers
(init containers with an Always restart policy), the kubelet will delay sending
the TERM signal to these sidecar containers until the last main container has fully terminated.
The sidecar containers will be terminated in the reverse order they are defined in the Pod spec.
This ensures that sidecar containers continue serving the other containers in the Pod until they
are no longer needed.
This means that slow termination of a main container will also delay the termination of the sidecar containers.
If the grace period expires before the termination process is complete, the Pod may enter forced termination.
In this case, all remaining containers in the Pod will be terminated simultaneously with a short grace period.
Similarly, if the Pod has a preStop hook that exceeds the termination grace period, emergency termination may occur.
In general, if you have used preStop hooks to control the termination order without sidecar containers, you can now
remove them and allow the kubelet to manage sidecar termination automatically.
Garbage collection of Pods
For failed Pods, the API objects remain in the cluster's API until a human or
controller process
explicitly removes them.
The Pod garbage collector (PodGC), which is a controller in the control plane, cleans up
terminated Pods (with a phase of Succeeded or Failed), when the number of Pods exceeds the
configured threshold (determined by terminated-pod-gc-threshold in the kube-controller-manager).
This avoids a resource leak as Pods are created and terminated over time.
Additionally, PodGC cleans up any Pods which satisfy any of the following conditions:
are orphan Pods - bound to a node which no longer exists,
Along with cleaning up the Pods, PodGC will also mark them as failed if they are in a non-terminal
phase. Also, PodGC adds a Pod disruption condition when cleaning up an orphan Pod.
See Pod disruption conditions
for more details.
For detailed information about Pod and container status in the API, see
the API reference documentation covering
status for Pod.
1.2 - Init Containers
This page provides an overview of init containers: specialized containers that run
before app containers in a Pod.
Init containers can contain utilities or setup scripts not present in an app image.
You can specify init containers in the Pod specification alongside the containers
array (which describes app containers).
In Kubernetes, a sidecar container is a container that
starts before the main application container and continues to run. This document is about init containers:
containers that run to completion during Pod initialization.
Understanding init containers
A Pod can have multiple containers
running apps within it, but it can also have one or more init containers, which are run
before the app containers are started.
Init containers are exactly like regular containers, except:
Init containers always run to completion.
Each init container must complete successfully before the next one starts.
If a Pod's init container fails, the kubelet repeatedly restarts that init container until it succeeds.
However, if the Pod has a restartPolicy of Never, and an init container fails during startup of that Pod, Kubernetes treats the overall Pod as failed.
To specify an init container for a Pod, add the initContainers field into
the Pod specification,
as an array of container items (similar to the app containers field and its contents).
See Container in the
API reference for more details.
The status of the init containers is returned in .status.initContainerStatuses
field as an array of the container statuses (similar to the .status.containerStatuses
Differences from regular containers
Init containers support all the fields and features of app containers,
including resource limits, volumes, and security settings. However, the
resource requests and limits for an init container are handled differently,
as documented in Resource sharing within containers.
Regular init containers (in other words: excluding sidecar containers) do not support the
lifecycle, livenessProbe, readinessProbe, or startupProbe fields. Init containers
must run to completion before the Pod can be ready; sidecar containers continue running
during a Pod's lifetime, and do support some probes. See sidecar container
for further details about sidecar containers.
If you specify multiple init containers for a Pod, kubelet runs each init
container sequentially. Each init container must succeed before the next can run.
When all of the init containers have run to completion, kubelet initializes
the application containers for the Pod and runs them as usual.
Differences from sidecar containers
Init containers run and complete their tasks before the main application container starts.
Unlike sidecar containers,
init containers are not continuously running alongside the main containers.
Init containers run to completion sequentially, and the main container does not start
until all the init containers have successfully completed.
init containers do not support lifecycle, livenessProbe, readinessProbe, or
startupProbe whereas sidecar containers support all these probes to control their lifecycle.
Init containers share the same resources (CPU, memory, network) with the main application
containers but do not interact directly with them. They can, however, use shared volumes
for data exchange.
Using init containers
Because init containers have separate images from app containers, they
have some advantages for start-up related code:
Init containers can contain utilities or custom code for setup that are not present in an app
image. For example, there is no need to make an image FROM another image just to use a tool like
sed, awk, python, or dig during setup.
The application image builder and deployer roles can work independently without
the need to jointly build a single app image.
Init containers can run with a different view of the filesystem than app containers in the
same Pod. Consequently, they can be given access to
Secrets that app containers cannot access.
Because init containers run to completion before any app containers start, init containers offer
a mechanism to block or delay app container startup until a set of preconditions are met. Once
preconditions are met, all of the app containers in a Pod can start in parallel.
Init containers can securely run utilities or custom code that would otherwise make an app
container image less secure. By keeping unnecessary tools separate you can limit the attack
surface of your app container image.
Here are some ideas for how to use init containers:
Wait for a Service to
be created, using a shell one-line command like:
for i in {1..100}; do sleep 1; if nslookup myservice; thenexit 0; fi; done; exit1
Register this Pod with a remote server from the downward API with a command like:
curl -X POST http://$MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_HOST:$MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_PORT/register -d 'instance=$(<POD_NAME>)&ip=$(<POD_IP>)'
Wait for some time before starting the app container with a command like
Place values into a configuration file and run a template tool to dynamically
generate a configuration file for the main app container. For example,
place the POD_IP value in a configuration and generate the main app
configuration file using Jinja.
Init containers in use
This example defines a simple Pod that has two init containers.
The first waits for myservice, and the second waits for mydb. Once both
init containers complete, the Pod runs the app container from its spec section.
apiVersion:v1kind:Podmetadata:name:myapp-podlabels:app.kubernetes.io/name:MyAppspec:containers:- name:myapp-containerimage:busybox:1.28command:['sh','-c','echo The app is running! && sleep 3600']initContainers:- name:init-myserviceimage:busybox:1.28command:['sh','-c',"until nslookup myservice.$(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace).svc.cluster.local; do echo waiting for myservice; sleep 2; done"]- name:init-mydbimage:busybox:1.28command:['sh','-c',"until nslookup mydb.$(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace).svc.cluster.local; do echo waiting for mydb; sleep 2; done"]
You can start this Pod by running:
kubectl apply -f myapp.yaml
The output is similar to this:
pod/myapp-pod created
And check on its status with:
kubectl get -f myapp.yaml
The output is similar to this:
myapp-pod 0/1 Init:0/2 0 6m
or for more details:
kubectl describe -f myapp.yaml
The output is similar to this:
Name: myapp-pod
Namespace: default
Labels: app.kubernetes.io/name=MyApp
Status: Pending
Init Containers:
State: Running
State: Waiting
Reason: PodInitializing
Ready: False
State: Waiting
Reason: PodInitializing
Ready: False
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubObjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
16s 16s 1 {default-scheduler } Normal Scheduled Successfully assigned myapp-pod to
16s 16s 1 {kubelet} spec.initContainers{init-myservice} Normal Pulling pulling image "busybox"
13s 13s 1 {kubelet} spec.initContainers{init-myservice} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "busybox"
13s 13s 1 {kubelet} spec.initContainers{init-myservice} Normal Created Created container init-myservice
13s 13s 1 {kubelet} spec.initContainers{init-myservice} Normal Started Started container init-myservice
To see logs for the init containers in this Pod, run:
kubectl logs myapp-pod -c init-myservice # Inspect the first init containerkubectl logs myapp-pod -c init-mydb # Inspect the second init container
At this point, those init containers will be waiting to discover Services named
mydb and myservice.
Here's a configuration you can use to make those Services appear:
You'll then see that those init containers complete, and that the myapp-pod
Pod moves into the Running state:
kubectl get -f myapp.yaml
The output is similar to this:
myapp-pod 1/1 Running 0 9m
This simple example should provide some inspiration for you to create your own
init containers. What's next contains a link to a more detailed example.
Detailed behavior
During Pod startup, the kubelet delays running init containers until the networking
and storage are ready. Then the kubelet runs the Pod's init containers in the order
they appear in the Pod's spec.
Each init container must exit successfully before
the next container starts. If a container fails to start due to the runtime or
exits with failure, it is retried according to the Pod restartPolicy. However,
if the Pod restartPolicy is set to Always, the init containers use
restartPolicy OnFailure.
A Pod cannot be Ready until all init containers have succeeded. The ports on an
init container are not aggregated under a Service. A Pod that is initializing
is in the Pending state but should have a condition Initialized set to false.
If the Pod restarts, or is restarted, all init containers
must execute again.
Changes to the init container spec are limited to the container image field.
Directly altering the image field of an init container does not restart the
Pod or trigger its recreation. If the Pod has yet to start, that change may
have an effect on how the Pod boots up.
For a pod template
you can typically change any field for an init container; the impact of making
that change depends on where the pod template is used.
Because init containers can be restarted, retried, or re-executed, init container
code should be idempotent. In particular, code that writes into any emptyDir volume
should be prepared for the possibility that an output file already exists.
Init containers have all of the fields of an app container. However, Kubernetes
prohibits readinessProbe from being used because init containers cannot
define readiness distinct from completion. This is enforced during validation.
Use activeDeadlineSeconds on the Pod to prevent init containers from failing forever.
The active deadline includes init containers.
However it is recommended to use activeDeadlineSeconds only if teams deploy their application
as a Job, because activeDeadlineSeconds has an effect even after initContainer finished.
The Pod which is already running correctly would be killed by activeDeadlineSeconds if you set.
The name of each app and init container in a Pod must be unique; a
validation error is thrown for any container sharing a name with another.
Resource sharing within containers
Given the order of execution for init, sidecar and app containers, the following rules
for resource usage apply:
The highest of any particular resource request or limit defined on all init
containers is the effective init request/limit. If any resource has no
resource limit specified this is considered as the highest limit.
The Pod's effective request/limit for a resource is the higher of:
the sum of all app containers request/limit for a resource
the effective init request/limit for a resource
Scheduling is done based on effective requests/limits, which means
init containers can reserve resources for initialization that are not used
during the life of the Pod.
The QoS (quality of service) tier of the Pod's effective QoS tier is the
QoS tier for init containers and app containers alike.
Quota and limits are applied based on the effective Pod request and
Init containers and Linux cgroups
On Linux, resource allocations for Pod level control groups (cgroups) are based on the effective Pod
request and limit, the same as the scheduler.
Pod restart reasons
A Pod can restart, causing re-execution of init containers, for the following
The Pod infrastructure container is restarted. This is uncommon and would
have to be done by someone with root access to nodes.
All containers in a Pod are terminated while restartPolicy is set to Always,
forcing a restart, and the init container completion record has been lost due
to garbage collection.
The Pod will not be restarted when the init container image is changed, or the
init container completion record has been lost due to garbage collection. This
applies for Kubernetes v1.20 and later. If you are using an earlier version of
Kubernetes, consult the documentation for the version you are using.
Sidecar containers are the secondary containers that run along with the main
application container within the same Pod.
These containers are used to enhance or to extend the functionality of the primary app
container by providing additional services, or functionality such as logging, monitoring,
security, or data synchronization, without directly altering the primary application code.
Typically, you only have one app container in a Pod. For example, if you have a web
application that requires a local webserver, the local webserver is a sidecar and the
web application itself is the app container.
Sidecar containers in Kubernetes
Kubernetes implements sidecar containers as a special case of
init containers; sidecar containers remain
running after Pod startup. This document uses the term regular init containers to clearly
refer to containers that only run during Pod startup.
Provided that your cluster has the SidecarContainersfeature gate enabled
(the feature is active by default since Kubernetes v1.29), you can specify a restartPolicy
for containers listed in a Pod's initContainers field.
These restartable sidecar containers are independent from other init containers and from
the main application container(s) within the same pod.
These can be started, stopped, or restarted without affecting the main application container
and other init containers.
You can also run a Pod with multiple containers that are not marked as init or sidecar
containers. This is appropriate if the containers within the Pod are required for the
Pod to work overall, but you don't need to control which containers start or stop first.
You could also do this if you need to support older versions of Kubernetes that don't
support a container-level restartPolicy field.
Example application
Here's an example of a Deployment with two containers, one of which is a sidecar:
If an init container is created with its restartPolicy set to Always, it will
start and remain running during the entire life of the Pod. This can be helpful for
running supporting services separated from the main application containers.
If a readinessProbe is specified for this init container, its result will be used
to determine the ready state of the Pod.
Since these containers are defined as init containers, they benefit from the same
ordering and sequential guarantees as regular init containers, allowing you to mix
sidecar containers with regular init containers for complex Pod initialization flows.
Compared to regular init containers, sidecars defined within initContainers continue to
run after they have started. This is important when there is more than one entry inside
.spec.initContainers for a Pod. After a sidecar-style init container is running (the kubelet
has set the started status for that init container to true), the kubelet then starts the
next init container from the ordered .spec.initContainers list.
That status either becomes true because there is a process running in the
container and no startup probe defined, or as a result of its startupProbe succeeding.
Upon Pod termination,
the kubelet postpones terminating sidecar containers until the main application container has fully stopped.
The sidecar containers are then shut down in the opposite order of their appearance in the Pod specification.
This approach ensures that the sidecars remain operational, supporting other containers within the Pod,
until their service is no longer required.
Jobs with sidecar containers
If you define a Job that uses sidecar using Kubernetes-style init containers,
the sidecar container in each Pod does not prevent the Job from completing after the
main container has finished.
Here's an example of a Job with two containers, one of which is a sidecar:
Sidecar containers run alongside app containers in the same pod. However, they do not
execute the primary application logic; instead, they provide supporting functionality to
the main application.
Sidecar containers have their own independent lifecycles. They can be started, stopped,
and restarted independently of app containers. This means you can update, scale, or
maintain sidecar containers without affecting the primary application.
Sidecar containers share the same network and storage namespaces with the primary
container. This co-location allows them to interact closely and share resources.
From a Kubernetes perspective, the sidecar container's graceful termination is less important.
When other containers take all allotted graceful termination time, the sidecar containers
will receive the SIGTERM signal, followed by the SIGKILL signal, before they have time to terminate gracefully.
So exit codes different from 0 (0 indicates successful exit), for sidecar containers are normal
on Pod termination and should be generally ignored by the external tooling.
Differences from init containers
Sidecar containers work alongside the main container, extending its functionality and
providing additional services.
Sidecar containers run concurrently with the main application container. They are active
throughout the lifecycle of the pod and can be started and stopped independently of the
main container. Unlike init containers,
sidecar containers support probes to control their lifecycle.
Sidecar containers can interact directly with the main application containers, because
like init containers they always share the same network, and can optionally also share
volumes (filesystems).
Init containers stop before the main containers start up, so init containers cannot
exchange messages with the app container in a Pod. Any data passing is one-way
(for example, an init container can put information inside an emptyDir volume).
Changing the image of a sidecar container will not cause the Pod to restart, but will
trigger a container restart.
Resource sharing within containers
Given the order of execution for init, sidecar and app containers, the following rules
for resource usage apply:
The highest of any particular resource request or limit defined on all init
containers is the effective init request/limit. If any resource has no
resource limit specified this is considered as the highest limit.
The Pod's effective request/limit for a resource is the sum of
pod overhead and the higher of:
the sum of all non-init containers(app and sidecar containers) request/limit for a
the effective init request/limit for a resource
Scheduling is done based on effective requests/limits, which means
init containers can reserve resources for initialization that are not used
during the life of the Pod.
The QoS (quality of service) tier of the Pod's effective QoS tier is the
QoS tier for all init, sidecar and app containers alike.
Quota and limits are applied based on the effective Pod request and
Sidecar containers and Linux cgroups
On Linux, resource allocations for Pod level control groups (cgroups) are based on the effective Pod
request and limit, the same as the scheduler.
This page provides an overview of ephemeral containers: a special type of container
that runs temporarily in an existing Pod to
accomplish user-initiated actions such as troubleshooting. You use ephemeral
containers to inspect services rather than to build applications.
Understanding ephemeral containers
Pods are the fundamental building
block of Kubernetes applications. Since Pods are intended to be disposable and
replaceable, you cannot add a container to a Pod once it has been created.
Instead, you usually delete and replace Pods in a controlled fashion using
Sometimes it's necessary to inspect the state of an existing Pod, however, for
example to troubleshoot a hard-to-reproduce bug. In these cases you can run
an ephemeral container in an existing Pod to inspect its state and run
arbitrary commands.
What is an ephemeral container?
Ephemeral containers differ from other containers in that they lack guarantees
for resources or execution, and they will never be automatically restarted, so
they are not appropriate for building applications. Ephemeral containers are
described using the same ContainerSpec as regular containers, but many fields
are incompatible and disallowed for ephemeral containers.
Ephemeral containers may not have ports, so fields such as ports,
livenessProbe, readinessProbe are disallowed.
Pod resource allocations are immutable, so setting resources is disallowed.
Ephemeral containers are created using a special ephemeralcontainers handler
in the API rather than by adding them directly to pod.spec, so it's not
possible to add an ephemeral container using kubectl edit.
Like regular containers, you may not change or remove an ephemeral container
after you have added it to a Pod.
Ephemeral containers are not supported by static pods.
Uses for ephemeral containers
Ephemeral containers are useful for interactive troubleshooting when kubectl exec is insufficient because a container has crashed or a container image
doesn't include debugging utilities.
In particular, distroless images
enable you to deploy minimal container images that reduce attack surface
and exposure to bugs and vulnerabilities. Since distroless images do not include a
shell or any debugging utilities, it's difficult to troubleshoot distroless
images using kubectl exec alone.
When using ephemeral containers, it's helpful to enable process namespace
sharing so
you can view processes in other containers.
This guide is for application owners who want to build
highly available applications, and thus need to understand
what types of disruptions can happen to Pods.
It is also for cluster administrators who want to perform automated
cluster actions, like upgrading and autoscaling clusters.
Voluntary and involuntary disruptions
Pods do not disappear until someone (a person or a controller) destroys them, or
there is an unavoidable hardware or system software error.
We call these unavoidable cases involuntary disruptions to
an application. Examples are:
a hardware failure of the physical machine backing the node
cluster administrator deletes VM (instance) by mistake
cloud provider or hypervisor failure makes VM disappear
a kernel panic
the node disappears from the cluster due to cluster network partition
Except for the out-of-resources condition, all these conditions
should be familiar to most users; they are not specific
to Kubernetes.
We call other cases voluntary disruptions. These include both
actions initiated by the application owner and those initiated by a Cluster
Administrator. Typical application owner actions include:
deleting the deployment or other controller that manages the pod
updating a deployment's pod template causing a restart
Draining a node from a cluster to scale the cluster down (learn about
Node Autoscaling.
Removing a pod from a node to permit something else to fit on that node.
These actions might be taken directly by the cluster administrator, or by automation
run by the cluster administrator, or by your cluster hosting provider.
Ask your cluster administrator or consult your cloud provider or distribution documentation
to determine if any sources of voluntary disruptions are enabled for your cluster.
If none are enabled, you can skip creating Pod Disruption Budgets.
Not all voluntary disruptions are constrained by Pod Disruption Budgets. For example,
deleting deployments or pods bypasses Pod Disruption Budgets.
Dealing with disruptions
Here are some ways to mitigate involuntary disruptions:
Replicate your application if you need higher availability. (Learn about running replicated
and stateful applications.)
For even higher availability when running replicated applications,
spread applications across racks (using
or across zones (if using a
multi-zone cluster.)
The frequency of voluntary disruptions varies. On a basic Kubernetes cluster, there are
no automated voluntary disruptions (only user-triggered ones). However, your cluster administrator or hosting provider
may run some additional services which cause voluntary disruptions. For example,
rolling out node software updates can cause voluntary disruptions. Also, some implementations
of cluster (node) autoscaling may cause voluntary disruptions to defragment and compact nodes.
Your cluster administrator or hosting provider should have documented what level of voluntary
disruptions, if any, to expect. Certain configuration options, such as
using PriorityClasses
in your pod spec can also cause voluntary (and involuntary) disruptions.
Pod disruption budgets
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.21 [stable]
Kubernetes offers features to help you run highly available applications even when you
introduce frequent voluntary disruptions.
As an application owner, you can create a PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) for each application.
A PDB limits the number of Pods of a replicated application that are down simultaneously from
voluntary disruptions. For example, a quorum-based application would
like to ensure that the number of replicas running is never brought below the
number needed for a quorum. A web front end might want to
ensure that the number of replicas serving load never falls below a certain
percentage of the total.
Cluster managers and hosting providers should use tools which
respect PodDisruptionBudgets by calling the Eviction API
instead of directly deleting pods or deployments.
For example, the kubectl drain subcommand lets you mark a node as going out of
service. When you run kubectl drain, the tool tries to evict all of the Pods on
the Node you're taking out of service. The eviction request that kubectl submits on
your behalf may be temporarily rejected, so the tool periodically retries all failed
requests until all Pods on the target node are terminated, or until a configurable timeout
is reached.
A PDB specifies the number of replicas that an application can tolerate having, relative to how
many it is intended to have. For example, a Deployment which has a .spec.replicas: 5 is
supposed to have 5 pods at any given time. If its PDB allows for there to be 4 at a time,
then the Eviction API will allow voluntary disruption of one (but not two) pods at a time.
The group of pods that comprise the application is specified using a label selector, the same
as the one used by the application's controller (deployment, stateful-set, etc).
The "intended" number of pods is computed from the .spec.replicas of the workload resource
that is managing those pods. The control plane discovers the owning workload resource by
examining the .metadata.ownerReferences of the Pod.
Involuntary disruptions cannot be prevented by PDBs; however they
do count against the budget.
Pods which are deleted or unavailable due to a rolling upgrade to an application do count
against the disruption budget, but workload resources (such as Deployment and StatefulSet)
are not limited by PDBs when doing rolling upgrades. Instead, the handling of failures
during application updates is configured in the spec for the specific workload resource.
It is recommended to set AlwaysAllowUnhealthy Pod Eviction Policy
to your PodDisruptionBudgets to support eviction of misbehaving applications during a node drain.
The default behavior is to wait for the application pods to become healthy
before the drain can proceed.
When a pod is evicted using the eviction API, it is gracefully
terminated, honoring the
terminationGracePeriodSeconds setting in its PodSpec.
PodDisruptionBudget example
Consider a cluster with 3 nodes, node-1 through node-3.
The cluster is running several applications. One of them has 3 replicas initially called
pod-a, pod-b, and pod-c. Another, unrelated pod without a PDB, called pod-x, is also shown.
Initially, the pods are laid out as follows:
pod-a available
pod-b available
pod-c available
pod-x available
All 3 pods are part of a deployment, and they collectively have a PDB which requires
there be at least 2 of the 3 pods to be available at all times.
For example, assume the cluster administrator wants to reboot into a new kernel version to fix a bug in the kernel.
The cluster administrator first tries to drain node-1 using the kubectl drain command.
That tool tries to evict pod-a and pod-x. This succeeds immediately.
Both pods go into the terminating state at the same time.
This puts the cluster in this state:
node-1 draining
pod-a terminating
pod-b available
pod-c available
pod-x terminating
The deployment notices that one of the pods is terminating, so it creates a replacement
called pod-d. Since node-1 is cordoned, it lands on another node. Something has
also created pod-y as a replacement for pod-x.
(Note: for a StatefulSet, pod-a, which would be called something like pod-0, would need
to terminate completely before its replacement, which is also called pod-0 but has a
different UID, could be created. Otherwise, the example applies to a StatefulSet as well.)
Now the cluster is in this state:
node-1 draining
pod-a terminating
pod-b available
pod-c available
pod-x terminating
pod-d starting
At some point, the pods terminate, and the cluster looks like this:
node-1 drained
pod-b available
pod-c available
pod-d starting
At this point, if an impatient cluster administrator tries to drain node-2 or
node-3, the drain command will block, because there are only 2 available
pods for the deployment, and its PDB requires at least 2. After some time passes, pod-d becomes available.
The cluster state now looks like this:
node-1 drained
pod-b available
pod-c available
pod-d available
Now, the cluster administrator tries to drain node-2.
The drain command will try to evict the two pods in some order, say
pod-b first and then pod-d. It will succeed at evicting pod-b.
But, when it tries to evict pod-d, it will be refused because that would leave only
one pod available for the deployment.
The deployment creates a replacement for pod-b called pod-e.
Because there are not enough resources in the cluster to schedule
pod-e the drain will again block. The cluster may end up in this
node-1 drained
no node
pod-b terminating
pod-c available
pod-e pending
pod-d available
At this point, the cluster administrator needs to
add a node back to the cluster to proceed with the upgrade.
You can see how Kubernetes varies the rate at which disruptions
can happen, according to:
how many replicas an application needs
how long it takes to gracefully shutdown an instance
how long it takes a new instance to start up
the type of controller
the cluster's resource capacity
Pod disruption conditions
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.31 [stable] (enabled by default: true)
A dedicated Pod DisruptionTargetcondition
is added to indicate
that the Pod is about to be deleted due to a disruption.
The reason field of the condition additionally
indicates one of the following reasons for the Pod termination:
Pod is due to be preempted by a scheduler in order to accommodate a new Pod with a higher priority. For more information, see Pod priority preemption.
Pod is due to be deleted by Taint Manager (which is part of the node lifecycle controller within kube-controller-manager) due to a NoExecute taint that the Pod does not tolerate; see taint-based evictions.
In all other disruption scenarios, like eviction due to exceeding
Pod container limits,
Pods don't receive the DisruptionTarget condition because the disruptions were
probably caused by the Pod and would reoccur on retry.
A Pod disruption might be interrupted. The control plane might re-attempt to
continue the disruption of the same Pod, but it is not guaranteed. As a result,
the DisruptionTarget condition might be added to a Pod, but that Pod might then not actually be
deleted. In such a situation, after some time, the
Pod disruption condition will be cleared.
Along with cleaning up the pods, the Pod garbage collector (PodGC) will also mark them as failed if they are in a non-terminal
phase (see also Pod garbage collection).
When using a Job (or CronJob), you may want to use these Pod disruption conditions as part of your Job's
Pod failure policy.
Separating Cluster Owner and Application Owner Roles
Often, it is useful to think of the Cluster Manager
and Application Owner as separate roles with limited knowledge
of each other. This separation of responsibilities
may make sense in these scenarios:
when there are many application teams sharing a Kubernetes cluster, and
there is natural specialization of roles
when third-party tools or services are used to automate cluster management
Pod Disruption Budgets support this separation of roles by providing an
interface between the roles.
If you do not have such a separation of responsibilities in your organization,
you may not need to use Pod Disruption Budgets.
How to perform Disruptive Actions on your Cluster
If you are a Cluster Administrator, and you need to perform a disruptive action on all
the nodes in your cluster, such as a node or system software upgrade, here are some options:
Accept downtime during the upgrade.
Failover to another complete replica cluster.
No downtime, but may be costly both for the duplicated nodes
and for human effort to orchestrate the switchover.
Write disruption tolerant applications and use PDBs.
No downtime.
Minimal resource duplication.
Allows more automation of cluster administration.
Writing disruption-tolerant applications is tricky, but the work to tolerate voluntary
disruptions largely overlaps with work to support autoscaling and tolerating
involuntary disruptions.
Learn about updating a deployment
including steps to maintain its availability during the rollout.
1.6 - Pod Quality of Service Classes
This page introduces Quality of Service (QoS) classes in Kubernetes, and explains
how Kubernetes assigns a QoS class to each Pod as a consequence of the resource
constraints that you specify for the containers in that Pod. Kubernetes relies on this
classification to make decisions about which Pods to evict when there are not enough
available resources on a Node.
Quality of Service classes
Kubernetes classifies the Pods that you run and allocates each Pod into a specific
quality of service (QoS) class. Kubernetes uses that classification to influence how different
pods are handled. Kubernetes does this classification based on the
resource requests
of the Containers in that Pod, along with
how those requests relate to resource limits.
This is known as Quality of Service
(QoS) class. Kubernetes assigns every Pod a QoS class based on the resource requests
and limits of its component Containers. QoS classes are used by Kubernetes to decide
which Pods to evict from a Node experiencing
Node Pressure. The possible
QoS classes are Guaranteed, Burstable, and BestEffort. When a Node runs out of resources,
Kubernetes will first evict BestEffort Pods running on that Node, followed by Burstable and
finally Guaranteed Pods. When this eviction is due to resource pressure, only Pods exceeding
resource requests are candidates for eviction.
Pods that are Guaranteed have the strictest resource limits and are least likely
to face eviction. They are guaranteed not to be killed until they exceed their limits
or there are no lower-priority Pods that can be preempted from the Node. They may
not acquire resources beyond their specified limits. These Pods can also make
use of exclusive CPUs using the
static CPU management policy.
For a Pod to be given a QoS class of Guaranteed:
Every Container in the Pod must have a memory limit and a memory request.
For every Container in the Pod, the memory limit must equal the memory request.
Every Container in the Pod must have a CPU limit and a CPU request.
For every Container in the Pod, the CPU limit must equal the CPU request.
Pods that are Burstable have some lower-bound resource guarantees based on the request, but
do not require a specific limit. If a limit is not specified, it defaults to a
limit equivalent to the capacity of the Node, which allows the Pods to flexibly increase
their resources if resources are available. In the event of Pod eviction due to Node
resource pressure, these Pods are evicted only after all BestEffort Pods are evicted.
Because a Burstable Pod can include a Container that has no resource limits or requests, a Pod
that is Burstable can try to use any amount of node resources.
A Pod is given a QoS class of Burstable if:
The Pod does not meet the criteria for QoS class Guaranteed.
At least one Container in the Pod has a memory or CPU request or limit.
Pods in the BestEffort QoS class can use node resources that aren't specifically assigned
to Pods in other QoS classes. For example, if you have a node with 16 CPU cores available to the
kubelet, and you assign 4 CPU cores to a Guaranteed Pod, then a Pod in the BestEffort
QoS class can try to use any amount of the remaining 12 CPU cores.
The kubelet prefers to evict BestEffort Pods if the node comes under resource pressure.
A Pod has a QoS class of BestEffort if it doesn't meet the criteria for either Guaranteed
or Burstable. In other words, a Pod is BestEffort only if none of the Containers in the Pod have a
memory limit or a memory request, and none of the Containers in the Pod have a
CPU limit or a CPU request.
Containers in a Pod can request other resources (not CPU or memory) and still be classified as
Memory QoS with cgroup v2
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.22 [alpha] (enabled by default: false)
Memory QoS uses the memory controller of cgroup v2 to guarantee memory resources in Kubernetes.
Memory requests and limits of containers in pod are used to set specific interfaces memory.min
and memory.high provided by the memory controller. When memory.min is set to memory requests,
memory resources are reserved and never reclaimed by the kernel; this is how Memory QoS ensures
memory availability for Kubernetes pods. And if memory limits are set in the container,
this means that the system needs to limit container memory usage; Memory QoS uses memory.high
to throttle workload approaching its memory limit, ensuring that the system is not overwhelmed
by instantaneous memory allocation.
Memory QoS relies on QoS class to determine which settings to apply; however, these are different
mechanisms that both provide controls over quality of service.
Some behavior is independent of QoS class
Certain behavior is independent of the QoS class assigned by Kubernetes. For example:
Any Container exceeding a resource limit will be killed and restarted by the kubelet without
affecting other Containers in that Pod.
If a Container exceeds its resource request and the node it runs on faces
resource pressure, the Pod it is in becomes a candidate for eviction.
If this occurs, all Containers in the Pod will be terminated. Kubernetes may create a
replacement Pod, usually on a different node.
The resource request of a Pod is equal to the sum of the resource requests of
its component Containers, and the resource limit of a Pod is equal to the sum of
the resource limits of its component Containers.
The kube-scheduler does not consider QoS class when selecting which Pods to
Preemption can occur when a cluster does not have enough resources to run all the Pods
you defined.
This page explains how user namespaces are used in Kubernetes pods. A user
namespace isolates the user running inside the container from the one
in the host.
A process running as root in a container can run as a different (non-root) user
in the host; in other words, the process has full privileges for operations
inside the user namespace, but is unprivileged for operations outside the
You can use this feature to reduce the damage a compromised container can do to
the host or other pods in the same node. There are several security
vulnerabilities rated either HIGH or CRITICAL that were not
exploitable when user namespaces is active. It is expected user namespace will
mitigate some future vulnerabilities too.
Before you begin
Note: This section links to third party projects that provide functionality required by Kubernetes. The Kubernetes project authors aren't responsible for these projects, which are listed alphabetically. To add a project to this list, read the content guide before submitting a change. More information.
This is a Linux-only feature and support is needed in Linux for idmap mounts on
the filesystems used. This means:
On the node, the filesystem you use for /var/lib/kubelet/pods/, or the
custom directory you configure for this, needs idmap mount support.
All the filesystems used in the pod's volumes must support idmap mounts.
In practice this means you need at least Linux 6.3, as tmpfs started supporting
idmap mounts in that version. This is usually needed as several Kubernetes
features use tmpfs (the service account token that is mounted by default uses a
tmpfs, Secrets use a tmpfs, etc.)
Some popular filesystems that support idmap mounts in Linux 6.3 are: btrfs,
ext4, xfs, fat, tmpfs, overlayfs.
In addition, the container runtime and its underlying OCI runtime must support
user namespaces. The following OCI runtimes offer support:
crun version 1.9 or greater (it's recommend version 1.13+).
Some OCI runtimes do not include the support needed for using user namespaces in
Linux pods. If you use a managed Kubernetes, or have downloaded it from packages
and set it up, it's possible that nodes in your cluster use a runtime that doesn't
include this support.
To use user namespaces with Kubernetes, you also need to use a CRI
container runtime
to use this feature with Kubernetes pods:
containerd: version 2.0 (and later) supports user namespaces for containers.
CRI-O: version 1.25 (and later) supports user namespaces for containers.
You can see the status of user namespaces support in cri-dockerd tracked in an issue
on GitHub.
User namespaces is a Linux feature that allows to map users in the container to
different users in the host. Furthermore, the capabilities granted to a pod in
a user namespace are valid only in the namespace and void outside of it.
A pod can opt-in to use user namespaces by setting the pod.spec.hostUsers field
to false.
The kubelet will pick host UIDs/GIDs a pod is mapped to, and will do so in a way
to guarantee that no two pods on the same node use the same mapping.
The runAsUser, runAsGroup, fsGroup, etc. fields in the pod.spec always
refer to the user inside the container. These users will be used for volume
mounts (specified in pod.spec.volumes) and therefore the host UID/GID will not
have any effect on writes/reads from volumes the pod can mount. In other words,
the inodes created/read in volumes mounted by the pod will be the same as if the
pod wasn't using user namespaces.
This way, a pod can easily enable and disable user namespaces (without affecting
its volume's file ownerships) and can also share volumes with pods without user
namespaces by just setting the appropriate users inside the container
(RunAsUser, RunAsGroup, fsGroup, etc.). This applies to any volume the pod
can mount, including hostPath (if the pod is allowed to mount hostPath
The valid UIDs/GIDs when this feature is enabled is the range 0-65535. This
applies to files and processes (runAsUser, runAsGroup, etc.).
Files using a UID/GID outside this range will be seen as belonging to the
overflow ID, usually 65534 (configured in /proc/sys/kernel/overflowuid and
/proc/sys/kernel/overflowgid). However, it is not possible to modify those
files, even by running as the 65534 user/group.
Most applications that need to run as root but don't access other host
namespaces or resources, should continue to run fine without any changes needed
if user namespaces is activated.
Understanding user namespaces for pods
Several container runtimes with their default configuration (like Docker Engine,
containerd, CRI-O) use Linux namespaces for isolation. Other technologies exist
and can be used with those runtimes too (e.g. Kata Containers uses VMs instead of
Linux namespaces). This page is applicable for container runtimes using Linux
namespaces for isolation.
When creating a pod, by default, several new namespaces are used for isolation:
a network namespace to isolate the network of the container, a PID namespace to
isolate the view of processes, etc. If a user namespace is used, this will
isolate the users in the container from the users in the node.
This means containers can run as root and be mapped to a non-root user on the
host. Inside the container the process will think it is running as root (and
therefore tools like apt, yum, etc. work fine), while in reality the process
doesn't have privileges on the host. You can verify this, for example, if you
check which user the container process is running by executing ps aux from
the host. The user ps shows is not the same as the user you see if you
execute inside the container the command id.
This abstraction limits what can happen, for example, if the container manages
to escape to the host. Given that the container is running as a non-privileged
user on the host, it is limited what it can do to the host.
Furthermore, as users on each pod will be mapped to different non-overlapping
users in the host, it is limited what they can do to other pods too.
Capabilities granted to a pod are also limited to the pod user namespace and
mostly invalid out of it, some are even completely void. Here are two examples:
CAP_SYS_MODULE does not have any effect if granted to a pod using user
namespaces, the pod isn't able to load kernel modules.
CAP_SYS_ADMIN is limited to the pod's user namespace and invalid outside
of it.
Without using a user namespace a container running as root, in the case of a
container breakout, has root privileges on the node. And if some capability were
granted to the container, the capabilities are valid on the host too. None of
this is true when we use user namespaces.
If you want to know more details about what changes when user namespaces are in
use, see man 7 user_namespaces.
Set up a node to support user namespaces
By default, the kubelet assigns pods UIDs/GIDs above the range 0-65535, based on
the assumption that the host's files and processes use UIDs/GIDs within this
range, which is standard for most Linux distributions. This approach prevents
any overlap between the UIDs/GIDs of the host and those of the pods.
Avoiding the overlap is important to mitigate the impact of vulnerabilities such
as CVE-2021-25741, where a pod can potentially read arbitrary
files in the host. If the UIDs/GIDs of the pod and the host don't overlap, it is
limited what a pod would be able to do: the pod UID/GID won't match the host's
file owner/group.
The kubelet can use a custom range for user IDs and group IDs for pods. To
configure a custom range, the node needs to have:
A user kubelet in the system (you cannot use any other username here)
The binary getsubids installed (part of shadow-utils) and
in the PATH for the kubelet binary.
A configuration of subordinate UIDs/GIDs for the kubelet user (see
man 5 subuid and
man 5 subgid).
This setting only gathers the UID/GID range configuration and does not change
the user executing the kubelet.
You must follow some constraints for the subordinate ID range that you assign
to the kubelet user:
The subordinate user ID, that starts the UID range for Pods, must be a
multiple of 65536 and must also be greater than or equal to 65536. In other
words, you cannot use any ID from the range 0-65535 for Pods; the kubelet
imposes this restriction to make it difficult to create an accidentally insecure
The subordinate ID count must be a multiple of 65536
(for Kubernetes 1.32 the subordinate ID count for each Pod is hard-coded
to 65536).
The subordinate ID count must be at least 65536 x <maxPods> where <maxPods>
is the maximum number of pods that can run on the node.
You must assign the same range for both user IDs and for group IDs, It doesn't
matter if other users have user ID ranges that don't align with the group ID
None of the assigned ranges should overlap with any other assignment.
The subordinate configuration must be only one line. In other words, you can't
have multiple ranges.
For example, you could define /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid to both have
these entries for the kubelet user:
# The format is
# name:firstID:count of IDs
# where
# - firstID is 65536 (the minimum value possible)
# - count of IDs is 110 * 65536
# (110 is the default limit for number of pods on the node)
Integration with Pod security admission checks
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.29 [alpha]
For Linux Pods that enable user namespaces, Kubernetes relaxes the application of
Pod Security Standards in a controlled way.
This behavior can be controlled by the feature
gateUserNamespacesPodSecurityStandards, which allows an early opt-in for end
users. Admins have to ensure that user namespaces are enabled by all nodes
within the cluster if using the feature gate.
If you enable the associated feature gate and create a Pod that uses user
namespaces, the following fields won't be constrained even in contexts that enforce the
Baseline or Restricted pod security standard. This behavior does not
present a security concern because root inside a Pod with user namespaces
actually refers to the user inside the container, that is never mapped to a
privileged user on the host. Here's the list of fields that are not checks for Pods in those
When using a user namespace for the pod, it is disallowed to use other host
namespaces. In particular, if you set hostUsers: false then you are not
allowed to set any of:
There are two ways to expose Pod and container fields to a running container: environment variables, and as files that are populated by a special volume type. Together, these two ways of exposing Pod and container fields are called the downward API.
It is sometimes useful for a container to have information about itself, without
being overly coupled to Kubernetes. The downward API allows containers to consume
information about themselves or the cluster without using the Kubernetes client
or API server.
An example is an existing application that assumes a particular well-known
environment variable holds a unique identifier. One possibility is to wrap the
application, but that is tedious and error-prone, and it violates the goal of low
coupling. A better option would be to use the Pod's name as an identifier, and
inject the Pod's name into the well-known environment variable.
In Kubernetes, there are two ways to expose Pod and container fields to a running container:
Together, these two ways of exposing Pod and container fields are called the
downward API.
Available fields
Only some Kubernetes API fields are available through the downward API. This
section lists which fields you can make available.
You can pass information from available Pod-level fields using fieldRef.
At the API level, the spec for a Pod always defines at least one
You can pass information from available Container-level fields using
Information available via fieldRef
For some Pod-level fields, you can provide them to a container either as
an environment variable or using a downwardAPI volume. The fields available
via either mechanism are:
the primary IP address of the node to which the Pod is assigned
the IP addresses is a dual-stack version of status.hostIP, the first is always the same as status.hostIP.
the pod's primary IP address (usually, its IPv4 address)
the IP addresses is a dual-stack version of status.podIP, the first is always the same as status.podIP
The following information is available through a downwardAPI volume
fieldRef, but not as environment variables:
all of the pod's labels, formatted as label-key="escaped-label-value" with one label per line
all of the pod's annotations, formatted as annotation-key="escaped-annotation-value" with one annotation per line
Information available via resourceFieldRef
These container-level fields allow you to provide information about
requests and limits
for resources such as CPU and memory.
resource: limits.cpu
A container's CPU limit
resource: requests.cpu
A container's CPU request
resource: limits.memory
A container's memory limit
resource: requests.memory
A container's memory request
resource: limits.hugepages-*
A container's hugepages limit
resource: requests.hugepages-*
A container's hugepages request
resource: limits.ephemeral-storage
A container's ephemeral-storage limit
resource: requests.ephemeral-storage
A container's ephemeral-storage request
Fallback information for resource limits
If CPU and memory limits are not specified for a container, and you use the
downward API to try to expose that information, then the
kubelet defaults to exposing the maximum allocatable value for CPU and memory
based on the node allocatable
Kubernetes provides several built-in APIs for declarative management of your
and the components of those workloads.
Ultimately, your applications run as containers inside
Pods; however, managing individual
Pods would be a lot of effort. For example, if a Pod fails, you probably want to
run a new Pod to replace it. Kubernetes can do that for you.
You use the Kubernetes API to create a workload
object that represents a higher abstraction level
than a Pod, and then the Kubernetes
control plane automatically manages
Pod objects on your behalf, based on the specification for the workload object you defined.
The built-in APIs for managing workloads are:
Deployment (and, indirectly, ReplicaSet),
the most common way to run an application on your cluster.
Deployment is a good fit for managing a stateless application workload on your cluster, where
any Pod in the Deployment is interchangeable and can be replaced if needed.
(Deployments are a replacement for the legacy
ReplicationController API).
A StatefulSet lets you
manage one or more Pods – all running the same application code – where the Pods rely
on having a distinct identity. This is different from a Deployment where the Pods are
expected to be interchangeable.
The most common use for a StatefulSet is to be able to make a link between its Pods and
their persistent storage. For example, you can run a StatefulSet that associates each Pod
with a PersistentVolume. If one of the Pods
in the StatefulSet fails, Kubernetes makes a replacement Pod that is connected to the
same PersistentVolume.
A DaemonSet defines Pods that provide
facilities that are local to a specific node;
for example, a driver that lets containers on that node access a storage system. You use a DaemonSet
when the driver, or other node-level service, has to run on the node where it's useful.
Each Pod in a DaemonSet performs a role similar to a system daemon on a classic Unix / POSIX
A DaemonSet might be fundamental to the operation of your cluster,
such as a plugin to let that node access
cluster networking,
it might help you to manage the node,
or it could provide less essential facilities that enhance the container platform you are running.
You can run DaemonSets (and their pods) across every node in your cluster, or across just a subset (for example,
only install the GPU accelerator driver on nodes that have a GPU installed).
You can use a Job and / or
a CronJob to
define tasks that run to completion and then stop. A Job represents a one-off task,
whereas each CronJob repeats according to a schedule.
Other topics in this section:
2.1 - Deployments
A Deployment manages a set of Pods to run an application workload, usually one that doesn't maintain state.
A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and
You describe a desired state in a Deployment, and the Deployment Controller changes the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate. You can define Deployments to create new ReplicaSets, or to remove existing Deployments and adopt all their resources with new Deployments.
Do not manage ReplicaSets owned by a Deployment. Consider opening an issue in the main Kubernetes repository if your use case is not covered below.
Use Case
The following are typical use cases for Deployments:
Declare the new state of the Pods by updating the PodTemplateSpec of the Deployment. A new ReplicaSet is created and the Deployment manages moving the Pods from the old ReplicaSet to the new one at a controlled rate. Each new ReplicaSet updates the revision of the Deployment.
A Deployment named nginx-deployment is created, indicated by the
.metadata.name field. This name will become the basis for the ReplicaSets
and Pods which are created later. See Writing a Deployment Spec
for more details.
The Deployment creates a ReplicaSet that creates three replicated Pods, indicated by the .spec.replicas field.
The .spec.selector field defines how the created ReplicaSet finds which Pods to manage.
In this case, you select a label that is defined in the Pod template (app: nginx).
However, more sophisticated selection rules are possible,
as long as the Pod template itself satisfies the rule.
The .spec.selector.matchLabels field is a map of {key,value} pairs.
A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions,
whose key field is "key", the operator is "In", and the values array contains only "value".
All of the requirements, from both matchLabels and matchExpressions, must be satisfied in order to match.
The .spec.template field contains the following sub-fields:
The Pods are labeled app: nginxusing the .metadata.labels field.
The Pod template's specification, or .spec field, indicates that
the Pods run one container, nginx, which runs the nginxDocker Hub image at version 1.14.2.
Create one container and name it nginx using the .spec.containers[0].name field.
Before you begin, make sure your Kubernetes cluster is up and running.
Follow the steps given below to create the above Deployment:
Create the Deployment by running the following command:
Run kubectl get deployments to check if the Deployment was created.
If the Deployment is still being created, the output is similar to the following:
nginx-deployment 0/3 0 0 1s
When you inspect the Deployments in your cluster, the following fields are displayed:
NAME lists the names of the Deployments in the namespace.
READY displays how many replicas of the application are available to your users. It follows the pattern ready/desired.
UP-TO-DATE displays the number of replicas that have been updated to achieve the desired state.
AVAILABLE displays how many replicas of the application are available to your users.
AGE displays the amount of time that the application has been running.
Notice how the number of desired replicas is 3 according to .spec.replicas field.
To see the Deployment rollout status, run kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment.
The output is similar to:
Waiting for rollout to finish: 2 out of 3 new replicas have been updated...
deployment "nginx-deployment" successfully rolled out
Run the kubectl get deployments again a few seconds later.
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment 3/3 3 3 18s
Notice that the Deployment has created all three replicas, and all replicas are up-to-date (they contain the latest Pod template) and available.
To see the ReplicaSet (rs) created by the Deployment, run kubectl get rs. The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-75675f5897 3 3 3 18s
ReplicaSet output shows the following fields:
NAME lists the names of the ReplicaSets in the namespace.
DESIRED displays the desired number of replicas of the application, which you define when you create the Deployment. This is the desired state.
CURRENT displays how many replicas are currently running.
READY displays how many replicas of the application are available to your users.
AGE displays the amount of time that the application has been running.
Notice that the name of the ReplicaSet is always formatted as
[DEPLOYMENT-NAME]-[HASH]. This name will become the basis for the Pods
which are created.
The HASH string is the same as the pod-template-hash label on the ReplicaSet.
To see the labels automatically generated for each Pod, run kubectl get pods --show-labels.
The output is similar to:
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-7ci7o 1/1 Running 0 18s app=nginx,pod-template-hash=75675f5897
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-kzszj 1/1 Running 0 18s app=nginx,pod-template-hash=75675f5897
nginx-deployment-75675f5897-qqcnn 1/1 Running 0 18s app=nginx,pod-template-hash=75675f5897
The created ReplicaSet ensures that there are three nginx Pods.
You must specify an appropriate selector and Pod template labels in a Deployment
(in this case, app: nginx).
Do not overlap labels or selectors with other controllers (including other Deployments and StatefulSets). Kubernetes doesn't stop you from overlapping, and if multiple controllers have overlapping selectors those controllers might conflict and behave unexpectedly.
Pod-template-hash label
Do not change this label.
The pod-template-hash label is added by the Deployment controller to every ReplicaSet that a Deployment creates or adopts.
This label ensures that child ReplicaSets of a Deployment do not overlap. It is generated by hashing the PodTemplate of the ReplicaSet and using the resulting hash as the label value that is added to the ReplicaSet selector, Pod template labels,
and in any existing Pods that the ReplicaSet might have.
Updating a Deployment
A Deployment's rollout is triggered if and only if the Deployment's Pod template (that is, .spec.template)
is changed, for example if the labels or container images of the template are updated. Other updates, such as scaling the Deployment, do not trigger a rollout.
Follow the steps given below to update your Deployment:
Let's update the nginx Pods to use the nginx:1.16.1 image instead of the nginx:1.14.2 image.
kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1
or use the following command:
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1
where deployment/nginx-deployment indicates the Deployment,
nginx indicates the Container the update will take place and
nginx:1.16.1 indicates the new image and its tag.
The output is similar to:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment image updated
Alternatively, you can edit the Deployment and change .spec.template.spec.containers[0].image from nginx:1.14.2 to nginx:1.16.1:
kubectl edit deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment edited
To see the rollout status, run:
kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
Waiting for rollout to finish: 2 out of 3 new replicas have been updated...
deployment "nginx-deployment" successfully rolled out
Get more details on your updated Deployment:
After the rollout succeeds, you can view the Deployment by running kubectl get deployments.
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment 3/3 3 3 36s
Run kubectl get rs to see that the Deployment updated the Pods by creating a new ReplicaSet and scaling it
up to 3 replicas, as well as scaling down the old ReplicaSet to 0 replicas.
kubectl get rs
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-1564180365 3 3 3 6s
nginx-deployment-2035384211 0 0 0 36s
Running get pods should now show only the new Pods:
kubectl get pods
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-1564180365-khku8 1/1 Running 0 14s
nginx-deployment-1564180365-nacti 1/1 Running 0 14s
nginx-deployment-1564180365-z9gth 1/1 Running 0 14s
Next time you want to update these Pods, you only need to update the Deployment's Pod template again.
Deployment ensures that only a certain number of Pods are down while they are being updated. By default,
it ensures that at least 75% of the desired number of Pods are up (25% max unavailable).
Deployment also ensures that only a certain number of Pods are created above the desired number of Pods.
By default, it ensures that at most 125% of the desired number of Pods are up (25% max surge).
For example, if you look at the above Deployment closely, you will see that it first creates a new Pod,
then deletes an old Pod, and creates another new one. It does not kill old Pods until a sufficient number of
new Pods have come up, and does not create new Pods until a sufficient number of old Pods have been killed.
It makes sure that at least 3 Pods are available and that at max 4 Pods in total are available. In case of
a Deployment with 4 replicas, the number of Pods would be between 3 and 5.
Get details of your Deployment:
kubectl describe deployments
The output is similar to this:
Name: nginx-deployment
Namespace: default
CreationTimestamp: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 10:56:25 +0000
Labels: app=nginx
Annotations: deployment.kubernetes.io/revision=2
Selector: app=nginx
Replicas: 3 desired | 3 updated | 3 total | 3 available | 0 unavailable
StrategyType: RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds: 0
RollingUpdateStrategy: 25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
Labels: app=nginx
Image: nginx:1.16.1
Port: 80/TCP
Environment: <none>
Mounts: <none>
Volumes: <none>
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable
OldReplicaSets: <none>
NewReplicaSet: nginx-deployment-1564180365 (3/3 replicas created)
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 2m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 3
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 24s deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-1564180365 to 1
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 22s deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 2
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 22s deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-1564180365 to 2
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 19s deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 1
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 19s deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-1564180365 to 3
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 14s deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 0
Here you see that when you first created the Deployment, it created a ReplicaSet (nginx-deployment-2035384211)
and scaled it up to 3 replicas directly. When you updated the Deployment, it created a new ReplicaSet
(nginx-deployment-1564180365) and scaled it up to 1 and waited for it to come up. Then it scaled down the old ReplicaSet
to 2 and scaled up the new ReplicaSet to 2 so that at least 3 Pods were available and at most 4 Pods were created at all times.
It then continued scaling up and down the new and the old ReplicaSet, with the same rolling update strategy.
Finally, you'll have 3 available replicas in the new ReplicaSet, and the old ReplicaSet is scaled down to 0.
Kubernetes doesn't count terminating Pods when calculating the number of availableReplicas, which must be between
replicas - maxUnavailable and replicas + maxSurge. As a result, you might notice that there are more Pods than
expected during a rollout, and that the total resources consumed by the Deployment is more than replicas + maxSurge
until the terminationGracePeriodSeconds of the terminating Pods expires.
Rollover (aka multiple updates in-flight)
Each time a new Deployment is observed by the Deployment controller, a ReplicaSet is created to bring up
the desired Pods. If the Deployment is updated, the existing ReplicaSet that controls Pods whose labels
match .spec.selector but whose template does not match .spec.template are scaled down. Eventually, the new
ReplicaSet is scaled to .spec.replicas and all old ReplicaSets is scaled to 0.
If you update a Deployment while an existing rollout is in progress, the Deployment creates a new ReplicaSet
as per the update and start scaling that up, and rolls over the ReplicaSet that it was scaling up previously
-- it will add it to its list of old ReplicaSets and start scaling it down.
For example, suppose you create a Deployment to create 5 replicas of nginx:1.14.2,
but then update the Deployment to create 5 replicas of nginx:1.16.1, when only 3
replicas of nginx:1.14.2 had been created. In that case, the Deployment immediately starts
killing the 3 nginx:1.14.2 Pods that it had created, and starts creating
nginx:1.16.1 Pods. It does not wait for the 5 replicas of nginx:1.14.2 to be created
before changing course.
Label selector updates
It is generally discouraged to make label selector updates and it is suggested to plan your selectors up front.
In any case, if you need to perform a label selector update, exercise great caution and make sure you have grasped
all of the implications.
In API version apps/v1, a Deployment's label selector is immutable after it gets created.
Selector additions require the Pod template labels in the Deployment spec to be updated with the new label too,
otherwise a validation error is returned. This change is a non-overlapping one, meaning that the new selector does
not select ReplicaSets and Pods created with the old selector, resulting in orphaning all old ReplicaSets and
creating a new ReplicaSet.
Selector updates changes the existing value in a selector key -- result in the same behavior as additions.
Selector removals removes an existing key from the Deployment selector -- do not require any changes in the
Pod template labels. Existing ReplicaSets are not orphaned, and a new ReplicaSet is not created, but note that the
removed label still exists in any existing Pods and ReplicaSets.
Rolling Back a Deployment
Sometimes, you may want to rollback a Deployment; for example, when the Deployment is not stable, such as crash looping.
By default, all of the Deployment's rollout history is kept in the system so that you can rollback anytime you want
(you can change that by modifying revision history limit).
A Deployment's revision is created when a Deployment's rollout is triggered. This means that the
new revision is created if and only if the Deployment's Pod template (.spec.template) is changed,
for example if you update the labels or container images of the template. Other updates, such as scaling the Deployment,
do not create a Deployment revision, so that you can facilitate simultaneous manual- or auto-scaling.
This means that when you roll back to an earlier revision, only the Deployment's Pod template part is
rolled back.
Suppose that you made a typo while updating the Deployment, by putting the image name as nginx:1.161 instead of nginx:1.16.1:
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.161
The output is similar to this:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment image updated
The rollout gets stuck. You can verify it by checking the rollout status:
kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
Waiting for rollout to finish: 1 out of 3 new replicas have been updated...
Press Ctrl-C to stop the above rollout status watch. For more information on stuck rollouts,
read more here.
You see that the number of old replicas (adding the replica count from
nginx-deployment-1564180365 and nginx-deployment-2035384211) is 3, and the number of
new replicas (from nginx-deployment-3066724191) is 1.
kubectl get rs
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-1564180365 3 3 3 25s
nginx-deployment-2035384211 0 0 0 36s
nginx-deployment-3066724191 1 1 0 6s
Looking at the Pods created, you see that 1 Pod created by new ReplicaSet is stuck in an image pull loop.
kubectl get pods
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-1564180365-70iae 1/1 Running 0 25s
nginx-deployment-1564180365-jbqqo 1/1 Running 0 25s
nginx-deployment-1564180365-hysrc 1/1 Running 0 25s
nginx-deployment-3066724191-08mng 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 6s
The Deployment controller stops the bad rollout automatically, and stops scaling up the new ReplicaSet. This depends on the rollingUpdate parameters (maxUnavailable specifically) that you have specified. Kubernetes by default sets the value to 25%.
Get the description of the Deployment:
kubectl describe deployment
The output is similar to this:
Name: nginx-deployment
Namespace: default
CreationTimestamp: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 14:48:04 -0700
Labels: app=nginx
Selector: app=nginx
Replicas: 3 desired | 1 updated | 4 total | 3 available | 1 unavailable
StrategyType: RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds: 0
RollingUpdateStrategy: 25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
Labels: app=nginx
Image: nginx:1.161
Port: 80/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
Environment: <none>
Mounts: <none>
Volumes: <none>
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing True ReplicaSetUpdated
OldReplicaSets: nginx-deployment-1564180365 (3/3 replicas created)
NewReplicaSet: nginx-deployment-3066724191 (1/1 replicas created)
FirstSeen LastSeen Count From SubObjectPath Type Reason Message
--------- -------- ----- ---- ------------- -------- ------ -------
1m 1m 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 3
22s 22s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-1564180365 to 1
22s 22s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 2
22s 22s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-1564180365 to 2
21s 21s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 1
21s 21s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-1564180365 to 3
13s 13s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-2035384211 to 0
13s 13s 1 {deployment-controller } Normal ScalingReplicaSet Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-3066724191 to 1
To fix this, you need to rollback to a previous revision of Deployment that is stable.
Checking Rollout History of a Deployment
Follow the steps given below to check the rollout history:
First, check the revisions of this Deployment:
kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
deployments "nginx-deployment"
1 kubectl apply --filename=https://k8s.io/examples/controllers/nginx-deployment.yaml
2 kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1
3 kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.161
CHANGE-CAUSE is copied from the Deployment annotation kubernetes.io/change-cause to its revisions upon creation. You can specify theCHANGE-CAUSE message by:
Annotating the Deployment with kubectl annotate deployment/nginx-deployment kubernetes.io/change-cause="image updated to 1.16.1"
Manually editing the manifest of the resource.
To see the details of each revision, run:
kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-deployment --revision=2
For more details about rollout related commands, read kubectl rollout.
The Deployment is now rolled back to a previous stable revision. As you can see, a DeploymentRollback event
for rolling back to revision 2 is generated from Deployment controller.
Check if the rollback was successful and the Deployment is running as expected, run:
kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment 3/3 3 3 30m
Get the description of the Deployment:
kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
Name: nginx-deployment
Namespace: default
CreationTimestamp: Sun, 02 Sep 2018 18:17:55 -0500
Labels: app=nginx
Annotations: deployment.kubernetes.io/revision=4
kubernetes.io/change-cause=kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1
Selector: app=nginx
Replicas: 3 desired | 3 updated | 3 total | 3 available | 0 unavailable
StrategyType: RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds: 0
RollingUpdateStrategy: 25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
Labels: app=nginx
Image: nginx:1.16.1
Port: 80/TCP
Host Port: 0/TCP
Environment: <none>
Mounts: <none>
Volumes: <none>
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable
OldReplicaSets: <none>
NewReplicaSet: nginx-deployment-c4747d96c (3/3 replicas created)
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 12m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-75675f5897 to 3
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-c4747d96c to 1
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-75675f5897 to 2
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-c4747d96c to 2
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-75675f5897 to 1
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-c4747d96c to 3
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-75675f5897 to 0
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 11m deployment-controller Scaled up replica set nginx-deployment-595696685f to 1
Normal DeploymentRollback 15s deployment-controller Rolled back deployment "nginx-deployment" to revision 2
Normal ScalingReplicaSet 15s deployment-controller Scaled down replica set nginx-deployment-595696685f to 0
Scaling a Deployment
You can scale a Deployment by using the following command:
Assuming horizontal Pod autoscaling is enabled
in your cluster, you can set up an autoscaler for your Deployment and choose the minimum and maximum number of
Pods you want to run based on the CPU utilization of your existing Pods.
RollingUpdate Deployments support running multiple versions of an application at the same time. When you
or an autoscaler scales a RollingUpdate Deployment that is in the middle of a rollout (either in progress
or paused), the Deployment controller balances the additional replicas in the existing active
ReplicaSets (ReplicaSets with Pods) in order to mitigate risk. This is called proportional scaling.
For example, you are running a Deployment with 10 replicas, maxSurge=3, and maxUnavailable=2.
Ensure that the 10 replicas in your Deployment are running.
kubectl get deploy
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment 10 10 10 10 50s
You update to a new image which happens to be unresolvable from inside the cluster.
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:sometag
The output is similar to this:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment image updated
The image update starts a new rollout with ReplicaSet nginx-deployment-1989198191, but it's blocked due to the
maxUnavailable requirement that you mentioned above. Check out the rollout status:
kubectl get rs
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-1989198191 5 5 0 9s
nginx-deployment-618515232 8 8 8 1m
Then a new scaling request for the Deployment comes along. The autoscaler increments the Deployment replicas
to 15. The Deployment controller needs to decide where to add these new 5 replicas. If you weren't using
proportional scaling, all 5 of them would be added in the new ReplicaSet. With proportional scaling, you
spread the additional replicas across all ReplicaSets. Bigger proportions go to the ReplicaSets with the
most replicas and lower proportions go to ReplicaSets with less replicas. Any leftovers are added to the
ReplicaSet with the most replicas. ReplicaSets with zero replicas are not scaled up.
In our example above, 3 replicas are added to the old ReplicaSet and 2 replicas are added to the
new ReplicaSet. The rollout process should eventually move all replicas to the new ReplicaSet, assuming
the new replicas become healthy. To confirm this, run:
kubectl get deploy
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment 15 18 7 8 7m
The rollout status confirms how the replicas were added to each ReplicaSet.
kubectl get rs
The output is similar to this:
nginx-deployment-1989198191 7 7 0 7m
nginx-deployment-618515232 11 11 11 7m
Pausing and Resuming a rollout of a Deployment
When you update a Deployment, or plan to, you can pause rollouts
for that Deployment before you trigger one or more updates. When
you're ready to apply those changes, you resume rollouts for the
Deployment. This approach allows you to
apply multiple fixes in between pausing and resuming without triggering unnecessary rollouts.
For example, with a Deployment that was created:
Get the Deployment details:
kubectl get deploy
The output is similar to this:
nginx 3 3 3 3 1m
Get the rollout status:
kubectl get rs
The output is similar to this:
nginx-2142116321 3 3 3 1m
Pause by running the following command:
kubectl rollout pause deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment paused
Then update the image of the Deployment:
kubectl set image deployment/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1
The output is similar to this:
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment image updated
Notice that no new rollout started:
kubectl rollout history deployment/nginx-deployment
The initial state of the Deployment prior to pausing its rollout will continue its function, but new updates to
the Deployment will not have any effect as long as the Deployment rollout is paused.
Eventually, resume the Deployment rollout and observe a new ReplicaSet coming up with all the new updates:
nginx-2142116321 0 0 0 2m
nginx-3926361531 3 3 3 28s
You cannot rollback a paused Deployment until you resume it.
Deployment status
A Deployment enters various states during its lifecycle. It can be progressing while
rolling out a new ReplicaSet, it can be complete, or it can fail to progress.
Progressing Deployment
Kubernetes marks a Deployment as progressing when one of the following tasks is performed:
The Deployment creates a new ReplicaSet.
The Deployment is scaling up its newest ReplicaSet.
The Deployment is scaling down its older ReplicaSet(s).
New Pods become ready or available (ready for at least MinReadySeconds).
When the rollout becomes “progressing”, the Deployment controller adds a condition with the following
attributes to the Deployment's .status.conditions:
You can monitor the progress for a Deployment by using kubectl rollout status.
Complete Deployment
Kubernetes marks a Deployment as complete when it has the following characteristics:
All of the replicas associated with the Deployment have been updated to the latest version you've specified, meaning any
updates you've requested have been completed.
All of the replicas associated with the Deployment are available.
No old replicas for the Deployment are running.
When the rollout becomes “complete”, the Deployment controller sets a condition with the following
attributes to the Deployment's .status.conditions:
type: Progressing
status: "True"
reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable
This Progressing condition will retain a status value of "True" until a new rollout
is initiated. The condition holds even when availability of replicas changes (which
does instead affect the Available condition).
You can check if a Deployment has completed by using kubectl rollout status. If the rollout completed
successfully, kubectl rollout status returns a zero exit code.
kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
Waiting for rollout to finish: 2 of 3 updated replicas are available...
deployment "nginx-deployment" successfully rolled out
and the exit status from kubectl rollout is 0 (success):
Failed Deployment
Your Deployment may get stuck trying to deploy its newest ReplicaSet without ever completing. This can occur
due to some of the following factors:
Insufficient quota
Readiness probe failures
Image pull errors
Insufficient permissions
Limit ranges
Application runtime misconfiguration
One way you can detect this condition is to specify a deadline parameter in your Deployment spec:
(.spec.progressDeadlineSeconds). .spec.progressDeadlineSeconds denotes the
number of seconds the Deployment controller waits before indicating (in the Deployment status) that the
Deployment progress has stalled.
The following kubectl command sets the spec with progressDeadlineSeconds to make the controller report
lack of progress of a rollout for a Deployment after 10 minutes:
Once the deadline has been exceeded, the Deployment controller adds a DeploymentCondition with the following
attributes to the Deployment's .status.conditions:
type: Progressing
status: "False"
reason: ProgressDeadlineExceeded
This condition can also fail early and is then set to status value of "False" due to reasons as ReplicaSetCreateError.
Also, the deadline is not taken into account anymore once the Deployment rollout completes.
Kubernetes takes no action on a stalled Deployment other than to report a status condition with
reason: ProgressDeadlineExceeded. Higher level orchestrators can take advantage of it and act accordingly, for
example, rollback the Deployment to its previous version.
If you pause a Deployment rollout, Kubernetes does not check progress against your specified deadline.
You can safely pause a Deployment rollout in the middle of a rollout and resume without triggering
the condition for exceeding the deadline.
You may experience transient errors with your Deployments, either due to a low timeout that you have set or
due to any other kind of error that can be treated as transient. For example, let's suppose you have
insufficient quota. If you describe the Deployment you will notice the following section:
kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing True ReplicaSetUpdated
ReplicaFailure True FailedCreate
If you run kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml, the Deployment status is similar to this:
Eventually, once the Deployment progress deadline is exceeded, Kubernetes updates the status and the
reason for the Progressing condition:
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing False ProgressDeadlineExceeded
ReplicaFailure True FailedCreate
You can address an issue of insufficient quota by scaling down your Deployment, by scaling down other
controllers you may be running, or by increasing quota in your namespace. If you satisfy the quota
conditions and the Deployment controller then completes the Deployment rollout, you'll see the
Deployment's status update with a successful condition (status: "True" and reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable).
Type Status Reason
---- ------ ------
Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable
Progressing True NewReplicaSetAvailable
type: Available with status: "True" means that your Deployment has minimum availability. Minimum availability is dictated
by the parameters specified in the deployment strategy. type: Progressing with status: "True" means that your Deployment
is either in the middle of a rollout and it is progressing or that it has successfully completed its progress and the minimum
required new replicas are available (see the Reason of the condition for the particulars - in our case
reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable means that the Deployment is complete).
You can check if a Deployment has failed to progress by using kubectl rollout status. kubectl rollout status
returns a non-zero exit code if the Deployment has exceeded the progression deadline.
kubectl rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment
The output is similar to this:
Waiting for rollout to finish: 2 out of 3 new replicas have been updated...
error: deployment "nginx" exceeded its progress deadline
and the exit status from kubectl rollout is 1 (indicating an error):
Operating on a failed deployment
All actions that apply to a complete Deployment also apply to a failed Deployment. You can scale it up/down, roll back
to a previous revision, or even pause it if you need to apply multiple tweaks in the Deployment Pod template.
Clean up Policy
You can set .spec.revisionHistoryLimit field in a Deployment to specify how many old ReplicaSets for
this Deployment you want to retain. The rest will be garbage-collected in the background. By default,
it is 10.
Explicitly setting this field to 0, will result in cleaning up all the history of your Deployment
thus that Deployment will not be able to roll back.
The cleanup only starts after a Deployment reaches a
complete state.
If you set .spec.revisionHistoryLimit to 0, any rollout nonetheless triggers creation of a new
ReplicaSet before Kubernetes removes the old one.
Even with a non-zero revision history limit, you can have more ReplicaSets than the limit
you configure. For example, if pods are crash looping, and there are multiple rolling updates
events triggered over time, you might end up with more ReplicaSets than the
.spec.revisionHistoryLimit because the Deployment never reaches a complete state.
Canary Deployment
If you want to roll out releases to a subset of users or servers using the Deployment, you
can create multiple Deployments, one for each release, following the canary pattern described in
managing resources.
Writing a Deployment Spec
As with all other Kubernetes configs, a Deployment needs .apiVersion, .kind, and .metadata fields.
For general information about working with config files, see
deploying applications,
configuring containers, and using kubectl to manage resources documents.
When the control plane creates new Pods for a Deployment, the .metadata.name of the
Deployment is part of the basis for naming those Pods. The name of a Deployment must be a valid
DNS subdomain
value, but this can produce unexpected results for the Pod hostnames. For best compatibility,
the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a
DNS label.
The .spec.template and .spec.selector are the only required fields of the .spec.
The .spec.template is a Pod template. It has exactly the same schema as a Pod, except it is nested and does not have an apiVersion or kind.
In addition to required fields for a Pod, a Pod template in a Deployment must specify appropriate
labels and an appropriate restart policy. For labels, make sure not to overlap with other controllers. See selector.
.spec.replicas is an optional field that specifies the number of desired Pods. It defaults to 1.
Should you manually scale a Deployment, example via kubectl scale deployment deployment --replicas=X, and then you update that Deployment based on a manifest
(for example: by running kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml),
then applying that manifest overwrites the manual scaling that you previously did.
If a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (or any
similar API for horizontal scaling) is managing scaling for a Deployment, don't set .spec.replicas.
Instead, allow the Kubernetes
control plane to manage the
.spec.replicas field automatically.
.spec.selector is a required field that specifies a label selector
for the Pods targeted by this Deployment.
.spec.selector must match .spec.template.metadata.labels, or it will be rejected by the API.
In API version apps/v1, .spec.selector and .metadata.labels do not default to .spec.template.metadata.labels if not set. So they must be set explicitly. Also note that .spec.selector is immutable after creation of the Deployment in apps/v1.
A Deployment may terminate Pods whose labels match the selector if their template is different
from .spec.template or if the total number of such Pods exceeds .spec.replicas. It brings up new
Pods with .spec.template if the number of Pods is less than the desired number.
You should not create other Pods whose labels match this selector, either directly, by creating
another Deployment, or by creating another controller such as a ReplicaSet or a ReplicationController. If you
do so, the first Deployment thinks that it created these other Pods. Kubernetes does not stop you from doing this.
If you have multiple controllers that have overlapping selectors, the controllers will fight with each
other and won't behave correctly.
.spec.strategy specifies the strategy used to replace old Pods by new ones.
.spec.strategy.type can be "Recreate" or "RollingUpdate". "RollingUpdate" is
the default value.
Recreate Deployment
All existing Pods are killed before new ones are created when .spec.strategy.type==Recreate.
This will only guarantee Pod termination previous to creation for upgrades. If you upgrade a Deployment, all Pods
of the old revision will be terminated immediately. Successful removal is awaited before any Pod of the new
revision is created. If you manually delete a Pod, the lifecycle is controlled by the ReplicaSet and the
replacement will be created immediately (even if the old Pod is still in a Terminating state). If you need an
"at most" guarantee for your Pods, you should consider using a
Rolling Update Deployment
The Deployment updates Pods in a rolling update
fashion when .spec.strategy.type==RollingUpdate. You can specify maxUnavailable and maxSurge to control
the rolling update process.
Max Unavailable
.spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable is an optional field that specifies the maximum number
of Pods that can be unavailable during the update process. The value can be an absolute number (for example, 5)
or a percentage of desired Pods (for example, 10%). The absolute number is calculated from percentage by
rounding down. The value cannot be 0 if .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge is 0. The default value is 25%.
For example, when this value is set to 30%, the old ReplicaSet can be scaled down to 70% of desired
Pods immediately when the rolling update starts. Once new Pods are ready, old ReplicaSet can be scaled
down further, followed by scaling up the new ReplicaSet, ensuring that the total number of Pods available
at all times during the update is at least 70% of the desired Pods.
Max Surge
.spec.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge is an optional field that specifies the maximum number of Pods
that can be created over the desired number of Pods. The value can be an absolute number (for example, 5) or a
percentage of desired Pods (for example, 10%). The value cannot be 0 if MaxUnavailable is 0. The absolute number
is calculated from the percentage by rounding up. The default value is 25%.
For example, when this value is set to 30%, the new ReplicaSet can be scaled up immediately when the
rolling update starts, such that the total number of old and new Pods does not exceed 130% of desired
Pods. Once old Pods have been killed, the new ReplicaSet can be scaled up further, ensuring that the
total number of Pods running at any time during the update is at most 130% of desired Pods.
Here are some Rolling Update Deployment examples that use the maxUnavailable and maxSurge:
.spec.progressDeadlineSeconds is an optional field that specifies the number of seconds you want
to wait for your Deployment to progress before the system reports back that the Deployment has
failed progressing - surfaced as a condition with type: Progressing, status: "False".
and reason: ProgressDeadlineExceeded in the status of the resource. The Deployment controller will keep
retrying the Deployment. This defaults to 600. In the future, once automatic rollback will be implemented, the Deployment
controller will roll back a Deployment as soon as it observes such a condition.
If specified, this field needs to be greater than .spec.minReadySeconds.
Min Ready Seconds
.spec.minReadySeconds is an optional field that specifies the minimum number of seconds for which a newly
created Pod should be ready without any of its containers crashing, for it to be considered available.
This defaults to 0 (the Pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready). To learn more about when
a Pod is considered ready, see Container Probes.
Revision History Limit
A Deployment's revision history is stored in the ReplicaSets it controls.
.spec.revisionHistoryLimit is an optional field that specifies the number of old ReplicaSets to retain
to allow rollback. These old ReplicaSets consume resources in etcd and crowd the output of kubectl get rs. The configuration of each Deployment revision is stored in its ReplicaSets; therefore, once an old ReplicaSet is deleted, you lose the ability to rollback to that revision of Deployment. By default, 10 old ReplicaSets will be kept, however its ideal value depends on the frequency and stability of new Deployments.
More specifically, setting this field to zero means that all old ReplicaSets with 0 replicas will be cleaned up.
In this case, a new Deployment rollout cannot be undone, since its revision history is cleaned up.
.spec.paused is an optional boolean field for pausing and resuming a Deployment. The only difference between
a paused Deployment and one that is not paused, is that any changes into the PodTemplateSpec of the paused
Deployment will not trigger new rollouts as long as it is paused. A Deployment is not paused by default when
it is created.
A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. Usually, you define a Deployment and let that Deployment manage ReplicaSets automatically.
A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often
used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.
How a ReplicaSet works
A ReplicaSet is defined with fields, including a selector that specifies how to identify Pods it can acquire, a number
of replicas indicating how many Pods it should be maintaining, and a pod template specifying the data of new Pods
it should create to meet the number of replicas criteria. A ReplicaSet then fulfills its purpose by creating
and deleting Pods as needed to reach the desired number. When a ReplicaSet needs to create new Pods, it uses its Pod
A ReplicaSet is linked to its Pods via the Pods' metadata.ownerReferences
field, which specifies what resource the current object is owned by. All Pods acquired by a ReplicaSet have their owning
ReplicaSet's identifying information within their ownerReferences field. It's through this link that the ReplicaSet
knows of the state of the Pods it is maintaining and plans accordingly.
A ReplicaSet identifies new Pods to acquire by using its selector. If there is a Pod that has no
OwnerReference or the OwnerReference is not a Controller and it
matches a ReplicaSet's selector, it will be immediately acquired by said ReplicaSet.
When to use a ReplicaSet
A ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given
time. However, a Deployment is a higher-level concept that manages ReplicaSets and
provides declarative updates to Pods along with a lot of other useful features.
Therefore, we recommend using Deployments instead of directly using ReplicaSets, unless
you require custom update orchestration or don't require updates at all.
This actually means that you may never need to manipulate ReplicaSet objects:
use a Deployment instead, and define your application in the spec section.
apiVersion:apps/v1kind:ReplicaSetmetadata:name:frontendlabels:app:guestbooktier:frontendspec:# modify replicas according to your casereplicas:3selector:matchLabels:tier:frontendtemplate:metadata:labels:tier:frontendspec:containers:- name:php-redisimage:us-docker.pkg.dev/google-samples/containers/gke/gb-frontend:v5
Saving this manifest into frontend.yaml and submitting it to a Kubernetes cluster will
create the defined ReplicaSet and the Pods that it manages.
While you can create bare Pods with no problems, it is strongly recommended to make sure that the bare Pods do not have
labels which match the selector of one of your ReplicaSets. The reason for this is because a ReplicaSet is not limited
to owning Pods specified by its template-- it can acquire other Pods in the manner specified in the previous sections.
Take the previous frontend ReplicaSet example, and the Pods specified in the following manifest:
As those Pods do not have a Controller (or any object) as their owner reference and match the selector of the frontend
ReplicaSet, they will immediately be acquired by it.
Suppose you create the Pods after the frontend ReplicaSet has been deployed and has set up its initial Pod replicas to
fulfill its replica count requirement:
You shall see that the ReplicaSet has acquired the Pods and has only created new ones according to its spec until the
number of its new Pods and the original matches its desired count. As fetching the Pods:
kubectl get pods
Will reveal in its output:
frontend-hmmj2 1/1 Running 0 9s
pod1 1/1 Running 0 36s
pod2 1/1 Running 0 36s
In this manner, a ReplicaSet can own a non-homogeneous set of Pods
Writing a ReplicaSet manifest
As with all other Kubernetes API objects, a ReplicaSet needs the apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields.
For ReplicaSets, the kind is always a ReplicaSet.
When the control plane creates new Pods for a ReplicaSet, the .metadata.name of the
ReplicaSet is part of the basis for naming those Pods. The name of a ReplicaSet must be a valid
DNS subdomain
value, but this can produce unexpected results for the Pod hostnames. For best compatibility,
the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a
DNS label.
The .spec.template is a pod template which is also
required to have labels in place. In our frontend.yaml example we had one label: tier: frontend.
Be careful not to overlap with the selectors of other controllers, lest they try to adopt this Pod.
For the template's restart policy field,
.spec.template.spec.restartPolicy, the only allowed value is Always, which is the default.
Pod Selector
The .spec.selector field is a label selector. As discussed
earlier these are the labels used to identify potential Pods to acquire. In our
frontend.yaml example, the selector was:
In the ReplicaSet, .spec.template.metadata.labels must match spec.selector, or it will
be rejected by the API.
For 2 ReplicaSets specifying the same .spec.selector but different
.spec.template.metadata.labels and .spec.template.spec fields, each ReplicaSet ignores the
Pods created by the other ReplicaSet.
You can specify how many Pods should run concurrently by setting .spec.replicas. The ReplicaSet will create/delete
its Pods to match this number.
If you do not specify .spec.replicas, then it defaults to 1.
Working with ReplicaSets
Deleting a ReplicaSet and its Pods
To delete a ReplicaSet and all of its Pods, use
kubectl delete. The
Garbage collector automatically deletes all of
the dependent Pods by default.
When using the REST API or the client-go library, you must set propagationPolicy to
Background or Foreground in the -d option. For example:
You can delete a ReplicaSet without affecting any of its Pods using
kubectl delete
with the --cascade=orphan option.
When using the REST API or the client-go library, you must set propagationPolicy to Orphan.
For example:
Once the original is deleted, you can create a new ReplicaSet to replace it. As long
as the old and new .spec.selector are the same, then the new one will adopt the old Pods.
However, it will not make any effort to make existing Pods match a new, different pod template.
To update Pods to a new spec in a controlled way, use a
Deployment, as
ReplicaSets do not support a rolling update directly.
Isolating Pods from a ReplicaSet
You can remove Pods from a ReplicaSet by changing their labels. This technique may be used to remove Pods
from service for debugging, data recovery, etc. Pods that are removed in this way will be replaced automatically (
assuming that the number of replicas is not also changed).
Scaling a ReplicaSet
A ReplicaSet can be easily scaled up or down by simply updating the .spec.replicas field. The ReplicaSet controller
ensures that a desired number of Pods with a matching label selector are available and operational.
When scaling down, the ReplicaSet controller chooses which pods to delete by sorting the available pods to
prioritize scaling down pods based on the following general algorithm:
Pending (and unschedulable) pods are scaled down first
If controller.kubernetes.io/pod-deletion-cost annotation is set, then
the pod with the lower value will come first.
Pods on nodes with more replicas come before pods on nodes with fewer replicas.
If the pods' creation times differ, the pod that was created more recently
comes before the older pod (the creation times are bucketed on an integer log scale).
If all of the above match, then selection is random.
The annotation should be set on the pod, the range is [-2147483648, 2147483647]. It represents the cost of
deleting a pod compared to other pods belonging to the same ReplicaSet. Pods with lower deletion
cost are preferred to be deleted before pods with higher deletion cost.
The implicit value for this annotation for pods that don't set it is 0; negative values are permitted.
Invalid values will be rejected by the API server.
This feature is beta and enabled by default. You can disable it using the
feature gatePodDeletionCost in both kube-apiserver and kube-controller-manager.
This is honored on a best-effort basis, so it does not offer any guarantees on pod deletion order.
Users should avoid updating the annotation frequently, such as updating it based on a metric value,
because doing so will generate a significant number of pod updates on the apiserver.
Example Use Case
The different pods of an application could have different utilization levels. On scale down, the application
may prefer to remove the pods with lower utilization. To avoid frequently updating the pods, the application
should update controller.kubernetes.io/pod-deletion-cost once before issuing a scale down (setting the
annotation to a value proportional to pod utilization level). This works if the application itself controls
the down scaling; for example, the driver pod of a Spark deployment.
ReplicaSet as a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler Target
A ReplicaSet can also be a target for
Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPA). That is,
a ReplicaSet can be auto-scaled by an HPA. Here is an example HPA targeting
the ReplicaSet we created in the previous example.
Saving this manifest into hpa-rs.yaml and submitting it to a Kubernetes cluster should
create the defined HPA that autoscales the target ReplicaSet depending on the CPU usage
of the replicated Pods.
Deployment is an object which can own ReplicaSets and update
them and their Pods via declarative, server-side rolling updates.
While ReplicaSets can be used independently, today they're mainly used by Deployments as a mechanism to orchestrate Pod
creation, deletion and updates. When you use Deployments you don't have to worry about managing the ReplicaSets that
they create. Deployments own and manage their ReplicaSets.
As such, it is recommended to use Deployments when you want ReplicaSets.
Bare Pods
Unlike the case where a user directly created Pods, a ReplicaSet replaces Pods that are deleted or
terminated for any reason, such as in the case of node failure or disruptive node maintenance,
such as a kernel upgrade. For this reason, we recommend that you use a ReplicaSet even if your
application requires only a single Pod. Think of it similarly to a process supervisor, only it
supervises multiple Pods across multiple nodes instead of individual processes on a single node. A
ReplicaSet delegates local container restarts to some agent on the node such as Kubelet.
Use a Job instead of a ReplicaSet for Pods that are
expected to terminate on their own (that is, batch jobs).
Use a DaemonSet instead of a ReplicaSet for Pods that provide a
machine-level function, such as machine monitoring or machine logging. These Pods have a lifetime that is tied
to a machine lifetime: the Pod needs to be running on the machine before other Pods start, and are
safe to terminate when the machine is otherwise ready to be rebooted/shutdown.
ReplicaSets are the successors to ReplicationControllers.
The two serve the same purpose, and behave similarly, except that a ReplicationController does not support set-based
selector requirements as described in the labels user guide.
As such, ReplicaSets are preferred over ReplicationControllers
ReplicaSet is a top-level resource in the Kubernetes REST API.
Read the
object definition to understand the API for replica sets.
Read about PodDisruptionBudget and how
you can use it to manage application availability during disruptions.
2.3 - StatefulSets
A StatefulSet runs a group of Pods, and maintains a sticky identity for each of those Pods. This is useful for managing applications that need persistent storage or a stable, unique network identity.
StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications.
Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods.
Like a Deployment, a StatefulSet manages Pods that are based on an identical container spec. Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky identity for each of its Pods. These pods are created from the same spec, but are not interchangeable: each has a persistent identifier that it maintains across any rescheduling.
If you want to use storage volumes to provide persistence for your workload, you can use a StatefulSet as part of the solution. Although individual Pods in a StatefulSet are susceptible to failure, the persistent Pod identifiers make it easier to match existing volumes to the new Pods that replace any that have failed.
Using StatefulSets
StatefulSets are valuable for applications that require one or more of the
Stable, unique network identifiers.
Stable, persistent storage.
Ordered, graceful deployment and scaling.
Ordered, automated rolling updates.
In the above, stable is synonymous with persistence across Pod (re)scheduling.
If an application doesn't require any stable identifiers or ordered deployment,
deletion, or scaling, you should deploy your application using a workload object
that provides a set of stateless replicas.
Deployment or
ReplicaSet may be better suited to your stateless needs.
The storage for a given Pod must either be provisioned by a
PersistentVolume Provisioner (examples here)
based on the requested storage class, or pre-provisioned by an admin.
Deleting and/or scaling a StatefulSet down will not delete the volumes associated with the
StatefulSet. This is done to ensure data safety, which is generally more valuable than an
automatic purge of all related StatefulSet resources.
StatefulSets currently require a Headless Service
to be responsible for the network identity of the Pods. You are responsible for creating this
StatefulSets do not provide any guarantees on the termination of pods when a StatefulSet is
deleted. To achieve ordered and graceful termination of the pods in the StatefulSet, it is
possible to scale the StatefulSet down to 0 prior to deletion.
The example below demonstrates the components of a StatefulSet.
apiVersion:v1kind:Servicemetadata:name:nginxlabels:app:nginxspec:ports:- port:80name:webclusterIP:Noneselector:app:nginx---apiVersion:apps/v1kind:StatefulSetmetadata:name:webspec:selector:matchLabels:app:nginx# has to match .spec.template.metadata.labelsserviceName:"nginx"replicas:3# by default is 1minReadySeconds:10# by default is 0template:metadata:labels:app:nginx# has to match .spec.selector.matchLabelsspec:terminationGracePeriodSeconds:10containers:- name:nginximage:registry.k8s.io/nginx-slim:0.24ports:- containerPort:80name:webvolumeMounts:- name:wwwmountPath:/usr/share/nginx/htmlvolumeClaimTemplates:- metadata:name:wwwspec:accessModes:["ReadWriteOnce"]storageClassName:"my-storage-class"resources:requests:storage:1Gi
This example uses the ReadWriteOnce access mode, for simplicity. For
production use, the Kubernetes project recommends using the ReadWriteOncePod
access mode instead.
In the above example:
A Headless Service, named nginx, is used to control the network domain.
The StatefulSet, named web, has a Spec that indicates that 3 replicas of the nginx container will be launched in unique Pods.
The volumeClaimTemplates will provide stable storage using
PersistentVolumes provisioned by a
PersistentVolume Provisioner.
The name of a StatefulSet object must be a valid
DNS label.
Pod Selector
You must set the .spec.selector field of a StatefulSet to match the labels of its
.spec.template.metadata.labels. Failing to specify a matching Pod Selector will result in a
validation error during StatefulSet creation.
Volume Claim Templates
You can set the .spec.volumeClaimTemplates field to create a
This will provide stable storage to the StatefulSet if either
The StorageClass specified for the volume claim is set up to use dynamic
provisioning, or
The cluster already contains a PersistentVolume with the correct StorageClass
and sufficient available storage space.
Minimum ready seconds
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.25 [stable]
.spec.minReadySeconds is an optional field that specifies the minimum number of seconds for which a newly
created Pod should be running and ready without any of its containers crashing, for it to be considered available.
This is used to check progression of a rollout when using a Rolling Update strategy.
This field defaults to 0 (the Pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready). To learn more about when
a Pod is considered ready, see Container Probes.
Pod Identity
StatefulSet Pods have a unique identity that consists of an ordinal, a
stable network identity, and stable storage. The identity sticks to the Pod,
regardless of which node it's (re)scheduled on.
Ordinal Index
For a StatefulSet with N replicas, each Pod in the StatefulSet
will be assigned an integer ordinal, that is unique over the Set. By default,
pods will be assigned ordinals from 0 up through N-1. The StatefulSet controller
will also add a pod label with this index: apps.kubernetes.io/pod-index.
Start ordinal
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.31 [stable] (enabled by default: true)
.spec.ordinals is an optional field that allows you to configure the integer
ordinals assigned to each Pod. It defaults to nil. Within the field, you can
configure the following options:
.spec.ordinals.start: If the .spec.ordinals.start field is set, Pods will
be assigned ordinals from .spec.ordinals.start up through
.spec.ordinals.start + .spec.replicas - 1.
Stable Network ID
Each Pod in a StatefulSet derives its hostname from the name of the StatefulSet
and the ordinal of the Pod. The pattern for the constructed hostname
is $(statefulset name)-$(ordinal). The example above will create three Pods
named web-0,web-1,web-2.
A StatefulSet can use a Headless Service
to control the domain of its Pods. The domain managed by this Service takes the form:
$(service name).$(namespace).svc.cluster.local, where "cluster.local" is the
cluster domain.
As each Pod is created, it gets a matching DNS subdomain, taking the form:
$(podname).$(governing service domain), where the governing service is defined
by the serviceName field on the StatefulSet.
Depending on how DNS is configured in your cluster, you may not be able to look up the DNS
name for a newly-run Pod immediately. This behavior can occur when other clients in the
cluster have already sent queries for the hostname of the Pod before it was created.
Negative caching (normal in DNS) means that the results of previous failed lookups are
remembered and reused, even after the Pod is running, for at least a few seconds.
If you need to discover Pods promptly after they are created, you have a few options:
Query the Kubernetes API directly (for example, using a watch) rather than relying on DNS lookups.
Decrease the time of caching in your Kubernetes DNS provider (typically this means editing the
config map for CoreDNS, which currently caches for 30 seconds).
As mentioned in the limitations section, you are responsible for
creating the Headless Service
responsible for the network identity of the pods.
Here are some examples of choices for Cluster Domain, Service name,
StatefulSet name, and how that affects the DNS names for the StatefulSet's Pods.
For each VolumeClaimTemplate entry defined in a StatefulSet, each Pod receives one
PersistentVolumeClaim. In the nginx example above, each Pod receives a single PersistentVolume
with a StorageClass of my-storage-class and 1 GiB of provisioned storage. If no StorageClass
is specified, then the default StorageClass will be used. When a Pod is (re)scheduled
onto a node, its volumeMounts mount the PersistentVolumes associated with its
PersistentVolume Claims. Note that, the PersistentVolumes associated with the
Pods' PersistentVolume Claims are not deleted when the Pods, or StatefulSet are deleted.
This must be done manually.
Pod Name Label
When the StatefulSet controller creates a Pod,
it adds a label, statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name, that is set to the name of
the Pod. This label allows you to attach a Service to a specific Pod in
the StatefulSet.
Pod index label
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.32 [stable] (enabled by default: true)
When the StatefulSet controller creates a Pod,
the new Pod is labelled with apps.kubernetes.io/pod-index. The value of this label is the ordinal index of
the Pod. This label allows you to route traffic to a particular pod index, filter logs/metrics
using the pod index label, and more. Note the feature gate PodIndexLabel is enabled and locked by default for this
feature, in order to disable it, users will have to use server emulated version v1.31.
Deployment and Scaling Guarantees
For a StatefulSet with N replicas, when Pods are being deployed, they are created sequentially, in order from {0..N-1}.
When Pods are being deleted, they are terminated in reverse order, from {N-1..0}.
Before a scaling operation is applied to a Pod, all of its predecessors must be Running and Ready.
Before a Pod is terminated, all of its successors must be completely shutdown.
The StatefulSet should not specify a pod.Spec.TerminationGracePeriodSeconds of 0. This practice
is unsafe and strongly discouraged. For further explanation, please refer to
force deleting StatefulSet Pods.
When the nginx example above is created, three Pods will be deployed in the order
web-0, web-1, web-2. web-1 will not be deployed before web-0 is
Running and Ready, and web-2 will not be deployed until
web-1 is Running and Ready. If web-0 should fail, after web-1 is Running and Ready, but before
web-2 is launched, web-2 will not be launched until web-0 is successfully relaunched and
becomes Running and Ready.
If a user were to scale the deployed example by patching the StatefulSet such that
replicas=1, web-2 would be terminated first. web-1 would not be terminated until web-2
is fully shutdown and deleted. If web-0 were to fail after web-2 has been terminated and
is completely shutdown, but prior to web-1's termination, web-1 would not be terminated
until web-0 is Running and Ready.
Pod Management Policies
StatefulSet allows you to relax its ordering guarantees while
preserving its uniqueness and identity guarantees via its .spec.podManagementPolicy field.
OrderedReady Pod Management
OrderedReady pod management is the default for StatefulSets. It implements the behavior
described above.
Parallel Pod Management
Parallel pod management tells the StatefulSet controller to launch or
terminate all Pods in parallel, and to not wait for Pods to become Running
and Ready or completely terminated prior to launching or terminating another
Pod. This option only affects the behavior for scaling operations. Updates are not
Update strategies
A StatefulSet's .spec.updateStrategy field allows you to configure
and disable automated rolling updates for containers, labels, resource request/limits, and
annotations for the Pods in a StatefulSet. There are two possible values:
When a StatefulSet's .spec.updateStrategy.type is set to OnDelete,
the StatefulSet controller will not automatically update the Pods in a
StatefulSet. Users must manually delete Pods to cause the controller to
create new Pods that reflect modifications made to a StatefulSet's .spec.template.
The RollingUpdate update strategy implements automated, rolling updates for the Pods in a
StatefulSet. This is the default update strategy.
Rolling Updates
When a StatefulSet's .spec.updateStrategy.type is set to RollingUpdate, the
StatefulSet controller will delete and recreate each Pod in the StatefulSet. It will proceed
in the same order as Pod termination (from the largest ordinal to the smallest), updating
each Pod one at a time.
The Kubernetes control plane waits until an updated Pod is Running and Ready prior
to updating its predecessor. If you have set .spec.minReadySeconds (see
Minimum Ready Seconds), the control plane additionally waits that
amount of time after the Pod turns ready, before moving on.
Partitioned rolling updates
The RollingUpdate update strategy can be partitioned, by specifying a
.spec.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.partition. If a partition is specified, all Pods with an
ordinal that is greater than or equal to the partition will be updated when the StatefulSet's
.spec.template is updated. All Pods with an ordinal that is less than the partition will not
be updated, and, even if they are deleted, they will be recreated at the previous version. If a
StatefulSet's .spec.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.partition is greater than its .spec.replicas,
updates to its .spec.template will not be propagated to its Pods.
In most cases you will not need to use a partition, but they are useful if you want to stage an
update, roll out a canary, or perform a phased roll out.
Maximum unavailable Pods
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.24 [alpha]
You can control the maximum number of Pods that can be unavailable during an update
by specifying the .spec.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable field.
The value can be an absolute number (for example, 5) or a percentage of desired
Pods (for example, 10%). Absolute number is calculated from the percentage value
by rounding it up. This field cannot be 0. The default setting is 1.
This field applies to all Pods in the range 0 to replicas - 1. If there is any
unavailable Pod in the range 0 to replicas - 1, it will be counted towards
The maxUnavailable field is in Alpha stage and it is honored only by API servers
that are running with the MaxUnavailableStatefulSetfeature gate
Forced rollback
When using Rolling Updates with the default
Pod Management Policy (OrderedReady),
it's possible to get into a broken state that requires manual intervention to repair.
If you update the Pod template to a configuration that never becomes Running and
Ready (for example, due to a bad binary or application-level configuration error),
StatefulSet will stop the rollout and wait.
In this state, it's not enough to revert the Pod template to a good configuration.
Due to a known issue,
StatefulSet will continue to wait for the broken Pod to become Ready
(which never happens) before it will attempt to revert it back to the working
After reverting the template, you must also delete any Pods that StatefulSet had
already attempted to run with the bad configuration.
StatefulSet will then begin to recreate the Pods using the reverted template.
PersistentVolumeClaim retention
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.32 [stable] (enabled by default: true)
The optional .spec.persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy field controls if
and how PVCs are deleted during the lifecycle of a StatefulSet. You must enable the
StatefulSetAutoDeletePVCfeature gate
on the API server and the controller manager to use this field.
Once enabled, there are two policies you can configure for each StatefulSet:
configures the volume retention behavior that applies when the StatefulSet is deleted
configures the volume retention behavior that applies when the replica count of
the StatefulSet is reduced; for example, when scaling down the set.
For each policy that you can configure, you can set the value to either Delete or Retain.
The PVCs created from the StatefulSet volumeClaimTemplate are deleted for each Pod
affected by the policy. With the whenDeleted policy all PVCs from the
volumeClaimTemplate are deleted after their Pods have been deleted. With the
whenScaled policy, only PVCs corresponding to Pod replicas being scaled down are
deleted, after their Pods have been deleted.
Retain (default)
PVCs from the volumeClaimTemplate are not affected when their Pod is
deleted. This is the behavior before this new feature.
Bear in mind that these policies only apply when Pods are being removed due to the
StatefulSet being deleted or scaled down. For example, if a Pod associated with a StatefulSet
fails due to node failure, and the control plane creates a replacement Pod, the StatefulSet
retains the existing PVC. The existing volume is unaffected, and the cluster will attach it to
the node where the new Pod is about to launch.
The default for policies is Retain, matching the StatefulSet behavior before this new feature.
The StatefulSet controller adds
owner references
to its PVCs, which are then deleted by the garbage collector after the Pod is terminated. This enables the Pod to
cleanly unmount all volumes before the PVCs are deleted (and before the backing PV and
volume are deleted, depending on the retain policy). When you set the whenDeleted
policy to Delete, an owner reference to the StatefulSet instance is placed on all PVCs
associated with that StatefulSet.
The whenScaled policy must delete PVCs only when a Pod is scaled down, and not when a
Pod is deleted for another reason. When reconciling, the StatefulSet controller compares
its desired replica count to the actual Pods present on the cluster. Any StatefulSet Pod
whose id greater than the replica count is condemned and marked for deletion. If the
whenScaled policy is Delete, the condemned Pods are first set as owners to the
associated StatefulSet template PVCs, before the Pod is deleted. This causes the PVCs
to be garbage collected after only the condemned Pods have terminated.
This means that if the controller crashes and restarts, no Pod will be deleted before its
owner reference has been updated appropriate to the policy. If a condemned Pod is
force-deleted while the controller is down, the owner reference may or may not have been
set up, depending on when the controller crashed. It may take several reconcile loops to
update the owner references, so some condemned Pods may have set up owner references and
others may not. For this reason we recommend waiting for the controller to come back up,
which will verify owner references before terminating Pods. If that is not possible, the
operator should verify the owner references on PVCs to ensure the expected objects are
deleted when Pods are force-deleted.
.spec.replicas is an optional field that specifies the number of desired Pods. It defaults to 1.
Should you manually scale a deployment, example via kubectl scale statefulset statefulset --replicas=X, and then you update that StatefulSet
based on a manifest (for example: by running kubectl apply -f statefulset.yaml), then applying that manifest overwrites the manual scaling
that you previously did.
If a HorizontalPodAutoscaler
(or any similar API for horizontal scaling) is managing scaling for a
Statefulset, don't set .spec.replicas. Instead, allow the Kubernetes
control plane to manage
the .spec.replicas field automatically.
StatefulSet is a top-level resource in the Kubernetes REST API.
Read the
object definition to understand the API for stateful sets.
Read about PodDisruptionBudget and how
you can use it to manage application availability during disruptions.
2.4 - DaemonSet
A DaemonSet defines Pods that provide node-local facilities. These might be fundamental to the operation of your cluster, such as a networking helper tool, or be part of an add-on.
A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the
cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage
collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.
Some typical uses of a DaemonSet are:
running a cluster storage daemon on every node
running a logs collection daemon on every node
running a node monitoring daemon on every node
In a simple case, one DaemonSet, covering all nodes, would be used for each type of daemon.
A more complex setup might use multiple DaemonSets for a single type of daemon, but with
different flags and/or different memory and cpu requests for different hardware types.
Writing a DaemonSet Spec
Create a DaemonSet
You can describe a DaemonSet in a YAML file. For example, the daemonset.yaml file below
describes a DaemonSet that runs the fluentd-elasticsearch Docker image:
apiVersion:apps/v1kind:DaemonSetmetadata:name:fluentd-elasticsearchnamespace:kube-systemlabels:k8s-app:fluentd-loggingspec:selector:matchLabels:name:fluentd-elasticsearchtemplate:metadata:labels:name:fluentd-elasticsearchspec:tolerations:# these tolerations are to have the daemonset runnable on control plane nodes# remove them if your control plane nodes should not run pods- key:node-role.kubernetes.io/control-planeoperator:Existseffect:NoSchedule- key:node-role.kubernetes.io/masteroperator:Existseffect:NoSchedulecontainers:- name:fluentd-elasticsearchimage:quay.io/fluentd_elasticsearch/fluentd:v2.5.2resources:limits:memory:200Mirequests:cpu:100mmemory:200MivolumeMounts:- name:varlogmountPath:/var/log# it may be desirable to set a high priority class to ensure that a DaemonSet Pod# preempts running Pods# priorityClassName: importantterminationGracePeriodSeconds:30volumes:- name:varloghostPath:path:/var/log
The .spec.template is one of the required fields in .spec.
The .spec.template is a pod template.
It has exactly the same schema as a Pod,
except it is nested and does not have an apiVersion or kind.
In addition to required fields for a Pod, a Pod template in a DaemonSet has to specify appropriate
labels (see pod selector).
A Pod Template in a DaemonSet must have a RestartPolicy
equal to Always, or be unspecified, which defaults to Always.
Pod Selector
The .spec.selector field is a pod selector. It works the same as the .spec.selector of
a Job.
You must specify a pod selector that matches the labels of the
Also, once a DaemonSet is created,
its .spec.selector can not be mutated. Mutating the pod selector can lead to the
unintentional orphaning of Pods, and it was found to be confusing to users.
The .spec.selector is an object consisting of two fields:
matchExpressions - allows to build more sophisticated selectors by specifying key,
list of values and an operator that relates the key and values.
When the two are specified the result is ANDed.
The .spec.selector must match the .spec.template.metadata.labels.
Config with these two not matching will be rejected by the API.
Running Pods on select Nodes
If you specify a .spec.template.spec.nodeSelector, then the DaemonSet controller will
create Pods on nodes which match that node selector.
Likewise if you specify a .spec.template.spec.affinity,
then DaemonSet controller will create Pods on nodes which match that
node affinity.
If you do not specify either, then the DaemonSet controller will create Pods on all nodes.
How Daemon Pods are scheduled
A DaemonSet can be used to ensure that all eligible nodes run a copy of a Pod.
The DaemonSet controller creates a Pod for each eligible node and adds the
spec.affinity.nodeAffinity field of the Pod to match the target host. After
the Pod is created, the default scheduler typically takes over and then binds
the Pod to the target host by setting the .spec.nodeName field. If the new
Pod cannot fit on the node, the default scheduler may preempt (evict) some of
the existing Pods based on the
of the new Pod.
If it's important that the DaemonSet pod run on each node, it's often desirable
to set the .spec.template.spec.priorityClassName of the DaemonSet to a
with a higher priority to ensure that this eviction occurs.
The user can specify a different scheduler for the Pods of the DaemonSet, by
setting the .spec.template.spec.schedulerName field of the DaemonSet.
The original node affinity specified at the
.spec.template.spec.affinity.nodeAffinity field (if specified) is taken into
consideration by the DaemonSet controller when evaluating the eligible nodes,
but is replaced on the created Pod with the node affinity that matches the name
of the eligible node.
DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes that are unreachable from the node controller. Any DaemonSet Pods running on such nodes will not be evicted.
Only added for DaemonSet Pods that request host networking, i.e., Pods having spec.hostNetwork: true. Such DaemonSet Pods can be scheduled onto nodes with unavailable network.
You can add your own tolerations to the Pods of a DaemonSet as well, by
defining these in the Pod template of the DaemonSet.
Because the DaemonSet controller sets the
node.kubernetes.io/unschedulable:NoSchedule toleration automatically,
Kubernetes can run DaemonSet Pods on nodes that are marked as unschedulable.
If you use a DaemonSet to provide an important node-level function, such as
cluster networking, it is
helpful that Kubernetes places DaemonSet Pods on nodes before they are ready.
For example, without that special toleration, you could end up in a deadlock
situation where the node is not marked as ready because the network plugin is
not running there, and at the same time the network plugin is not running on
that node because the node is not yet ready.
Communicating with Daemon Pods
Some possible patterns for communicating with Pods in a DaemonSet are:
Push: Pods in the DaemonSet are configured to send updates to another service, such
as a stats database. They do not have clients.
NodeIP and Known Port: Pods in the DaemonSet can use a hostPort, so that the pods
are reachable via the node IPs.
Clients know the list of node IPs somehow, and know the port by convention.
DNS: Create a headless service
with the same pod selector, and then discover DaemonSets using the endpoints
resource or retrieve multiple A records from DNS.
Service: Create a service with the same Pod selector, and use the service to reach a
daemon on a random node. (No way to reach specific node.)
Updating a DaemonSet
If node labels are changed, the DaemonSet will promptly add Pods to newly matching nodes and delete
Pods from newly not-matching nodes.
You can modify the Pods that a DaemonSet creates. However, Pods do not allow all
fields to be updated. Also, the DaemonSet controller will use the original template the next
time a node (even with the same name) is created.
You can delete a DaemonSet. If you specify --cascade=orphan with kubectl, then the Pods
will be left on the nodes. If you subsequently create a new DaemonSet with the same selector,
the new DaemonSet adopts the existing Pods. If any Pods need replacing the DaemonSet replaces
them according to its updateStrategy.
It is certainly possible to run daemon processes by directly starting them on a node (e.g. using
init, upstartd, or systemd). This is perfectly fine. However, there are several advantages to
running such processes via a DaemonSet:
Ability to monitor and manage logs for daemons in the same way as applications.
Same config language and tools (e.g. Pod templates, kubectl) for daemons and applications.
Running daemons in containers with resource limits increases isolation between daemons from app
containers. However, this can also be accomplished by running the daemons in a container but not in a Pod.
Bare Pods
It is possible to create Pods directly which specify a particular node to run on. However,
a DaemonSet replaces Pods that are deleted or terminated for any reason, such as in the case of
node failure or disruptive node maintenance, such as a kernel upgrade. For this reason, you should
use a DaemonSet rather than creating individual Pods.
Static Pods
It is possible to create Pods by writing a file to a certain directory watched by Kubelet. These
are called static pods.
Unlike DaemonSet, static Pods cannot be managed with kubectl
or other Kubernetes API clients. Static Pods do not depend on the apiserver, making them useful
in cluster bootstrapping cases. Also, static Pods may be deprecated in the future.
DaemonSets are similar to Deployments in that
they both create Pods, and those Pods have processes which are not expected to terminate (e.g. web servers,
storage servers).
Use a Deployment for stateless services, like frontends, where scaling up and down the
number of replicas and rolling out updates are more important than controlling exactly which host
the Pod runs on. Use a DaemonSet when it is important that a copy of a Pod always run on
all or certain hosts, if the DaemonSet provides node-level functionality that allows other Pods to run correctly on that particular node.
For example, network plugins often include a component that runs as a DaemonSet. The DaemonSet component makes sure that the node where it's running has working cluster networking.
DaemonSet is a top-level resource in the Kubernetes REST API.
Read the
object definition to understand the API for daemon sets.
2.5 - Jobs
Jobs represent one-off tasks that run to completion and then stop.
A Job creates one or more Pods and will continue to retry execution of the Pods until a specified number of them successfully terminate.
As pods successfully complete, the Job tracks the successful completions. When a specified number
of successful completions is reached, the task (ie, Job) is complete. Deleting a Job will clean up
the Pods it created. Suspending a Job will delete its active Pods until the Job
is resumed again.
A simple case is to create one Job object in order to reliably run one Pod to completion.
The Job object will start a new Pod if the first Pod fails or is deleted (for example
due to a node hardware failure or a node reboot).
You can also use a Job to run multiple Pods in parallel.
If you want to run a Job (either a single task, or several in parallel) on a schedule,
see CronJob.
Running an example Job
Here is an example Job config. It computes π to 2000 places and prints it out.
It takes around 10s to complete.
To view completed Pods of a Job, use kubectl get pods.
To list all the Pods that belong to a Job in a machine readable form, you can use a command like this:
pods=$(kubectl get pods --selector=batch.kubernetes.io/job-name=pi --output=jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}')echo$pods
The output is similar to this:
Here, the selector is the same as the selector for the Job. The --output=jsonpath option specifies an expression
with the name from each Pod in the returned list.
As with all other Kubernetes config, a Job needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields.
When the control plane creates new Pods for a Job, the .metadata.name of the
Job is part of the basis for naming those Pods. The name of a Job must be a valid
DNS subdomain
value, but this can produce unexpected results for the Pod hostnames. For best compatibility,
the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a
DNS label.
Even when the name is a DNS subdomain, the name must be no longer than 63
Job labels will have batch.kubernetes.io/ prefix for job-name and controller-uid.
Pod Template
The .spec.template is the only required field of the .spec.
The .spec.template is a pod template.
It has exactly the same schema as a Pod,
except it is nested and does not have an apiVersion or kind.
In addition to required fields for a Pod, a pod template in a Job must specify appropriate
labels (see pod selector) and an appropriate restart policy.
Only a RestartPolicy
equal to Never or OnFailure is allowed.
Pod selector
The .spec.selector field is optional. In almost all cases you should not specify it.
See section specifying your own pod selector.
Parallel execution for Jobs
There are three main types of task suitable to run as a Job:
Non-parallel Jobs
normally, only one Pod is started, unless the Pod fails.
the Job is complete as soon as its Pod terminates successfully.
Parallel Jobs with a fixed completion count:
specify a non-zero positive value for .spec.completions.
the Job represents the overall task, and is complete when there are .spec.completions successful Pods.
when using .spec.completionMode="Indexed", each Pod gets a different index in the range 0 to .spec.completions-1.
Parallel Jobs with a work queue:
do not specify .spec.completions, default to .spec.parallelism.
the Pods must coordinate amongst themselves or an external service to determine
what each should work on. For example, a Pod might fetch a batch of up to N items from the work queue.
each Pod is independently capable of determining whether or not all its peers are done,
and thus that the entire Job is done.
when any Pod from the Job terminates with success, no new Pods are created.
once at least one Pod has terminated with success and all Pods are terminated,
then the Job is completed with success.
once any Pod has exited with success, no other Pod should still be doing any work
for this task or writing any output. They should all be in the process of exiting.
For a non-parallel Job, you can leave both .spec.completions and .spec.parallelism unset.
When both are unset, both are defaulted to 1.
For a fixed completion count Job, you should set .spec.completions to the number of completions needed.
You can set .spec.parallelism, or leave it unset and it will default to 1.
For a work queue Job, you must leave .spec.completions unset, and set .spec.parallelism to
a non-negative integer.
For more information about how to make use of the different types of job,
see the job patterns section.
Controlling parallelism
The requested parallelism (.spec.parallelism) can be set to any non-negative value.
If it is unspecified, it defaults to 1.
If it is specified as 0, then the Job is effectively paused until it is increased.
Actual parallelism (number of pods running at any instant) may be more or less than requested
parallelism, for a variety of reasons:
For fixed completion count Jobs, the actual number of pods running in parallel will not exceed the number of
remaining completions. Higher values of .spec.parallelism are effectively ignored.
For work queue Jobs, no new Pods are started after any Pod has succeeded -- remaining Pods are allowed to complete, however.
If the Job controller failed to create Pods for any reason (lack of ResourceQuota, lack of permission, etc.),
then there may be fewer pods than requested.
The Job controller may throttle new Pod creation due to excessive previous pod failures in the same Job.
When a Pod is gracefully shut down, it takes time to stop.
Completion mode
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.24 [stable]
Jobs with fixed completion count - that is, jobs that have non null
.spec.completions - can have a completion mode that is specified in .spec.completionMode:
NonIndexed (default): the Job is considered complete when there have been
.spec.completions successfully completed Pods. In other words, each Pod
completion is homologous to each other. Note that Jobs that have null
.spec.completions are implicitly NonIndexed.
Indexed: the Pods of a Job get an associated completion index from 0 to
.spec.completions-1. The index is available through four mechanisms:
The Pod annotation batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-index.
The Pod label batch.kubernetes.io/job-completion-index (for v1.28 and later). Note
the feature gate PodIndexLabel must be enabled to use this label, and it is enabled
by default.
As part of the Pod hostname, following the pattern $(job-name)-$(index).
When you use an Indexed Job in combination with a
Service, Pods within the Job can use
the deterministic hostnames to address each other via DNS. For more information about
how to configure this, see Job with Pod-to-Pod Communication.
From the containerized task, in the environment variable JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX.
Although rare, more than one Pod could be started for the same index (due to various reasons such as node failures,
kubelet restarts, or Pod evictions). In this case, only the first Pod that completes successfully will
count towards the completion count and update the status of the Job. The other Pods that are running
or completed for the same index will be deleted by the Job controller once they are detected.
Handling Pod and container failures
A container in a Pod may fail for a number of reasons, such as because the process in it exited with
a non-zero exit code, or the container was killed for exceeding a memory limit, etc. If this
happens, and the .spec.template.spec.restartPolicy = "OnFailure", then the Pod stays
on the node, but the container is re-run. Therefore, your program needs to handle the case when it is
restarted locally, or else specify .spec.template.spec.restartPolicy = "Never".
See pod lifecycle for more information on restartPolicy.
An entire Pod can also fail, for a number of reasons, such as when the pod is kicked off the node
(node is upgraded, rebooted, deleted, etc.), or if a container of the Pod fails and the
.spec.template.spec.restartPolicy = "Never". When a Pod fails, then the Job controller
starts a new Pod. This means that your application needs to handle the case when it is restarted in a new
pod. In particular, it needs to handle temporary files, locks, incomplete output and the like
caused by previous runs.
By default, each pod failure is counted towards the .spec.backoffLimit limit,
see pod backoff failure policy. However, you can
customize handling of pod failures by setting the Job's pod failure policy.
Additionally, you can choose to count the pod failures independently for each
index of an Indexed Job by setting the .spec.backoffLimitPerIndex field
(for more information, see backoff limit per index).
Note that even if you specify .spec.parallelism = 1 and .spec.completions = 1 and
.spec.template.spec.restartPolicy = "Never", the same program may
sometimes be started twice.
If you do specify .spec.parallelism and .spec.completions both greater than 1, then there may be
multiple pods running at once. Therefore, your pods must also be tolerant of concurrency.
If you specify the .spec.podFailurePolicy field, the Job controller does not consider a terminating
Pod (a pod that has a .metadata.deletionTimestamp field set) as a failure until that Pod is
terminal (its .status.phase is Failed or Succeeded). However, the Job controller
creates a replacement Pod as soon as the termination becomes apparent. Once the
pod terminates, the Job controller evaluates .backoffLimit and .podFailurePolicy
for the relevant Job, taking this now-terminated Pod into consideration.
If either of these requirements is not satisfied, the Job controller counts
a terminating Pod as an immediate failure, even if that Pod later terminates
with phase: "Succeeded".
Pod backoff failure policy
There are situations where you want to fail a Job after some amount of retries
due to a logical error in configuration etc.
To do so, set .spec.backoffLimit to specify the number of retries before
considering a Job as failed. The back-off limit is set by default to 6. Failed
Pods associated with the Job are recreated by the Job controller with an
exponential back-off delay (10s, 20s, 40s ...) capped at six minutes.
The number of retries is calculated in two ways:
The number of Pods with .status.phase = "Failed".
When using restartPolicy = "OnFailure", the number of retries in all the
containers of Pods with .status.phase equal to Pending or Running.
If either of the calculations reaches the .spec.backoffLimit, the Job is
considered failed.
If your job has restartPolicy = "OnFailure", keep in mind that your Pod running the Job
will be terminated once the job backoff limit has been reached. This can make debugging
the Job's executable more difficult. We suggest setting
restartPolicy = "Never" when debugging the Job or using a logging system to ensure output
from failed Jobs is not lost inadvertently.
Backoff limit per index
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.29 [beta]
You can only configure the backoff limit per index for an Indexed Job, if you
have the JobBackoffLimitPerIndexfeature gate
enabled in your cluster.
When you run an indexed Job, you can choose to handle retries
for pod failures independently for each index. To do so, set the
.spec.backoffLimitPerIndex to specify the maximal number of pod failures
per index.
When the per-index backoff limit is exceeded for an index, Kubernetes considers the index as failed and adds it to the
.status.failedIndexes field. The succeeded indexes, those with a successfully
executed pods, are recorded in the .status.completedIndexes field, regardless of whether you set
the backoffLimitPerIndex field.
Note that a failing index does not interrupt execution of other indexes.
Once all indexes finish for a Job where you specified a backoff limit per index,
if at least one of those indexes did fail, the Job controller marks the overall
Job as failed, by setting the Failed condition in the status. The Job gets
marked as failed even if some, potentially nearly all, of the indexes were
processed successfully.
You can additionally limit the maximal number of indexes marked failed by
setting the .spec.maxFailedIndexes field.
When the number of failed indexes exceeds the maxFailedIndexes field, the
Job controller triggers termination of all remaining running Pods for that Job.
Once all pods are terminated, the entire Job is marked failed by the Job
controller, by setting the Failed condition in the Job status.
Here is an example manifest for a Job that defines a backoffLimitPerIndex:
apiVersion:batch/v1kind:Jobmetadata:name:job-backoff-limit-per-index-examplespec:completions:10parallelism:3completionMode:Indexed # required for the featurebackoffLimitPerIndex:1# maximal number of failures per indexmaxFailedIndexes:5# maximal number of failed indexes before terminating the Job executiontemplate:spec:restartPolicy:Never# required for the featurecontainers:- name:exampleimage:pythoncommand:# The jobs fails as there is at least one failed index# (all even indexes fail in here), yet all indexes# are executed as maxFailedIndexes is not exceeded.- python3- -c- | import os, sys
print("Hello world")
if int(os.environ.get("JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX")) % 2 == 0:
In the example above, the Job controller allows for one restart for each
of the indexes. When the total number of failed indexes exceeds 5, then
the entire Job is terminated.
Once the job is finished, the Job status looks as follows:
kubectl get -o yaml job job-backoff-limit-per-index-example
status:completedIndexes:1,3,5,7,9failedIndexes:0,2,4,6,8succeeded:5# 1 succeeded pod for each of 5 succeeded indexesfailed:10# 2 failed pods (1 retry) for each of 5 failed indexesconditions:- message:Job has failed indexesreason:FailedIndexesstatus:"True"type:FailureTarget- message:Job has failed indexesreason:FailedIndexesstatus:"True"type:Failed
The Job controller adds the FailureTarget Job condition to trigger
Job termination and cleanup. When all of the
Job Pods are terminated, the Job controller adds the Failed condition
with the same values for reason and message as the FailureTarget Job
condition. For details, see Termination of Job Pods.
Additionally, you may want to use the per-index backoff along with a
pod failure policy. When using
per-index backoff, there is a new FailIndex action available which allows you to
avoid unnecessary retries within an index.
Pod failure policy
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.31 [stable] (enabled by default: true)
A Pod failure policy, defined with the .spec.podFailurePolicy field, enables
your cluster to handle Pod failures based on the container exit codes and the
Pod conditions.
In some situations, you may want to have a better control when handling Pod
failures than the control provided by the Pod backoff failure policy,
which is based on the Job's .spec.backoffLimit. These are some examples of use cases:
To optimize costs of running workloads by avoiding unnecessary Pod restarts,
you can terminate a Job as soon as one of its Pods fails with an exit code
indicating a software bug.
To guarantee that your Job finishes even if there are disruptions, you can
ignore Pod failures caused by disruptions (such as preemption,
API-initiated eviction
or taint-based eviction) so
that they don't count towards the .spec.backoffLimit limit of retries.
You can configure a Pod failure policy, in the .spec.podFailurePolicy field,
to meet the above use cases. This policy can handle Pod failures based on the
container exit codes and the Pod conditions.
Here is a manifest for a Job that defines a podFailurePolicy:
apiVersion:batch/v1kind:Jobmetadata:name:job-pod-failure-policy-examplespec:completions:12parallelism:3template:spec:restartPolicy:Nevercontainers:- name:mainimage:docker.io/library/bash:5command:["bash"]# example command simulating a bug which triggers the FailJob actionargs:- -c- echo "Hello world!" && sleep 5 && exit 42backoffLimit:6podFailurePolicy:rules:- action:FailJobonExitCodes:containerName:main # optionaloperator: In # one of:In, NotInvalues:[42]- action: Ignore # one of:Ignore, FailJob, CountonPodConditions:- type:DisruptionTarget # indicates Pod disruption
In the example above, the first rule of the Pod failure policy specifies that
the Job should be marked failed if the main container fails with the 42 exit
code. The following are the rules for the main container specifically:
an exit code of 0 means that the container succeeded
an exit code of 42 means that the entire Job failed
any other exit code represents that the container failed, and hence the entire
Pod. The Pod will be re-created if the total number of restarts is
below backoffLimit. If the backoffLimit is reached the entire Job failed.
Because the Pod template specifies a restartPolicy: Never,
the kubelet does not restart the main container in that particular Pod.
The second rule of the Pod failure policy, specifying the Ignore action for
failed Pods with condition DisruptionTarget excludes Pod disruptions from
being counted towards the .spec.backoffLimit limit of retries.
If the Job failed, either by the Pod failure policy or Pod backoff
failure policy, and the Job is running multiple Pods, Kubernetes terminates all
the Pods in that Job that are still Pending or Running.
These are some requirements and semantics of the API:
if you want to use a .spec.podFailurePolicy field for a Job, you must
also define that Job's pod template with .spec.restartPolicy set to Never.
the Pod failure policy rules you specify under spec.podFailurePolicy.rules
are evaluated in order. Once a rule matches a Pod failure, the remaining rules
are ignored. When no rule matches the Pod failure, the default
handling applies.
you may want to restrict a rule to a specific container by specifying its name
inspec.podFailurePolicy.rules[*].onExitCodes.containerName. When not specified the rule
applies to all containers. When specified, it should match one the container
or initContainer names in the Pod template.
you may specify the action taken when a Pod failure policy is matched by
spec.podFailurePolicy.rules[*].action. Possible values are:
FailJob: use to indicate that the Pod's job should be marked as Failed and
all running Pods should be terminated.
Ignore: use to indicate that the counter towards the .spec.backoffLimit
should not be incremented and a replacement Pod should be created.
Count: use to indicate that the Pod should be handled in the default way.
The counter towards the .spec.backoffLimit should be incremented.
FailIndex: use this action along with backoff limit per index
to avoid unnecessary retries within the index of a failed pod.
When you use a podFailurePolicy, the job controller only matches Pods in the
Failed phase. Pods with a deletion timestamp that are not in a terminal phase
(Failed or Succeeded) are considered still terminating. This implies that
terminating pods retain a tracking finalizer
until they reach a terminal phase.
Since Kubernetes 1.27, Kubelet transitions deleted pods to a terminal phase
(see: Pod Phase). This
ensures that deleted pods have their finalizers removed by the Job controller.
Starting with Kubernetes v1.28, when Pod failure policy is used, the Job controller recreates
terminating Pods only once these Pods reach the terminal Failed phase. This behavior is similar
to podReplacementPolicy: Failed. For more information, see Pod replacement policy.
When you use the podFailurePolicy, and the Job fails due to the pod
matching the rule with the FailJob action, then the Job controller triggers
the Job termination process by adding the FailureTarget condition.
For more details, see Job termination and cleanup.
Success policy
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.31 [beta] (enabled by default: true)
You can only configure a success policy for an Indexed Job if you have the
JobSuccessPolicyfeature gate
enabled in your cluster.
When creating an Indexed Job, you can define when a Job can be declared as succeeded using a .spec.successPolicy,
based on the pods that succeeded.
By default, a Job succeeds when the number of succeeded Pods equals .spec.completions.
These are some situations where you might want additional control for declaring a Job succeeded:
When running simulations with different parameters,
you might not need all the simulations to succeed for the overall Job to be successful.
When following a leader-worker pattern, only the success of the leader determines the success or
failure of a Job. Examples of this are frameworks like MPI and PyTorch etc.
You can configure a success policy, in the .spec.successPolicy field,
to meet the above use cases. This policy can handle Job success based on the
succeeded pods. After the Job meets the success policy, the job controller terminates the lingering Pods.
A success policy is defined by rules. Each rule can take one of the following forms:
When you specify the succeededIndexes only,
once all indexes specified in the succeededIndexes succeed, the job controller marks the Job as succeeded.
The succeededIndexes must be a list of intervals between 0 and .spec.completions-1.
When you specify the succeededCount only,
once the number of succeeded indexes reaches the succeededCount, the job controller marks the Job as succeeded.
When you specify both succeededIndexes and succeededCount,
once the number of succeeded indexes from the subset of indexes specified in the succeededIndexes reaches the succeededCount,
the job controller marks the Job as succeeded.
Note that when you specify multiple rules in the .spec.successPolicy.rules,
the job controller evaluates the rules in order. Once the Job meets a rule, the job controller ignores remaining rules.
apiVersion:batch/v1kind:Jobmetadata:name:job-successspec:parallelism:10completions:10completionMode:Indexed# Required for the success policysuccessPolicy:rules:- succeededIndexes:0,2-3succeededCount:1template:spec:containers:- name:mainimage:pythoncommand:# Provided that at least one of the Pods with 0, 2, and 3 indexes has succeeded,# the overall Job is a success.- python3- -c- | import os, sys
if os.environ.get("JOB_COMPLETION_INDEX") == "2":
In the example above, both succeededIndexes and succeededCount have been specified.
Therefore, the job controller will mark the Job as succeeded and terminate the lingering Pods
when either of the specified indexes, 0, 2, or 3, succeed.
The Job that meets the success policy gets the SuccessCriteriaMet condition with a SuccessPolicy reason.
After the removal of the lingering Pods is issued, the Job gets the Complete condition.
Note that the succeededIndexes is represented as intervals separated by a hyphen.
The number are listed in represented by the first and last element of the series, separated by a hyphen.
When you specify both a success policy and some terminating policies such as .spec.backoffLimit and .spec.podFailurePolicy,
once the Job meets either policy, the job controller respects the terminating policy and ignores the success policy.
Job termination and cleanup
When a Job completes, no more Pods are created, but the Pods are usually not deleted either.
Keeping them around allows you to still view the logs of completed pods to check for errors, warnings, or other diagnostic output.
The job object also remains after it is completed so that you can view its status. It is up to the user to delete
old jobs after noting their status. Delete the job with kubectl (e.g. kubectl delete jobs/pi or kubectl delete -f ./job.yaml).
When you delete the job using kubectl, all the pods it created are deleted too.
By default, a Job will run uninterrupted unless a Pod fails (restartPolicy=Never)
or a Container exits in error (restartPolicy=OnFailure), at which point the Job defers to the
.spec.backoffLimit described above. Once .spec.backoffLimit has been reached the Job will
be marked as failed and any running Pods will be terminated.
Another way to terminate a Job is by setting an active deadline.
Do this by setting the .spec.activeDeadlineSeconds field of the Job to a number of seconds.
The activeDeadlineSeconds applies to the duration of the job, no matter how many Pods are created.
Once a Job reaches activeDeadlineSeconds, all of its running Pods are terminated and the Job status
will become type: Failed with reason: DeadlineExceeded.
Note that a Job's .spec.activeDeadlineSeconds takes precedence over its .spec.backoffLimit.
Therefore, a Job that is retrying one or more failed Pods will not deploy additional Pods once
it reaches the time limit specified by activeDeadlineSeconds, even if the backoffLimit is not yet reached.
Note that both the Job spec and the Pod template spec
within the Job have an activeDeadlineSeconds field. Ensure that you set this field at the proper level.
Keep in mind that the restartPolicy applies to the Pod, and not to the Job itself:
there is no automatic Job restart once the Job status is type: Failed.
That is, the Job termination mechanisms activated with .spec.activeDeadlineSeconds
and .spec.backoffLimit result in a permanent Job failure that requires manual intervention to resolve.
Terminal Job conditions
A Job has two possible terminal states, each of which has a corresponding Job
Succeeded: Job condition Complete
Failed: Job condition Failed
Jobs fail for the following reasons:
The number of Pod failures exceeded the specified .spec.backoffLimit in the Job
specification. For details, see Pod backoff failure policy.
The Job runtime exceeded the specified .spec.activeDeadlineSeconds
An indexed Job that used .spec.backoffLimitPerIndex has failed indexes.
For details, see Backoff limit per index.
The number of failed indexes in the Job exceeded the specified
spec.maxFailedIndexes. For details, see Backoff limit per index
A failed Pod matches a rule in .spec.podFailurePolicy that has the FailJob
action. For details about how Pod failure policy rules might affect failure
evaluation, see Pod failure policy.
Jobs succeed for the following reasons:
The number of succeeded Pods reached the specified .spec.completions
The criteria specified in .spec.successPolicy are met. For details, see
Success policy.
In Kubernetes v1.31 and later the Job controller delays the addition of the
terminal conditions,Failed or Complete, until all of the Job Pods are terminated.
In Kubernetes v1.30 and earlier, the Job controller added the Complete or the
Failed Job terminal conditions as soon as the Job termination process was
triggered and all Pod finalizers were removed. However, some Pods would still
be running or terminating at the moment that the terminal condition was added.
In Kubernetes v1.31 and later, the controller only adds the Job terminal conditions
after all of the Pods are terminated. You can control this behavior by using the
JobManagedBy and the JobPodReplacementPolicy (both enabled by default)
feature gates.
Termination of Job pods
The Job controller adds the FailureTarget condition or the SuccessCriteriaMet
condition to the Job to trigger Pod termination after a Job meets either the
success or failure criteria.
Factors like terminationGracePeriodSeconds might increase the amount of time
from the moment that the Job controller adds the FailureTarget condition or the
SuccessCriteriaMet condition to the moment that all of the Job Pods terminate
and the Job controller adds a terminal condition
(Failed or Complete).
You can use the FailureTarget or the SuccessCriteriaMet condition to evaluate
whether the Job has failed or succeeded without having to wait for the controller
to add a terminal condition.
For example, you might want to decide when to create a replacement Job
that replaces a failed Job. If you replace the failed Job when the FailureTarget
condition appears, your replacement Job runs sooner, but could result in Pods
from the failed and the replacement Job running at the same time, using
extra compute resources.
Alternatively, if your cluster has limited resource capacity, you could choose to
wait until the Failed condition appears on the Job, which would delay your
replacement Job but would ensure that you conserve resources by waiting
until all of the failed Pods are removed.
Clean up finished jobs automatically
Finished Jobs are usually no longer needed in the system. Keeping them around in
the system will put pressure on the API server. If the Jobs are managed directly
by a higher level controller, such as
CronJobs, the Jobs can be
cleaned up by CronJobs based on the specified capacity-based cleanup policy.
TTL mechanism for finished Jobs
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.23 [stable]
Another way to clean up finished Jobs (either Complete or Failed)
automatically is to use a TTL mechanism provided by a
TTL controller for
finished resources, by specifying the .spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished field of
the Job.
When the TTL controller cleans up the Job, it will delete the Job cascadingly,
i.e. delete its dependent objects, such as Pods, together with the Job. Note
that when the Job is deleted, its lifecycle guarantees, such as finalizers, will
be honored.
The Job pi-with-ttl will be eligible to be automatically deleted, 100
seconds after it finishes.
If the field is set to 0, the Job will be eligible to be automatically deleted
immediately after it finishes. If the field is unset, this Job won't be cleaned
up by the TTL controller after it finishes.
It is recommended to set ttlSecondsAfterFinished field because unmanaged jobs
(Jobs that you created directly, and not indirectly through other workload APIs
such as CronJob) have a default deletion
policy of orphanDependents causing Pods created by an unmanaged Job to be left around
after that Job is fully deleted.
Even though the control plane eventually
garbage collects
the Pods from a deleted Job after they either fail or complete, sometimes those
lingering pods may cause cluster performance degradation or in worst case cause the
cluster to go offline due to this degradation.
You can use LimitRanges and
ResourceQuotas to place a
cap on the amount of resources that a particular namespace can
Job patterns
The Job object can be used to process a set of independent but related work items.
These might be emails to be sent, frames to be rendered, files to be transcoded,
ranges of keys in a NoSQL database to scan, and so on.
In a complex system, there may be multiple different sets of work items. Here we are just
considering one set of work items that the user wants to manage together — a batch job.
There are several different patterns for parallel computation, each with strengths and weaknesses.
The tradeoffs are:
One Job object for each work item, versus a single Job object for all work items.
One Job per work item creates some overhead for the user and for the system to manage
large numbers of Job objects.
A single Job for all work items is better for large numbers of items.
Number of Pods created equals number of work items, versus each Pod can process multiple work items.
When the number of Pods equals the number of work items, the Pods typically
requires less modification to existing code and containers. Having each Pod
process multiple work items is better for large numbers of items.
Several approaches use a work queue. This requires running a queue service,
and modifications to the existing program or container to make it use the work queue.
Other approaches are easier to adapt to an existing containerised application.
When the Job is associated with a
headless Service,
you can enable the Pods within a Job to communicate with each other to
collaborate in a computation.
The tradeoffs are summarized here, with columns 2 to 4 corresponding to the above tradeoffs.
The pattern names are also links to examples and more detailed description.
When you specify completions with .spec.completions, each Pod created by the Job controller
has an identical spec.
This means that all pods for a task will have the same command line and the same
image, the same volumes, and (almost) the same environment variables. These patterns
are different ways to arrange for pods to work on different things.
This table shows the required settings for .spec.parallelism and .spec.completions for each of the patterns.
Here, W is the number of work items.
When a Job is created, the Job controller will immediately begin creating Pods
to satisfy the Job's requirements and will continue to do so until the Job is
complete. However, you may want to temporarily suspend a Job's execution and
resume it later, or start Jobs in suspended state and have a custom controller
decide later when to start them.
To suspend a Job, you can update the .spec.suspend field of
the Job to true; later, when you want to resume it again, update it to false.
Creating a Job with .spec.suspend set to true will create it in the suspended
When a Job is resumed from suspension, its .status.startTime field will be
reset to the current time. This means that the .spec.activeDeadlineSeconds
timer will be stopped and reset when a Job is suspended and resumed.
When you suspend a Job, any running Pods that don't have a status of Completed
will be terminated
with a SIGTERM signal. The Pod's graceful termination period will be honored and
your Pod must handle this signal in this period. This may involve saving
progress for later or undoing changes. Pods terminated this way will not count
towards the Job's completions count.
An example Job definition in the suspended state can be like so:
The Job's status can be used to determine if a Job is suspended or has been
suspended in the past:
kubectl get jobs/myjob -o yaml
apiVersion:batch/v1kind:Job# .metadata and .spec omittedstatus:conditions:- lastProbeTime:"2021-02-05T13:14:33Z"lastTransitionTime:"2021-02-05T13:14:33Z"status:"True"type:SuspendedstartTime:"2021-02-05T13:13:48Z"
The Job condition of type "Suspended" with status "True" means the Job is
suspended; the lastTransitionTime field can be used to determine how long the
Job has been suspended for. If the status of that condition is "False", then the
Job was previously suspended and is now running. If such a condition does not
exist in the Job's status, the Job has never been stopped.
Events are also created when the Job is suspended and resumed:
kubectl describe jobs/myjob
Name: myjob
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal SuccessfulCreate 12m job-controller Created pod: myjob-hlrpl
Normal SuccessfulDelete 11m job-controller Deleted pod: myjob-hlrpl
Normal Suspended 11m job-controller Job suspended
Normal SuccessfulCreate 3s job-controller Created pod: myjob-jvb44
Normal Resumed 3s job-controller Job resumed
The last four events, particularly the "Suspended" and "Resumed" events, are
directly a result of toggling the .spec.suspend field. In the time between
these two events, we see that no Pods were created, but Pod creation restarted
as soon as the Job was resumed.
Mutable Scheduling Directives
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.27 [stable]
In most cases, a parallel job will want the pods to run with constraints,
like all in the same zone, or all either on GPU model x or y but not a mix of both.
The suspend field is the first step towards achieving those semantics. Suspend allows a
custom queue controller to decide when a job should start; However, once a job is unsuspended,
a custom queue controller has no influence on where the pods of a job will actually land.
This feature allows updating a Job's scheduling directives before it starts, which gives custom queue
controllers the ability to influence pod placement while at the same time offloading actual
pod-to-node assignment to kube-scheduler. This is allowed only for suspended Jobs that have never
been unsuspended before.
The fields in a Job's pod template that can be updated are node affinity, node selector,
tolerations, labels, annotations and scheduling gates.
Specifying your own Pod selector
Normally, when you create a Job object, you do not specify .spec.selector.
The system defaulting logic adds this field when the Job is created.
It picks a selector value that will not overlap with any other jobs.
However, in some cases, you might need to override this automatically set selector.
To do this, you can specify the .spec.selector of the Job.
Be very careful when doing this. If you specify a label selector which is not
unique to the pods of that Job, and which matches unrelated Pods, then pods of the unrelated
job may be deleted, or this Job may count other Pods as completing it, or one or both
Jobs may refuse to create Pods or run to completion. If a non-unique selector is
chosen, then other controllers (e.g. ReplicationController) and their Pods may behave
in unpredictable ways too. Kubernetes will not stop you from making a mistake when
specifying .spec.selector.
Here is an example of a case when you might want to use this feature.
Say Job old is already running. You want existing Pods
to keep running, but you want the rest of the Pods it creates
to use a different pod template and for the Job to have a new name.
You cannot update the Job because these fields are not updatable.
Therefore, you delete Job old but leave its pods
running, using kubectl delete jobs/old --cascade=orphan.
Before deleting it, you make a note of what selector it uses:
Then you create a new Job with name new and you explicitly specify the same selector.
Since the existing Pods have label batch.kubernetes.io/controller-uid=a8f3d00d-c6d2-11e5-9f87-42010af00002,
they are controlled by Job new as well.
You need to specify manualSelector: true in the new Job since you are not using
the selector that the system normally generates for you automatically.
The new Job itself will have a different uid from a8f3d00d-c6d2-11e5-9f87-42010af00002. Setting
manualSelector: true tells the system that you know what you are doing and to allow this
Job tracking with finalizers
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.26 [stable]
The control plane keeps track of the Pods that belong to any Job and notices if
any such Pod is removed from the API server. To do that, the Job controller
creates Pods with the finalizer batch.kubernetes.io/job-tracking. The
controller removes the finalizer only after the Pod has been accounted for in
the Job status, allowing the Pod to be removed by other controllers or users.
See My pod stays terminating if you
observe that pods from a Job are stuck with the tracking finalizer.
Elastic Indexed Jobs
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.31 [stable] (enabled by default: true)
You can scale Indexed Jobs up or down by mutating both .spec.parallelism
and .spec.completions together such that .spec.parallelism == .spec.completions.
When scaling down, Kubernetes removes the Pods with higher indexes.
Use cases for elastic Indexed Jobs include batch workloads which require
scaling an indexed Job, such as MPI, Horovod, Ray, and PyTorch training jobs.
Delayed creation of replacement pods
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.29 [beta]
You can only set podReplacementPolicy on Jobs if you enable the JobPodReplacementPolicyfeature gate
(enabled by default).
By default, the Job controller recreates Pods as soon they either fail or are terminating (have a deletion timestamp).
This means that, at a given time, when some of the Pods are terminating, the number of running Pods for a Job
can be greater than parallelism or greater than one Pod per index (if you are using an Indexed Job).
You may choose to create replacement Pods only when the terminating Pod is fully terminal (has status.phase: Failed).
To do this, set the .spec.podReplacementPolicy: Failed.
The default replacement policy depends on whether the Job has a podFailurePolicy set.
With no Pod failure policy defined for a Job, omitting the podReplacementPolicy field selects the
TerminatingOrFailed replacement policy:
the control plane creates replacement Pods immediately upon Pod deletion
(as soon as the control plane sees that a Pod for this Job has deletionTimestamp set).
For Jobs with a Pod failure policy set, the default podReplacementPolicy is Failed, and no other
value is permitted.
See Pod failure policy to learn more about Pod failure policies for Jobs.
Provided your cluster has the feature gate enabled, you can inspect the .status.terminating field of a Job.
The value of the field is the number of Pods owned by the Job that are currently terminating.
kubectl get jobs/myjob -o yaml
apiVersion:batch/v1kind:Job# .metadata and .spec omittedstatus:terminating:3# three Pods are terminating and have not yet reached the Failed phase
Delegation of managing a Job object to external controller
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.32 [beta] (enabled by default: true)
You can only set the managedBy field on Jobs if you enable the JobManagedByfeature gate
(enabled by default).
This feature allows you to disable the built-in Job controller, for a specific
Job, and delegate reconciliation of the Job to an external controller.
You indicate the controller that reconciles the Job by setting a custom value
for the spec.managedBy field - any value
other than kubernetes.io/job-controller. The value of the field is immutable.
When using this feature, make sure the controller indicated by the field is
installed, otherwise the Job may not be reconciled at all.
When developing an external Job controller be aware that your controller needs
to operate in a fashion conformant with the definitions of the API spec and
status fields of the Job object.
Please review these in detail in the Job API.
We also recommend that you run the e2e conformance tests for the Job object to
verify your implementation.
Finally, when developing an external Job controller make sure it does not use the
batch.kubernetes.io/job-tracking finalizer, reserved for the built-in controller.
If you are considering to disable the JobManagedBy feature gate, or to
downgrade the cluster to a version without the feature gate enabled, check if
there are jobs with a custom value of the spec.managedBy field. If there
are such jobs, there is a risk that they might be reconciled by two controllers
after the operation: the built-in Job controller and the external controller
indicated by the field value.
Bare Pods
When the node that a Pod is running on reboots or fails, the pod is terminated
and will not be restarted. However, a Job will create new Pods to replace terminated ones.
For this reason, we recommend that you use a Job rather than a bare Pod, even if your application
requires only a single Pod.
Replication Controller
Jobs are complementary to Replication Controllers.
A Replication Controller manages Pods which are not expected to terminate (e.g. web servers), and a Job
manages Pods that are expected to terminate (e.g. batch tasks).
As discussed in Pod Lifecycle, Job is only appropriate
for pods with RestartPolicy equal to OnFailure or Never.
(Note: If RestartPolicy is not set, the default value is Always.)
Single Job starts controller Pod
Another pattern is for a single Job to create a Pod which then creates other Pods, acting as a sort
of custom controller for those Pods. This allows the most flexibility, but may be somewhat
complicated to get started with and offers less integration with Kubernetes.
One example of this pattern would be a Job which starts a Pod which runs a script that in turn
starts a Spark master controller (see spark example),
runs a spark driver, and then cleans up.
An advantage of this approach is that the overall process gets the completion guarantee of a Job
object, but maintains complete control over what Pods are created and how work is assigned to them.
Job is part of the Kubernetes REST API.
Read the
object definition to understand the API for jobs.
Read about CronJob, which you
can use to define a series of Jobs that will run based on a schedule, similar to
the UNIX tool cron.
Practice how to configure handling of retriable and non-retriable pod failures
using podFailurePolicy, based on the step-by-step examples.
2.6 - Automatic Cleanup for Finished Jobs
A time-to-live mechanism to clean up old Jobs that have finished execution.
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.23 [stable]
When your Job has finished, it's useful to keep that Job in the API (and not immediately delete the Job)
so that you can tell whether the Job succeeded or failed.
Kubernetes' TTL-after-finished controller provides a
TTL (time to live) mechanism to limit the lifetime of Job objects that
have finished execution.
Cleanup for finished Jobs
The TTL-after-finished controller is only supported for Jobs. You can use this mechanism to clean
up finished Jobs (either Complete or Failed) automatically by specifying the
.spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished field of a Job, as in this
The TTL-after-finished controller assumes that a Job is eligible to be cleaned up
TTL seconds after the Job has finished. The timer starts once the
status condition of the Job changes to show that the Job is either Complete or Failed; once the TTL has
expired, that Job becomes eligible for
cascading removal. When the
TTL-after-finished controller cleans up a job, it will delete it cascadingly, that is to say it will delete
its dependent objects together with it.
Kubernetes honors object lifecycle guarantees on the Job, such as waiting for
You can set the TTL seconds at any time. Here are some examples for setting the
.spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished field of a Job:
Specify this field in the Job manifest, so that a Job can be cleaned up
automatically some time after it finishes.
Manually set this field of existing, already finished Jobs, so that they become eligible
for cleanup.
Use a
mutating admission webhook
to set this field dynamically at Job creation time. Cluster administrators can
use this to enforce a TTL policy for finished jobs.
Use a
mutating admission webhook
to set this field dynamically after the Job has finished, and choose
different TTL values based on job status, labels. For this case, the webhook needs
to detect changes to the .status of the Job and only set a TTL when the Job
is being marked as completed.
Write your own controller to manage the cleanup TTL for Jobs that match a particular
Updating TTL for finished Jobs
You can modify the TTL period, e.g. .spec.ttlSecondsAfterFinished field of Jobs,
after the job is created or has finished. If you extend the TTL period after the
existing ttlSecondsAfterFinished period has expired, Kubernetes doesn't guarantee
to retain that Job, even if an update to extend the TTL returns a successful API
Time skew
Because the TTL-after-finished controller uses timestamps stored in the Kubernetes jobs to
determine whether the TTL has expired or not, this feature is sensitive to time
skew in your cluster, which may cause the control plane to clean up Job objects
at the wrong time.
Clocks aren't always correct, but the difference should be
very small. Please be aware of this risk when setting a non-zero TTL.
CronJob is meant for performing regular scheduled actions such as backups, report generation,
and so on. One CronJob object is like one line of a crontab (cron table) file on a
Unix system. It runs a Job periodically on a given schedule, written in
Cron format.
CronJobs have limitations and idiosyncrasies.
For example, in certain circumstances, a single CronJob can create multiple concurrent Jobs. See the limitations below.
When the control plane creates new Jobs and (indirectly) Pods for a CronJob, the .metadata.name
of the CronJob is part of the basis for naming those Pods. The name of a CronJob must be a valid
DNS subdomain
value, but this can produce unexpected results for the Pod hostnames. For best compatibility,
the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a
DNS label.
Even when the name is a DNS subdomain, the name must be no longer than 52
characters. This is because the CronJob controller will automatically append
11 characters to the name you provide and there is a constraint that the
length of a Job name is no more than 63 characters.
This example CronJob manifest prints the current time and a hello message every minute:
The .spec.schedule field is required. The value of that field follows the Cron syntax:
# ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
# │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
# │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
# │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
# │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday)
# │ │ │ │ │ OR sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat
# │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │
# * * * * *
For example, 0 3 * * 1 means this task is scheduled to run weekly on a Monday at 3 AM.
The format also includes extended "Vixie cron" step values. As explained in the
FreeBSD manual:
Step values can be used in conjunction with ranges. Following a range
with /<number> specifies skips of the number's value through the
range. For example, 0-23/2 can be used in the hours field to specify
command execution every other hour (the alternative in the V7 standard is
0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22). Steps are also permitted after an
asterisk, so if you want to say "every two hours", just use */2.
A question mark (?) in the schedule has the same meaning as an asterisk *, that is,
it stands for any of available value for a given field.
Other than the standard syntax, some macros like @monthly can also be used:
Equivalent to
@yearly (or @annually)
Run once a year at midnight of 1 January
0 0 1 1 *
Run once a month at midnight of the first day of the month
0 0 1 * *
Run once a week at midnight on Sunday morning
0 0 * * 0
@daily (or @midnight)
Run once a day at midnight
0 0 * * *
Run once an hour at the beginning of the hour
0 * * * *
To generate CronJob schedule expressions, you can also use web tools like crontab.guru.
Job template
The .spec.jobTemplate defines a template for the Jobs that the CronJob creates, and it is required.
It has exactly the same schema as a Job, except that
it is nested and does not have an apiVersion or kind.
You can specify common metadata for the templated Jobs, such as
labels or
For information about writing a Job .spec, see Writing a Job Spec.
Deadline for delayed Job start
The .spec.startingDeadlineSeconds field is optional.
This field defines a deadline (in whole seconds) for starting the Job, if that Job misses its scheduled time
for any reason.
After missing the deadline, the CronJob skips that instance of the Job (future occurrences are still scheduled).
For example, if you have a backup Job that runs twice a day, you might allow it to start up to 8 hours late,
but no later, because a backup taken any later wouldn't be useful: you would instead prefer to wait for
the next scheduled run.
For Jobs that miss their configured deadline, Kubernetes treats them as failed Jobs.
If you don't specify startingDeadlineSeconds for a CronJob, the Job occurrences have no deadline.
If the .spec.startingDeadlineSeconds field is set (not null), the CronJob
controller measures the time between when a Job is expected to be created and
now. If the difference is higher than that limit, it will skip this execution.
For example, if it is set to 200, it allows a Job to be created for up to 200
seconds after the actual schedule.
Concurrency policy
The .spec.concurrencyPolicy field is also optional.
It specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a Job that is created by this CronJob.
The spec may specify only one of the following concurrency policies:
Allow (default): The CronJob allows concurrently running Jobs
Forbid: The CronJob does not allow concurrent runs; if it is time for a new Job run and the
previous Job run hasn't finished yet, the CronJob skips the new Job run. Also note that when the
previous Job run finishes, .spec.startingDeadlineSeconds is still taken into account and may
result in a new Job run.
Replace: If it is time for a new Job run and the previous Job run hasn't finished yet, the
CronJob replaces the currently running Job run with a new Job run
Note that concurrency policy only applies to the Jobs created by the same CronJob.
If there are multiple CronJobs, their respective Jobs are always allowed to run concurrently.
Schedule suspension
You can suspend execution of Jobs for a CronJob, by setting the optional .spec.suspend field
to true. The field defaults to false.
This setting does not affect Jobs that the CronJob has already started.
If you do set that field to true, all subsequent executions are suspended (they remain
scheduled, but the CronJob controller does not start the Jobs to run the tasks) until
you unsuspend the CronJob.
Executions that are suspended during their scheduled time count as missed Jobs.
When .spec.suspend changes from true to false on an existing CronJob without a
starting deadline, the missed Jobs are scheduled immediately.
Jobs history limits
The .spec.successfulJobsHistoryLimit and .spec.failedJobsHistoryLimit fields specify
how many completed and failed Jobs should be kept. Both fields are optional.
.spec.successfulJobsHistoryLimit: This field specifies the number of successful finished
jobs to keep. The default value is 3. Setting this field to 0 will not keep any successful jobs.
.spec.failedJobsHistoryLimit: This field specifies the number of failed finished jobs to keep.
The default value is 1. Setting this field to 0 will not keep any failed jobs.
For CronJobs with no time zone specified, the kube-controller-manager
interprets schedules relative to its local time zone.
You can specify a time zone for a CronJob by setting .spec.timeZone to the name
of a valid time zone.
For example, setting .spec.timeZone: "Etc/UTC" instructs Kubernetes to interpret
the schedule relative to Coordinated Universal Time.
A time zone database from the Go standard library is included in the binaries and used as a fallback in case an external database is not available on the system.
CronJob limitations
Unsupported TimeZone specification
Specifying a timezone using CRON_TZ or TZ variables inside .spec.schedule
is not officially supported (and never has been).
Starting with Kubernetes 1.29 if you try to set a schedule that includes TZ or CRON_TZ
timezone specification, Kubernetes will fail to create the resource with a validation
Updates to CronJobs already using TZ or CRON_TZ will continue to report a
warning to the client.
Modifying a CronJob
By design, a CronJob contains a template for new Jobs.
If you modify an existing CronJob, the changes you make will apply to new Jobs that
start to run after your modification is complete. Jobs (and their Pods) that have already
started continue to run without changes.
That is, the CronJob does not update existing Jobs, even if those remain running.
Job creation
A CronJob creates a Job object approximately once per execution time of its schedule.
The scheduling is approximate because there
are certain circumstances where two Jobs might be created, or no Job might be created.
Kubernetes tries to avoid those situations, but does not completely prevent them. Therefore,
the Jobs that you define should be idempotent.
Starting with Kubernetes v1.32, CronJobs apply an annotation
batch.kubernetes.io/cronjob-scheduled-timestamp to their created Jobs. This annotation
indicates the originally scheduled creation time for the Job and is formatted in RFC3339.
If startingDeadlineSeconds is set to a large value or left unset (the default)
and if concurrencyPolicy is set to Allow, the Jobs will always run
at least once.
If startingDeadlineSeconds is set to a value less than 10 seconds, the CronJob may not be scheduled. This is because the CronJob controller checks things every 10 seconds.
For every CronJob, the CronJob Controller checks how many schedules it missed in the duration from its last scheduled time until now. If there are more than 100 missed schedules, then it does not start the Job and logs the error.
Cannot determine if job needs to be started. Too many missed start time (> 100). Set or decrease .spec.startingDeadlineSeconds or check clock skew.
It is important to note that if the startingDeadlineSeconds field is set (not nil), the controller counts how many missed Jobs occurred from the value of startingDeadlineSeconds until now rather than from the last scheduled time until now. For example, if startingDeadlineSeconds is 200, the controller counts how many missed Jobs occurred in the last 200 seconds.
A CronJob is counted as missed if it has failed to be created at its scheduled time. For example, if concurrencyPolicy is set to Forbid and a CronJob was attempted to be scheduled when there was a previous schedule still running, then it would count as missed.
For example, suppose a CronJob is set to schedule a new Job every one minute beginning at 08:30:00, and its
startingDeadlineSeconds field is not set. If the CronJob controller happens to
be down from 08:29:00 to 10:21:00, the Job will not start as the number of missed Jobs which missed their schedule is greater than 100.
To illustrate this concept further, suppose a CronJob is set to schedule a new Job every one minute beginning at 08:30:00, and its
startingDeadlineSeconds is set to 200 seconds. If the CronJob controller happens to
be down for the same period as the previous example (08:29:00 to 10:21:00,) the Job will still start at 10:22:00. This happens as the controller now checks how many missed schedules happened in the last 200 seconds (i.e., 3 missed schedules), rather than from the last scheduled time until now.
The CronJob is only responsible for creating Jobs that match its schedule, and
the Job in turn is responsible for the management of the Pods it represents.
What's next
Learn about Pods and
Jobs, two concepts
that CronJobs rely upon.
Read about the detailed format
of CronJob .spec.schedule fields.
CronJob is part of the Kubernetes REST API.
Read the
API reference for more details.
2.8 - ReplicationController
Legacy API for managing workloads that can scale horizontally. Superseded by the Deployment and ReplicaSet APIs.
A Deployment that configures a ReplicaSet is now the recommended way to set up replication.
A ReplicationController ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one
time. In other words, a ReplicationController makes sure that a pod or a homogeneous set of pods is
always up and available.
How a ReplicationController works
If there are too many pods, the ReplicationController terminates the extra pods. If there are too few, the
ReplicationController starts more pods. Unlike manually created pods, the pods maintained by a
ReplicationController are automatically replaced if they fail, are deleted, or are terminated.
For example, your pods are re-created on a node after disruptive maintenance such as a kernel upgrade.
For this reason, you should use a ReplicationController even if your application requires
only a single pod. A ReplicationController is similar to a process supervisor,
but instead of supervising individual processes on a single node, the ReplicationController supervises multiple pods
across multiple nodes.
ReplicationController is often abbreviated to "rc" in discussion, and as a shortcut in
kubectl commands.
A simple case is to create one ReplicationController object to reliably run one instance of
a Pod indefinitely. A more complex use case is to run several identical replicas of a replicated
service, such as web servers.
Running an example ReplicationController
This example ReplicationController config runs three copies of the nginx web server.
To list all the pods that belong to the ReplicationController in a machine readable form, you can use a command like this:
pods=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=nginx --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name})echo$pods
The output is similar to this:
nginx-3ntk0 nginx-4ok8v nginx-qrm3m
Here, the selector is the same as the selector for the ReplicationController (seen in the
kubectl describe output), and in a different form in replication.yaml. The --output=jsonpath option
specifies an expression with the name from each pod in the returned list.
Writing a ReplicationController Manifest
As with all other Kubernetes config, a ReplicationController needs apiVersion, kind, and metadata fields.
When the control plane creates new Pods for a ReplicationController, the .metadata.name of the
ReplicationController is part of the basis for naming those Pods. The name of a ReplicationController must be a valid
DNS subdomain
value, but this can produce unexpected results for the Pod hostnames. For best compatibility,
the name should follow the more restrictive rules for a
DNS label.
For general information about working with configuration files, see object management.
The .spec.template is the only required field of the .spec.
The .spec.template is a pod template. It has exactly the same schema as a Pod, except it is nested and does not have an apiVersion or kind.
In addition to required fields for a Pod, a pod template in a ReplicationController must specify appropriate
labels and an appropriate restart policy. For labels, make sure not to overlap with other controllers. See pod selector.
For local container restarts, ReplicationControllers delegate to an agent on the node,
for example the Kubelet.
Labels on the ReplicationController
The ReplicationController can itself have labels (.metadata.labels). Typically, you
would set these the same as the .spec.template.metadata.labels; if .metadata.labels is not specified
then it defaults to .spec.template.metadata.labels. However, they are allowed to be
different, and the .metadata.labels do not affect the behavior of the ReplicationController.
Pod Selector
The .spec.selector field is a label selector. A ReplicationController
manages all the pods with labels that match the selector. It does not distinguish
between pods that it created or deleted and pods that another person or process created or
deleted. This allows the ReplicationController to be replaced without affecting the running pods.
If specified, the .spec.template.metadata.labels must be equal to the .spec.selector, or it will
be rejected by the API. If .spec.selector is unspecified, it will be defaulted to
Also you should not normally create any pods whose labels match this selector, either directly, with
another ReplicationController, or with another controller such as Job. If you do so, the
ReplicationController thinks that it created the other pods. Kubernetes does not stop you
from doing this.
If you do end up with multiple controllers that have overlapping selectors, you
will have to manage the deletion yourself (see below).
Multiple Replicas
You can specify how many pods should run concurrently by setting .spec.replicas to the number
of pods you would like to have running concurrently. The number running at any time may be higher
or lower, such as if the replicas were just increased or decreased, or if a pod is gracefully
shutdown, and a replacement starts early.
If you do not specify .spec.replicas, then it defaults to 1.
Working with ReplicationControllers
Deleting a ReplicationController and its Pods
To delete a ReplicationController and all its pods, use kubectl delete. Kubectl will scale the ReplicationController to zero and wait
for it to delete each pod before deleting the ReplicationController itself. If this kubectl
command is interrupted, it can be restarted.
When using the REST API or client library, you need to do the steps explicitly (scale replicas to
0, wait for pod deletions, then delete the ReplicationController).
Deleting only a ReplicationController
You can delete a ReplicationController without affecting any of its pods.
Using kubectl, specify the --cascade=orphan option to kubectl delete.
When using the REST API or client library, you can delete the ReplicationController object.
Once the original is deleted, you can create a new ReplicationController to replace it. As long
as the old and new .spec.selector are the same, then the new one will adopt the old pods.
However, it will not make any effort to make existing pods match a new, different pod template.
To update pods to a new spec in a controlled way, use a rolling update.
Isolating pods from a ReplicationController
Pods may be removed from a ReplicationController's target set by changing their labels. This technique may be used to remove pods from service for debugging and data recovery. Pods that are removed in this way will be replaced automatically (assuming that the number of replicas is not also changed).
Common usage patterns
As mentioned above, whether you have 1 pod you want to keep running, or 1000, a ReplicationController will ensure that the specified number of pods exists, even in the event of node failure or pod termination (for example, due to an action by another control agent).
The ReplicationController enables scaling the number of replicas up or down, either manually or by an auto-scaling control agent, by updating the replicas field.
Rolling updates
The ReplicationController is designed to facilitate rolling updates to a service by replacing pods one-by-one.
As explained in #1353, the recommended approach is to create a new ReplicationController with 1 replica, scale the new (+1) and old (-1) controllers one by one, and then delete the old controller after it reaches 0 replicas. This predictably updates the set of pods regardless of unexpected failures.
Ideally, the rolling update controller would take application readiness into account, and would ensure that a sufficient number of pods were productively serving at any given time.
The two ReplicationControllers would need to create pods with at least one differentiating label, such as the image tag of the primary container of the pod, since it is typically image updates that motivate rolling updates.
Multiple release tracks
In addition to running multiple releases of an application while a rolling update is in progress, it's common to run multiple releases for an extended period of time, or even continuously, using multiple release tracks. The tracks would be differentiated by labels.
For instance, a service might target all pods with tier in (frontend), environment in (prod). Now say you have 10 replicated pods that make up this tier. But you want to be able to 'canary' a new version of this component. You could set up a ReplicationController with replicas set to 9 for the bulk of the replicas, with labels tier=frontend, environment=prod, track=stable, and another ReplicationController with replicas set to 1 for the canary, with labels tier=frontend, environment=prod, track=canary. Now the service is covering both the canary and non-canary pods. But you can mess with the ReplicationControllers separately to test things out, monitor the results, etc.
Using ReplicationControllers with Services
Multiple ReplicationControllers can sit behind a single service, so that, for example, some traffic
goes to the old version, and some goes to the new version.
A ReplicationController will never terminate on its own, but it isn't expected to be as long-lived as services. Services may be composed of pods controlled by multiple ReplicationControllers, and it is expected that many ReplicationControllers may be created and destroyed over the lifetime of a service (for instance, to perform an update of pods that run the service). Both services themselves and their clients should remain oblivious to the ReplicationControllers that maintain the pods of the services.
Writing programs for Replication
Pods created by a ReplicationController are intended to be fungible and semantically identical, though their configurations may become heterogeneous over time. This is an obvious fit for replicated stateless servers, but ReplicationControllers can also be used to maintain availability of master-elected, sharded, and worker-pool applications. Such applications should use dynamic work assignment mechanisms, such as the RabbitMQ work queues, as opposed to static/one-time customization of the configuration of each pod, which is considered an anti-pattern. Any pod customization performed, such as vertical auto-sizing of resources (for example, cpu or memory), should be performed by another online controller process, not unlike the ReplicationController itself.
Responsibilities of the ReplicationController
The ReplicationController ensures that the desired number of pods matches its label selector and are operational. Currently, only terminated pods are excluded from its count. In the future, readiness and other information available from the system may be taken into account, we may add more controls over the replacement policy, and we plan to emit events that could be used by external clients to implement arbitrarily sophisticated replacement and/or scale-down policies.
The ReplicationController is forever constrained to this narrow responsibility. It itself will not perform readiness nor liveness probes. Rather than performing auto-scaling, it is intended to be controlled by an external auto-scaler (as discussed in #492), which would change its replicas field. We will not add scheduling policies (for example, spreading) to the ReplicationController. Nor should it verify that the pods controlled match the currently specified template, as that would obstruct auto-sizing and other automated processes. Similarly, completion deadlines, ordering dependencies, configuration expansion, and other features belong elsewhere. We even plan to factor out the mechanism for bulk pod creation (#170).
The ReplicationController is intended to be a composable building-block primitive. We expect higher-level APIs and/or tools to be built on top of it and other complementary primitives for user convenience in the future. The "macro" operations currently supported by kubectl (run, scale) are proof-of-concept examples of this. For instance, we could imagine something like Asgard managing ReplicationControllers, auto-scalers, services, scheduling policies, canaries, etc.
API Object
Replication controller is a top-level resource in the Kubernetes REST API. More details about the
API object can be found at:
ReplicationController API object.
Alternatives to ReplicationController
ReplicaSet is the next-generation ReplicationController that supports the new set-based label selector.
It's mainly used by Deployment as a mechanism to orchestrate pod creation, deletion and updates.
Note that we recommend using Deployments instead of directly using Replica Sets, unless you require custom update orchestration or don't require updates at all.
Deployment (Recommended)
Deployment is a higher-level API object that updates its underlying Replica Sets and their Pods. Deployments are recommended if you want the rolling update functionality, because they are declarative, server-side, and have additional features.
Bare Pods
Unlike in the case where a user directly created pods, a ReplicationController replaces pods that are deleted or terminated for any reason, such as in the case of node failure or disruptive node maintenance, such as a kernel upgrade. For this reason, we recommend that you use a ReplicationController even if your application requires only a single pod. Think of it similarly to a process supervisor, only it supervises multiple pods across multiple nodes instead of individual processes on a single node. A ReplicationController delegates local container restarts to some agent on the node, such as the kubelet.
Use a Job instead of a ReplicationController for pods that are expected to terminate on their own
(that is, batch jobs).
Use a DaemonSet instead of a ReplicationController for pods that provide a
machine-level function, such as machine monitoring or machine logging. These pods have a lifetime that is tied
to a machine lifetime: the pod needs to be running on the machine before other pods start, and are
safe to terminate when the machine is otherwise ready to be rebooted/shutdown.
Learn about Deployment, the replacement
for ReplicationController.
ReplicationController is part of the Kubernetes REST API.
Read the
object definition to understand the API for replication controllers.
3 - Autoscaling Workloads
With autoscaling, you can automatically update your workloads in one way or another. This allows your cluster to react to changes in resource demand more elastically and efficiently.
In Kubernetes, you can scale a workload depending on the current demand of resources.
This allows your cluster to react to changes in resource demand more elastically and efficiently.
When you scale a workload, you can either increase or decrease the number of replicas managed by
the workload, or adjust the resources available to the replicas in-place.
The first approach is referred to as horizontal scaling, while the second is referred to as
vertical scaling.
There are manual and automatic ways to scale your workloads, depending on your use case.
Scaling workloads manually
Kubernetes supports manual scaling of workloads. Horizontal scaling can be done
using the kubectl CLI.
For vertical scaling, you need to patch the resource definition of your workload.
Kubernetes also supports automatic scaling of workloads, which is the focus of this page.
The concept of Autoscaling in Kubernetes refers to the ability to automatically update an
object that manages a set of Pods (for example a
Scaling workloads horizontally
In Kubernetes, you can automatically scale a workload horizontally using a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA).
It is implemented as a Kubernetes API resource and a controller
and periodically adjusts the number of replicas
in a workload to match observed resource utilization such as CPU or memory usage.
There is a walkthrough tutorial of configuring a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for a Deployment.
Scaling workloads vertically
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.25 [stable]
You can automatically scale a workload vertically using a VerticalPodAutoscaler (VPA).
Unlike the HPA, the VPA doesn't come with Kubernetes by default, but is a separate project
that can be found on GitHub.
Once installed, it allows you to create CustomResourceDefinitions
(CRDs) for your workloads which define how and when to scale the resources of the managed replicas.
You will need to have the Metrics Server
installed to your cluster for the VPA to work.
At the moment, the VPA can operate in four different modes:
Different modes of the VPA
Currently, Recreate might change to in-place updates in the future
The VPA assigns resource requests on pod creation as well as updates them on existing pods by evicting them when the requested resources differ significantly from the new recommendation
The VPA only assigns resource requests on pod creation and never changes them later.
The VPA does not automatically change the resource requirements of the pods. The recommendations are calculated and can be inspected in the VPA object.
Requirements for in-place resizing
FEATURE STATE:Kubernetes v1.27 [alpha] (enabled by default: false)
Resizing a workload in-place without restarting the Pods
or its Containers requires Kubernetes version 1.27 or later.
Additionally, the InPlaceVerticalScaling feature gate needs to be enabled.
InPlacePodVerticalScaling: Enables in-place Pod vertical scaling.
Autoscaling based on cluster size
For workloads that need to be scaled based on the size of the cluster (for example
cluster-dns or other system components), you can use the
Cluster Proportional Autoscaler.
Just like the VPA, it is not part of the Kubernetes core, but hosted as its
own project on GitHub.
The Cluster Proportional Autoscaler watches the number of schedulable nodes
and cores and scales the number of replicas of the target workload accordingly.
If the number of replicas should stay the same, you can scale your workloads vertically according to the cluster size using
the Cluster Proportional Vertical Autoscaler.
The project is currently in beta and can be found on GitHub.
While the Cluster Proportional Autoscaler scales the number of replicas of a workload, the Cluster Proportional Vertical Autoscaler
adjusts the resource requests for a workload (for example a Deployment or DaemonSet) based on the number of nodes and/or cores
in the cluster.
KEDA is a CNCF-graduated project enabling you to scale your workloads based on the number
of events to be processed, for example the amount of messages in a queue. There exists
a wide range of adapters for different event sources to choose from.
Autoscaling based on schedules
Another strategy for scaling your workloads is to schedule the scaling operations, for example in order to
reduce resource consumption during off-peak hours.
Similar to event driven autoscaling, such behavior can be achieved using KEDA in conjunction with
its Cron scaler. The Cron scaler allows you to define schedules
(and time zones) for scaling your workloads in or out.
Scaling cluster infrastructure
If scaling workloads isn't enough to meet your needs, you can also scale your cluster infrastructure itself.
Scaling the cluster infrastructure normally means adding or removing nodes.
Read Node autoscaling
for more information.
You've deployed your application and exposed it via a Service. Now what? Kubernetes provides a
number of tools to help you manage your application deployment, including scaling and updating.
Organizing resource configurations
Many applications require multiple resources to be created, such as a Deployment along with a Service.
Management of multiple resources can be simplified by grouping them together in the same file
(separated by --- in YAML). For example:
service/my-nginx-svc created
deployment.apps/my-nginx created
The resources will be created in the order they appear in the manifest. Therefore, it's best to
specify the Service first, since that will ensure the scheduler can spread the pods associated
with the Service as they are created by the controller(s), such as Deployment.
It is a recommended practice to put resources related to the same microservice or application tier
into the same file, and to group all of the files associated with your application in the same
directory. If the tiers of your application bind to each other using DNS, you can deploy all of
the components of your stack together.
A URL can also be specified as a configuration source, which is handy for deploying directly from
manifests in your source control system:
If you need to define more manifests, such as adding a ConfigMap, you can do that too.
External tools
This section lists only the most common tools used for managing workloads on Kubernetes. To see a larger list, view
Application definition and image build
in the CNCF Landscape.
🛇 This item links to a third party project or product that is not part of Kubernetes itself. More information
Helm is a tool for managing packages of pre-configured
Kubernetes resources. These packages are known as Helm charts.
Kustomize traverses a Kubernetes manifest to add, remove or update configuration options.
It is available both as a standalone binary and as a native feature
of kubectl.
Bulk operations in kubectl
Resource creation isn't the only operation that kubectl can perform in bulk. It can also extract
resource names from configuration files in order to perform other operations, in particular to
delete the same resources you created:
For larger numbers of resources, you'll find it easier to specify the selector (label query)
specified using -l or --selector, to filter resources by their labels:
kubectl delete deployment,services -l app=nginx
deployment.apps "my-nginx" deleted
service "my-nginx-svc" deleted
Chaining and filtering
Because kubectl outputs resource names in the same syntax it accepts, you can chain operations
using $() or xargs:
kubectl get $(kubectl create -f docs/concepts/cluster-administration/nginx/ -o name | grep service/ )kubectl create -f docs/concepts/cluster-administration/nginx/ -o name | grep service/ | xargs -i kubectl get '{}'
The output might be similar to:
my-nginx-svc LoadBalancer <pending> 80/TCP 0s
With the above commands, first you create resources under examples/application/nginx/ and print
the resources created with -o name output format (print each resource as resource/name).
Then you grep only the Service, and then print it with kubectl get.
Recursive operations on local files
If you happen to organize your resources across several subdirectories within a particular
directory, you can recursively perform the operations on the subdirectories also, by specifying
--recursive or -R alongside the --filename/-f argument.
For instance, assume there is a directory project/k8s/development that holds all of the
manifests needed for the development environment,
organized by resource type:
By default, performing a bulk operation on project/k8s/development will stop at the first level
of the directory, not processing any subdirectories. If you had tried to create the resources in
this directory using the following command, we would have encountered an error:
kubectl apply -f project/k8s/development
error: you must provide one or more resources by argument or filename (.json|.yaml|.yml|stdin)
Instead, specify the --recursive or -R command line argument along with the --filename/-f argument:
configmap/my-config created
deployment.apps/my-deployment created
persistentvolumeclaim/my-pvc created
The --recursive argument works with any operation that accepts the --filename/-f argument such as:
kubectl create, kubectl get, kubectl delete, kubectl describe, or even kubectl rollout.
The --recursive argument also works when multiple -f arguments are provided:
namespace/development created
namespace/staging created
configmap/my-config created
deployment.apps/my-deployment created
persistentvolumeclaim/my-pvc created
At some point, you'll eventually need to update your deployed application, typically by specifying
a new image or image tag. kubectl supports several update operations, each of which is applicable
to different scenarios.
You can run multiple copies of your app, and use a rollout to gradually shift the traffic to
new healthy Pods. Eventually, all the running Pods would have the new software.
This section of the page guides you through how to create and update applications with Deployments.
Let's say you were running version 1.14.2 of nginx:
To update to version 1.16.1, change .spec.template.spec.containers[0].image from nginx:1.14.2
to nginx:1.16.1 using kubectl edit:
kubectl edit deployment/my-nginx
# Change the manifest to use the newer container image, then save your changes
That's it! The Deployment will declaratively update the deployed nginx application progressively
behind the scene. It ensures that only a certain number of old replicas may be down while they are
being updated, and only a certain number of new replicas may be created above the desired number
of pods. To learn more details about how this happens,
visit Deployment.
You can use rollouts with DaemonSets, Deployments, or StatefulSets.
Managing rollouts
You can use kubectl rollout to manage a
progressive update of an existing application.
For example:
kubectl apply -f my-deployment.yaml
# wait for rollout to finishkubectl rollout status deployment/my-deployment --timeout 10m # 10 minute timeout
kubectl apply -f backing-stateful-component.yaml
# don't wait for rollout to finish, just check the statuskubectl rollout status statefulsets/backing-stateful-component --watch=false
You can also pause, resume or cancel a rollout.
Visit kubectl rollout to learn more.
Canary deployments
Another scenario where multiple labels are needed is to distinguish deployments of different
releases or configurations of the same component. It is common practice to deploy a canary of a
new application release (specified via image tag in the pod template) side by side with the
previous release so that the new release can receive live production traffic before fully rolling
it out.
For instance, you can use a track label to differentiate different releases.
The primary, stable release would have a track label with value as stable:
and then you can create a new release of the guestbook frontend that carries the track label
with different value (i.e. canary), so that two sets of pods would not overlap:
The frontend service would span both sets of replicas by selecting the common subset of their
labels (i.e. omitting the track label), so that the traffic will be redirected to both
You can tweak the number of replicas of the stable and canary releases to determine the ratio of
each release that will receive live production traffic (in this case, 3:1).
Once you're confident, you can update the stable track to the new application release and remove
the canary one.
Updating annotations
Sometimes you would want to attach annotations to resources. Annotations are arbitrary
non-identifying metadata for retrieval by API clients such as tools or libraries.
This can be done with kubectl annotate. For example:
When load on your application grows or shrinks, use kubectl to scale your application.
For instance, to decrease the number of nginx replicas from 3 to 1, do:
kubectl scale deployment/my-nginx --replicas=1
deployment.apps/my-nginx scaled
Now you only have one pod managed by the deployment.
kubectl get pods -l app=nginx
my-nginx-2035384211-j5fhi 1/1 Running 0 30m
To have the system automatically choose the number of nginx replicas as needed,
ranging from 1 to 3, do:
# This requires an existing source of container and Pod metricskubectl autoscale deployment/my-nginx --min=1 --max=3
Sometimes it's necessary to make narrow, non-disruptive updates to resources you've created.
kubectl apply
It is suggested to maintain a set of configuration files in source control
(see configuration as code),
so that they can be maintained and versioned along with the code for the resources they configure.
Then, you can use kubectl apply
to push your configuration changes to the cluster.
This command will compare the version of the configuration that you're pushing with the previous
version and apply the changes you've made, without overwriting any automated changes to properties
you haven't specified.
To learn more about the underlying mechanism, read server-side apply.
kubectl edit
Alternatively, you may also update resources with kubectl edit:
kubectl edit deployment/my-nginx
This is equivalent to first get the resource, edit it in text editor, and then apply the
resource with the updated version:
kubectl get deployment my-nginx -o yaml > /tmp/nginx.yaml
vi /tmp/nginx.yaml
# do some edit, and then save the filekubectl apply -f /tmp/nginx.yaml
deployment.apps/my-nginx configured
rm /tmp/nginx.yaml
This allows you to do more significant changes more easily. Note that you can specify the editor
with your EDITOR or KUBE_EDITOR environment variables.
In some cases, you may need to update resource fields that cannot be updated once initialized, or
you may want to make a recursive change immediately, such as to fix broken pods created by a
Deployment. To change such fields, use replace --force, which deletes and re-creates the
resource. In this case, you can modify your original configuration file: